*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

She can have the path


what the fuck is that thing?

it must really suck to have that body shape. no tits, no ass, all thighs and misection


*seduces u*

*registers on the Richter scale*

>look up Lena dunham naked photos to make a witty post ITT
>literally dozens of different naked photos of her disgusting, amorphous blob of a body
I didn't ask for this.

>I didn't ask for this.
I mean you literally did

>look up Lena dunham naked photos
>I didn't ask for this.
you literally did

Imagine being Adam Driver in Girls and having to be all like “damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin` fine, all sexy with your mayonnaise stuffed into an industrial sized garbage bag body and horrific snaggle toothed monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Adam and not only act on that show while Lena Dunham flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favourable lighting barely concealing her cellulite and blotchy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that scene. Not only having to tolerate her moon-faced fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she’s TOTALLY EMPOWERED and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM LOOKS LIKE THAT?! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her hippoish fucking face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of 7/10's and Iraqi captives for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missouri. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her “curvaceous (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Pinkberry and Cinnabun in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you’re fucking Adam Driver. You’re not going to lose your future Star Wars money over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

she looks like she smells like a wet dog

*jews your path*

she blocks every path all the time


That's a big bush

I expected there to only be the few that regularly get posted here, not an album full of them.

Imagine a Korean or Hong Kong fantasy/action/historical epic with an all-Asian cast. And then Lena Dunham in one goofy, pointless role that sucked the air and excitement out of literally every scene she's in.

That's how we felt seeing Kelly Marie Tran in Star Wars.

didnt she rape her little sister? How is she still around through all the other sexual harassment controversies going down?


I liked her quite a bit. Do better. You are now my milkshake duck and not a good fit for this website.

I am chinese, and my brother and I hated her dog face the second its on screen.

>I liked her quite a bit.
You're the cancer killing the film industry.

Exactly. If that's how Asians are going to be represented in Hollywood, I'd rather not be represented at all.

That's because she's vietnamese, mr chink

That fucking guy tenses up so hard.

dear god kill it with fire

One of the most accurate desu

Doesn't matter where she's from, she shouldn't be in movies. She's physically painful to watch.

What I find amazing is the lack of ass despite being that fat.


I've fucked chubbier girls yet I find her barely sexually desirable comparatively. IDK, if she grew her hair out and wore a wonderbra I'd probs be down to pound.

The sad part is she could be pretty cute if she lost 90 pounds and stopped being a cunt.


you mean an hero?

i-is that tequila ?

Fat tends to blow out curves, especially in the ass. Lot or people lose their ass and ankles as it becomes one uniform line.

t. have been fat

No Y chromosome, equality is a lie.

She just said "lol siblings all do that to each other" and somehow (((she))) got away with it.
Have you seen her father's paintings? She's just carrying on the family business by portraying a nauseating parody of the female form. It's literally made two generations of her family millions of dollars.

*knock her over*
*kick to death*

damn, Lema looks like that?

*engulfs your foot in fat*
now what, wise guy?

If I was this guy I'd stay away from the pink shoes, just sayin. Doesn't his buddies say something to him when they see him going out like this?

*unzips dick*
*fat suddenly seethes to anorexia*

Reminder some reporter asked her why she was always nude in the show and she and Judd Apatow jumped down his throat. They asked if he had a girlfriend and how ashamed she would be for him saying that. Fuck everything Dunham and Apatow have a part in.


Those are geese you dumbfuck

She reminds me of the waif, but in chubby.

T-Rex stomp ripples through a glass of water.


Why are all millenials covered in tatts

Because she was like 9.

She's female, Jewish, and from an influential family.

I've seen some disgusting shit. But this takes the cake

she actually looks moderately cute with bangs and skinny. but she's destined to be shit tier as a person, and since she was fatty with 0 tits. i mean i thought i had shit genetics but damn.

I'll almost agree with that. If she'd lose a ton of weight she'd look like that 6/10 that you fingered at a high school party whose feminine hygiene was a 4/10 but since you were only 16 yourself you didn't care. She's not necessarily ugly, so much as goofy looking.

Finally, an unironic IMAGINEpost

Hell, even not being a cunt would bring her from a 1 to a 4.

She was 17 and masterbating while her sister slept beside her.


She's an Americanized asian.

self defense situation

This is what I imagine a real life version of Meg from Family guy being

no, meg actually has a rack. she's got, what I can only assume to be fried eggs hanging on a nail


mmh...more like

>blocks your boner and every future erection

more like dumb ham

I know but meg also isn't morbidly obese or hideously malformed in the face yet every other character still regards here as disgusting. I'd imagine cartoon forms aren't easy for us to interpret so Dunham would be pretty similar scaled up a la Roger Rabbit or some shit.

She looks like a monster. Like a literal monster.
She looks like a pale orc. Some horror that stalks the moors at night. You will sense it's approach in the dark by the foul stench that precedes it like a rotting corpse, and by it's deep raspy breaths.

not bad compared to her former self.

poor Adam Driver jesus christ

This is reverse Weinstein

I-is that an actual screenshot?

Fuc, sorry, now I see it's Brendan.

she is repulsive in every way imaginable

Thanks to jew nepotism, she is entitled to it.


based monsterposter

It wouldn't be hard for her.


How can Rey save him from this swine?

What do you call this walk?

what the fuck is this bitch famous for? I've never seen her anywhere but here.

She had some shitty show. Mostly because her family is part of the NY Jewish elite and she’s a big feminist cunt

Just imagine. That guy had intercourse Lena Dunham. He has swapped bodily fluids with her. He has seen her naked. He has smelled her vagina. He probably has eaten her pussy too. He wakes up in the same bed with her every morning.

"A Marine will fuck anything"

I feel genuinely sad for him.

What if he is genuinely happy with her?

Thanks I just lost an erection

That's the price every Marine must pay for being a Jewish lapdog. They must fuck Lena Dunham.

He dated her? What a cucklord. No wonder he plays a good school shooter.

>they have beaks

Lmao fucking retard

the fuck

If Dunham is horrifying... And this is a movie board...
Is this thread a horror thread?

I rather fuck a handsome guy than fuck her

*reveal my conceal carry and proceed to unload the entire magazine into her "abdomen" and "thighs" in self defense*