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who is the hebrew hammer

There's already a billion The Shadow movies
And all superheroes were made by Jewish writers

isnt superman jewish

Ben Shapiro already exists. Did anybody notify Adam Kovac about this?

The Shekeler

The Amazing Lender

Seriously. I hope Jews are finally find some success in the media.

Where are all the Super Jews at?

The Chameleon

You see, your problem was not including a picture with your post. Kids on Sup Forums these days weren't born when the Hammer was released

It's a movie you autist

I agree. Jews are woefully underrepresented in the media.



Paul rudds a jew too



The jew they try to make look strong in Predators and King Kong was absolutely pathetic.

jews jews jews


Delete this

Wake up our son, please.

fuck I hope this is true

The Sup Forums experience would be incalculably enhanced by knowing there are actual aged rabbis shitposting here and combating the forces of Sup Forums.

>Delete this
a JIDF mod will soon, along with all the rest, don't worry

Oh is that why the Jesus incident happened? Aparrently his mistake was not doing enough flips for their liking.

Bet Moses thanks his lucky stars he made sure to leave a body count before he got put in charge of looking after them.

Not to try and do the Sup Forums type thing here, but isn't the second person on the second row that Pixar dude who got in trouble for allegations, yet when after a week or two when seemed like it wasn't "too" much of a big deal that was going to blow over and that he'd be back after a sabbatical, was suddenly hammered with a whole load of "new" accusations?

Because I won't lie, if it is him, looking at this is starting to make me think a little.

it's him

Something to balance out all the Jewish villains we see in the media constantly.

So trying to keep the Jewish/non-Jewish ratio level after the Harvey trouble.

>da jew is keeping whitey down
White people are niggers compared to jews.

I thought of a rabbi action movie called Hasidic Bruise

So 19/20 most influential executives in Hollywood are white?

Is that a big deal?

>one source per incident
Gonna need three.

why are you attacking a strawman (or is it a golem?) while he's merely mentioning that jews are immensly overrepresented?

>Needing more than one source for the holocaust
Oy vey I can't believe people still deny it in 2018

4 are white

15 are jews

1 is asian

whites make up 62% of the population

jews make up 2% of the population

asians make up 5% of the population

>entire industry is dominated by jews
>they're still insecure


its about constructing a false narrative to fool the normies that jews are underrepresented

John Wick?

This word is problematic!!


Even normies can't be dumb enough to believe that.


Got you covered, senpai

do they want more jews, or do they want diversity? cause i'm getting mixed signals here

>more token jews in movies than ever
>jew writers writing so many jew roles that they have to cast goyim for them (ex: Goon)
>gross jew actors put as leads in movies guaranteed to do well no matter how foul the lead looks (ex: Adrien Brody in Predators)
>Batman is a literal jew and Superman a figurative jew
>X-Men mutants a jew allegory
Do I have to fucking go on?
We need jew representation in the entertainment industry to go way, way down.



da fuck is dis shiet

I think we're reaching a point where just about everyone knows. The liberals are too scared to bring it up though, and the conservatives are also pretty cucked by their business and banking clout. They have both ends sucking their cocks while I think the average reasonable adult knows somewhere in their head that there are too many of them in these areas. It's just too obvious to hide anymore.

This. It's hard to turn on the TV or watch a movie without getting hit with very jewy shit for seemingly no reason. at 2% they should be an occasional novelty like a random Peruvian character. Imagine a poncho wearing Peruvian replaces every jew character in TV and movies and tell me that wouldn't be absurd looking.

If jews had blue skin, even the normiest normie would be redpilled within a week.

*manhandles you for misgendering me*

>"Interracial propaganda always works, it will immediately make white women fuck black men, media influences everybody all the time"

OK, so if that is true, then does that mean you agree that video games will turn you into a mass shooter? Does this mean non-white people are correct that they are being kept down socially by not having enough representation in media?

He means a superhero with Jewish moral codes.
So, basically a supervillain who's tricked the world into thinking he's a victim.

wow are jews really this insercure about themselves?

>its a "villain tries to intimidate the hero from speaking the truth" episode

If they all came to Sup Forums, they'd feel a lot better about themselves.

At how wantoningly numerous persons feel the need to turn their personal failures against some menacing group that is after them.

It is fruitless, sad and frustrated persons too dishonest with themselves to see that what they are is their own true enemy.

That can be a difficult realization, I know. That said, it is extremely lazy to unfold all of life's woes on one group, without any sort of legitimate basis.

You are the victim these days?
My heart goes out to your true and undeniable persecution.

Media influences some people some of the time. Phrasing this in absolutes is a strawman.
Nonwhites have been overrepresented in media for a while, especially blacks, and especially in high status or intellectual roles (scientist, etc), while at the same time being underrepresented in low status roles (criminal, unskilled laborer). This is the result of a deliberate campaign of psychological warfare intended to demoralize and marginalize the majority population such as to normalize its demographic replacement. For the culprits, see

>without any sort of legitimate basis
Your people have been kicked out of countries countless times in the past 2000 years, yet it's everyone else who is the problem right?

Are you talking about blacks? Or hispanics. I take it you're not a Democrat, then.

Who is more of a soyboy here??