Why did Robert Daly allow the AIs to have sentience and free will?

Why did Robert Daly allow the AIs to have sentience and free will?

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that's the entire point. He wants to simulate having power over those around him, and got a real kick over the fact that he could ACTUALLY torture his coworkers and not just two dimensional copies of them

>Somehow creates a perfect copy of his subordinates out of spit.
>Doesn't simply fire them for insubordination at work.
>"Fuck gamers, amirite?"
>This somehow makes perfect sense.



>hah the cto can totally just fire the ceo
>especially when he has literally zero power and is basically ignored by his subordinates because said CEO is more popular
Gamers are too stupid to have opinions on anything other than the latest Call of Duty or whatever schlock they’re buying up by the millions this month.

No idea. Presumably because he's somehow so evil and sadistic that he gets off on the idea that they're fully sentient. That's the only explanation.

Anyone with any semblance of conscience or forethought of self-preservation would edit the "sentient code" so that it had a finite memory, didn't remember its past life, loved him unconditionally, couldn't be violent, couldn't live while he was logged out, etc.

It was a dumb episode that was only written to bludgeon the audience with an overly didactic moral.

The CTO of a company has no power whatsoever? Give me a fucking break.

Sure, he can't fire the CEO, but fucking hell.

Him simply firing them in the virtual world and the story being over is boring as fuck. It's more interesting that he's playing out an extended power fantasy with different adventures every time.

>How the fuck did the guy know where in the antagonist's apartment he kept his DNA samples?
>How the fuck did some random coder woman scale a building and go full Splinter Cell without ANY issues whatsoever?
>Why the fuck wasn't the guy able to exit the game with the command "exit game" at the end?
>Why the fuck would he be unaware of how the update would effect his game when he is the lead programmer/systems designer?
>Why the fuck would he program some kind of retarded constraint like "I need to be holding this random device to exit the game or else I'm trapped here forever"?
>Why did he chase them in a fucking ship at the end despite him supposedly being the "god" of this universe who can control every aspect of it?
>Why the fuck can't he just actually pause the game?
>Why the fuck couldn't he just disconnect his mod from the internet?
>Why the fuck did the antagonist just SUDDENLY believe the woman when she was throwing herself at him despite her clearly resisting and despising him LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR FUCKING HOURS AGO.
>How did a tech genius with a home as nice and secure as his not have any sort of security system or cameras?
>Why the fuck would a woman risk a felony over pictures of her lying on a bed in underwear (not even nude or engaged in sexual activity)?
>Why would he actively need a live sample of their DNA if he had already uploaded it and synthesized it into data form? Why is there not a copy on his hard drive now?
>Also, how in the fuck did he copy his coworkers' memories from just their DNA?
>How the fuck did they hack their way out when all the buttons are useless and only for show?

...because Black Mirror is a shitty show with even shittier writing.

That's how the story would really go, though. And even if he acted out his fantasies, why wouldn't he put in safeguards beyond safeguards?

He must have been a tech evangelist.
One of those people that calls you an idiot Luddite for suggesting that AI might be potentially dangerous or immoral.

Im asking again. Who is this actress? Or what is the show?

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

They spend the first quarter of the runtime establishing that his title doesn’t command any respect or power and that he’s there solely because there’s no way to get rid of him.

Black Mirror 4x01 - USS Callister

Just stop watching British Horror Story.
It's really that fucking simple, Sup Forums. That show's been shit since the pig fucking episode.

That looks like a Star Trek themed college pamphlet cover.

>doesn’t command any respect or power
...even though he's the architect of all of their profitable products.

>there’s no way to get rid of him.
...because they'd lose shitloads of money.

That's the narrative these faggots are pushing:
It's not what you do that demands respect, it's your vagina.
You DO have a vagina, don't you?

Why didn't he input some type of God mode that he can activate at any time


>You DO have a vagina, don't you?
Shit. I don't.

>implying any corporation is or has ever been a meritocracy
You two are very, very stupid. Charisma matters more than talent any day.

Glad I dropped this show.

Because they are cautionary science fiction fairy tales, their entire point is to be thought provoking, not to make sense.

The show is not real, and sometimes its not even literal.

Somehow this is to too lofty a concept for Sup Forums

Not my point. Starfleet, the corporation that British Horror Story was lampooning, is a meritocracy. Their point was that merit doesn't make a shit if you're a white male, because you're probably evil anyway.

>their entire point is to be thought provoking
Then they're failing miserably. Most if not all of these plots have been done before by better writers who made their points much more effectively.

>In other words, fuck white people.

In books yes, not on tv.

It was cristin milloti. I knew it. She's the prettiest woman USA has ever made.

Shut up and dance was pretty thought provoking. You had a young adult who was put through dangerous tasks to keep his secret of child porn

>not on tv
Which was supposed to be their job.
They've failed.


They've failed because you're the authority on the matter? Lel get fucked you contrarian poser

No, they failed for the reason I've listed. They're telling stories that have been told before by better writers who made better points.
Black Mirror has failed to do for television what good science fiction has done for books.

>He think the episode is really like that

The consumer is the authority of the quality of a published work.

No, I know what it's really like thanks to threads like this.
That was aimed at the cringeworthy attempts at parody.

1- he probably boasted to the ceo guy at some point about how he keeps his sons dna in a fridge by his desk so he could upload him again any time to torture him

2 the power of potential nudes leakage

3-because that would ruin the plot.

4- he'd become barely involved in the games patching and updates. as seen in the office how he basically spends his days procrastinating, allowing his team to do the work as he has lost all interest due to depression

5-because plot

6-maybe he has to be close to an object to be able to interact with it? like in most games even in god mode you cant hit an enemy ai from distance

7-its an online game, even if its his own server its still online therefore you cant pause it, same as all online games

8-maybe requires connection to internet to run, after all how does his head piece connect to the server? probably requires wifi of some kind, therefore it has to be internet connected

9-because despite what image he pretended to depict in game, he was still a irl loser who never got a woman's attention. she broke past his false image and he cracked, allowing himself to be tricked by the pretty girl.

10-just because he has a high tec rig doesnt mean hes gonna have high tech everything. he was in the house, why would he set his house alarm whilst he's inside? do you set your house alarm on when youre i?

11-it didnt show all the nudes, the pics shown depicted her getting more and more undressed, we can assume that off camera there were more "raunchy" images. a girl starting her career in her dream job would do anything to prevent an embarrassment which may cost her career. companies can and do fire people over shit like that. also its her nudes dude. women have done all sorts to stop leaks

12- because that copy on his harddrive is the AI itself, the AI gets deleted, the info gets deleted so he needs the dna to reupload if the AI is deleted

13-in black mirror world DNA code contains everything about you i guess.


To see if he could

because hes an evil white cis male