Why did he let the Mexican gangsters off but killed the alt-right guy?
Why did he let the Mexican gangsters off but killed the alt-right guy?
jewlywood jews jewing
stay buttmad drumpfkin
because the neonazi guy tied him up and was gonna turn him in. also he breaks bad more each scene, he was further along at this point in the movie
There wasn't a alt right guy
Did the Mexicans destroy his baby girl's birthday present? There's your reason.
breaking the snow globe set him off
Jews. Why do you think he complained about the Asian store owner coming to America but had a mixed raced child?
Such a fucking excellent film. Sums up what we all fantizise about doing on a bad day.
Bad white guy = alt right
the mexican guys ran for their life, they weren't a threat. the nazi was a threat to western society
He was an American patriot. And fucking up Nazis is as American as apple pie.
>Italians aren't white
>Nazis are a threat to western society
>Disgusting spics aren't
Fuck off
Lmao what society is that?? Democracy, post-modernistic degeneracy and liberalism?? Fuck off jew
The "neo-nazi" guy was a degenerate who actually like a retarded 90s american actually believed zyklon b was used to kill 6 gorillas in the holohoax. He was disgrace to national socialism and europe.
>hurf durf Bill dindu nuffin wrong derp
Let's just cut to the real thread
>Mexicans weren't a threat after their car crashed
>Skinhead was going to try and turn him in
Also, Foster became consistently more unhinged and aggressive as the movie progressed. If he had another encounter with the mexicans after the army surplus store, he probably would have killed them all.
The entire movie is about the spiraling deterioration of his mental health. He starts off busting a convenience store over 25cents, he ends up fighting gangsters, he ends up shooting gangsters, he ends up shooting up a fast food place, then he kills an arguably bad man, then he kills a man who didn't really do anything, then he terrifies a family with his very presence due to how much he's changed over the course of one day.
His ranting at the convenience store was much more stable and reasonable then his behavior when he unknowingly held up a family of three. He had lost it.
Point being, the Mexicans came before the Skinhead. Reverse the order it may have been different.
>he kills a man who didn't really do anything
when does that happen?
Golf course
This movie was literally directed by a gay Jew.
the old geezer had a heart attack, it wasnt murder
kill yourself shill rat
Because he's supposed to be a villain not a sympathetic character
Fun fact: I’ve actually eaten at the fast food place they film the famous scene from in the movie. The burgers were pretty good
Pic related
The fuck is "comfort food"?
food that's (usually) bad for you but is nostalgic to you or makes you feel good
Noooooooo, why did the mod have to delete the Uncle Adolf thread? I wanted to talk about Der Untergang.
the Mexicans were just kids while the nazi was an actual threat.
cause right wing nutcases are more dangerous
Someone post the movie poster with pepe circled on the rock.
He just wanted fucking breakfast, this movie may have actually changed the future since we can get breakfast 24/7 now at mcdonalds.
Nice trips and satanic phone number, also do they wear the burger hats like in the movie?
Racism in concept is more irrational and immoral than thuggery
Because he wanted them to suffer crippled and ass fucked in prison.
Junk food, or as Americans like to call it breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Killing nazis is an american tradition.
jews are not part of the american race
the neo nazi guy was hamfisted, the acting was stupid.
Jews needed Americans to come in and finish the Nazis off for them.
I guess all those farm boy GIs were actually jews
Neither are Americans, tbf.
>American race
>a race of mutts
yeah lolno
Pretty sure they just included the neo Nazi so that he seems less racist.
alt right as a term didn't exist in the 90s
is the migration of r/t_d faggots to Sup Forums and their usurping role as the brand representatives of Sup Forums to other boards a jewish long-con to discredit the said board?
>breaks bad
You must return tbqh.
>american race
why would anyone like this trash?
Good one.
He was also going to bum rush D Fens