Netflix campaign promotes BLACKED.COM CUCKOLDRY

It's time to let (((netflix))) know their deeds no longer go unnoticed.

The video was released less than one day ago, but there are comments that are a week old, mass upvoted, all with Black avatars. They are overtly attempting to socially engineer acceptance of white male cuckoldry.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jew mod deleted other thread

why do cuckolds keep shilling for netflix?
no one needs to sign up for your damn service, we have the interent

The pre-approved comments, one of which is older than a fortnight, before public release.

>tfw the Jews won
how can us whiteboy cucks even go on living? It's so depressing it's like every where I look, I see white boy virgins like myself being total cuck losers, while handsome black men get all the women. It's just so depressing sometimes. Us white cucks really don't stand a chance in this day and age.

Yet another thread for the "Alt-Right bitches about everything" picture


He waited to delete my thread after hundreds of posts. I swear these mods are retarded as shit

>he pays for Netflix

But why?

They're nothing but another cancer that you're allowing to fester.

There exists literally zero reason to give them your money in 2017.


user, I.

Kill niggers

>all those comments
Sure, this is another step towards degenercay but the red pill is getting easier to swallow by the day.

>the white guy is a skinny manlet

lol please go back to Sup Forums. Just because something gets linked on your containment board and all the frustrated virgins type of a storm on their comments section, doesn't mean the "goyim are waking up". It's just more frustrated white virgins lashing out a society that doesn't give them special treatment.

>10 soybeans have been deposited in your asshole

It's just a Sup Forums raid

A quick rundown of 10 pages of top comments on the video, before they're deleted

Maybe tv was right

>Those comments
>lol (((Them))) xD
The amount of Sup Forumstards in this world is intolerable

>one more month of inceldom has been logged in your life story.

you know they did this to purposefully create controversy right?

every action has an equal and opposite reaction
you want edgy pol kids to go away then make the shitlib media stop pushing this disgusting nigger fetish shit

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

haha but le fashy goyim are onto (((Netflix))) now. We won't be letting (((them))) subvert us le fashy goys any longer


there's nothing wrong with sharing your partner with another man, regardless of him being black

And how's that an excuse?

What the fuck are they doing?

I honestly dunno why white guys get worried about this.

What, you think of white girls see this enough it will magically make them attracted to black guys?

Look, I hate sweet potatoes. I find the taste and smell revolting. I can't tell you how many times I have had people offer me some, or seen it on the menu, like sweet potato fries at a drive-thru. But no matter how much you show and expose me to it, I will still hate it.

Same with attraction. If a white girl does not find niggers attractive, then no amount of propaganda will change her mind, and if a white girl fucks only black guys, then she was gonna get into that no matter what.

lmao another incel whiteboys get mad thread

You know exactly what they're doing.

I've never been to pol in my life

This has potential.

I would rather be an incel for the rest of my life than a cuck for one day.


probably that your discussing it and sharing it is precisely their marketing strategy for reaching a wider audience.

If you want it to go away, ignore it.

it's not, but in means you're just playing their game by constantly spamming threads about it.

That doesn't matter. I don't want to see this shit in advertisements for a video streaming service.

How does this happen?

The top comment is from Rabbi Shlomo Sheoahshekelsteinowitz, though.

Reminder that this only started after (((soros))) bought massive shares in Netflix.

Literally bought out by the Jew and the propaganda starts flowing.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Ah but see that's where you're wrong. Society dictates how society is run.

By pushing large quantities of a specific thought pattern into the view of mainstream society, they are also making said thought more acceptable.

This isn't some crazy theory either, it is proven fact that this is the most effective way to manipulate people on-mass.

And this is supposed to entice people into buying a Netflix subscription? I stopped drinking Absolut vodka after their weird tranny promo and now I'll do everything I can to stop my friends/family etc. from ever purchasing a subscription to Jewflix.

When is he going to finally die? Guy legit looks like a fucking sith lord.

>problem arises
>threads bring attention to said problem
>problem is shown negative response from the general public
>this is somehow not a good thing

You should really go there, you’d fit right in. And stop posting here while you’re at it

Netflix was created by Marc Bernays Randolph, a great grandson to Edward Bernays who pioneered the use of propaganda, renamed to public relations for the purpose of mass manipulation in a consumer society. Everything that Netflix produces is made to brainwash you. The documentary The Century of the Self describes Edward Bernays work.

Randolph’s paternal great-granduncle was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud.

So if every commercial we saw from now on advertised eating dog shit, your saying everyone would then suddenly start eating it?

Of course it is. Can't wait for this kike to keel over. Any day now.

why don't you come over here and make me pussy


No, but it'd encourage the weirdos who do eat dog shit that this shit is acceptable in society.

mom i posted it again

If you started small, pushing the concept of eating dog shit as a positive, and then ramping it up over dozens if not hundreds of years in a large enough scale: yes, people would eat dog shit.

People got ahold of the unlisted link. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. Take your meds

I mean, they are quite literally promoting interracial cuckoldry. You can't get much more "Sup Forums was right again" than that.

that's what they said about gamergate...

Yes, wherever could they get a hold of said link and then happen to share the exact same opinion! What a coincidence.

Have you actually watched it? Its basically a satire/joke.

Or they were given it by Jewflix to start normalizing as soon as possible

overton window

Yeah goy ignore it, it will go away like SJWs did, look how good it worked for cuckservatives that were ignoring them for last 10years.
Also look how great at box office ghost busters stands, if only people would ignore it :)

poe's law

It's almost as if people who get ahold of unlisted video they enjoy they also share it with people who they know would also like it. What a coincidence!

>haha little witeboi got cucked by a nigger so fanny haha
You can't be serious.

Yes, and gaming """news""" hasn't been in the green since.

>know their deeds no longer go unnoticed.
you can hit the dislike button all you want white boi

ain't gonna change the facts

>I-its just a prank bro
fuck off netflix

Weirdos gonna do weird shit no matter what

Bullshit, user. Look at how much influence Christianity had on European/North American nations and their culture and yet look at how many brothels and red light districts we had in even small towns in those nations consistently up until a century ago

Yeah, that's not a stretch at all. You're totally right. I will rethink my position!

You say that now and then your daughter brings home Tyrone and you have to listen to your daughter getting pounded by a black bull all day and night.

It isnt about the current adult generation anymore.

You don't know the underlying procedure so stop posting.

>Weirdos gonna do weird shit no matter what
But it'd be much worse if they thought society was encouraging them to do it. That's how you get the weirdos to come out of their closets and disgust everyone else with this garbage. It's also how you get kikes looking to make a buck and push degeneracy creating or some other nonsense.

Ignoring this accomplishes literally nothing except helping to normalize it.

That's fucking retarded, people are gullible but not by that much. Eating shit is in no way comparable to something like racemixing which only bothers some people.

and anita sarkesiaan is making bank off patreon and spoke in front of the UN

What the fuck


Yes, because you see commercials about Jesus and the 10 commandments pushed around the clock on every channel every single day, right? Every street sign you pass uses every tool available to sell you on that sweet bible.

>having a daughter
Just do what China does and dumpster all female babies

Even your apathetic stance is socially conditioned. People are malleable, which is why propaganda like this exists.

>women's UN

>which only bothers some people
It bothers a lot of people.

If I could trade out all the degenerate kike shit for kind of annoying Christian shit I would in a nanosecond.

Did you not read my post, retard? You were swarmed with Christian influence 100 years ago here in North America yet prostitution was endemic

You can't fight biology. People rarely have relationships outside their race, the only exception being WM/AF.

Are you just spamming this same thread to every board, you sad little cuck boi?
Maybe because there's already a thread.

>You were swarmed with Christian influence 100 years ago here in North America yet prostitution was endemic

You might be the biggest moron ITT. Yes, Christian values were pushed hard, and guess what? Most Americans from that time are Christian. Surprise surprise, the system works.

That's the thing with women user. If current culture and social norm is to date nigs then they will do so.


>Eating shit is in no way comparable to something like racemixing which only bothers some people.

I will remind you that 2.1 billion people on the planet believe a floating man in the sky made all reality in 7 days thanks to magic powers. He later sendt his son to a woman through more magic, who's most remembered and notable power is turning water to wine.

>the ethnic cleansing of blacks will happen in your lifetime because kikes just couldn't stop pushing their fetish

I feel kind of bad for the blacks that had no hand in any of this

OP here. No, I'm from Sup Forums and /sci/, I'm spreading the good word.

Here's my Sup Forums thread:

Are you really gonna make me whip out the dating statistics?

>Yes, Christian values were pushed hard, and guess what? Most Americans from that time are Christian. Surprise surprise, the system works.


And yet despite being more Christian, more people then than even know engaged in prostitution. In other words, propaganda or whatever word you want to use does not always work.

Care to explain to me how almost 100 years of atheism in the USSR and after it fell the majority of the population switched to Christianity? According to you, that should NOT have happened

>actual cuckflix shills
lmao, I pirate your shows and even then I stopped last year because you got nothing of worth anyway.


And you find this to be much more realistic than a corporation pulling a "How do you do fellow kids" maneuver with their comments section?

It's really weird how far someone will go to defend this kind of tried and true marketing tactic. What, do you think it makes you look like a conspiracy theorist?

Well we could always send them back to Africa first. Just kill the ones that refuse to leave.

Wait, wut? Because after the propaganda stopped it stopped working therefore it never worked? Are you retarded?


>be europoor stay in this US for a while
>check pornhub
>top US videos are all BBC, cuckshit
Really activate the almonds, (((they))) really did number on you guys

I don't think you know how women work. They are sheep and will take whatever society funnels into the popular culture as scripture. Why the hell do you think so much mass marketing is dedicaged to them? They are easy targets. Maybe they won't end up liking misegnation in the long run but it only takes one night of indulging in a passing interest to end up an std ridden single mom whose lost the respect of her parents and those around her.

You just proved me right and your own point wrong!

You keep saying propaganda will always work if used enough. If 75 WHOLE YEARS of non-stop propaganda is a failure then guess what?

Are you seriously trying to argue that the concept of propaganda doesn't work? Is that what we're doing now?

>USSR has atheism for 100 years
>rest of the western world is largely Christian
>USSR bombs
>surprise surprise when a good chunk of the USSR turned from their failed doctrine to the one that "everyone who didn't fail" uses
Which has nothing to do with propaganda at all except to reinforce the core pillar of propaganda: you don't have to convince all of them, just most of them.