
I just watched this and it was pure kino. Why does it have 28% on Rotten Tomatoes? I am not Max Landis. Seriously, it's basically a buddy cop Shadowrun set in 2017. This is going to develop a massive cult following

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It's not a feminist movie and therefore a threat.

I was surprised how little actual leftist propaganda was in it, given the racism angle and all.

That's why the reviewers hated it I think.

Will Smith says "pixie lives don't matter" while looking straight at a group of black dudes but it's a funny moment, I felt pretty much zero left-wing propaganda. Elves are beautiful, intelligent, talented and essentially perfect, but ((they)) control the world. Orcs are strong, durable, and generally have a noble savage culture but they're also presented as being the dregs of society even if they are the victims of prejudice -- they're thugs and gangsters

>Why does it have 28% on Rotten Tomatoes?

Fuck off Max

This is sad

Plot was kind of a mess. I liked what they did with the orcs basically being street nigs. But then you have regular mexican gangs just kind of in the middle of everything (who then get BTFO)
the magic stuff was neat. The action sequences were pretty high octane for a netflix movie. Will smith being will smith. Over all better than most films this past year. 7.2/10

that being said it had a few big problems but that was probably because the budget wasn't great. Where are the centaur cops? They teased the shit out of centaurs and fairies only to shaft them. Is there any room for a sequel? Also the whole subplot of cops trying to kill Jakoby and the odd interspecies racism seemed too forced at times.

But those are both typical fantasy tropes.
I wouldn't bat an eye if in the sequels dwarves were shown to be behind steel and weapons industries of the setting.

exactly, which is why I don't think it's propaganda
I think the redheaded bignose assistant to the federal agent elf is a dwarf

the name of the studio was Trigger Warning Pictures

Because its a shitty buddy cop movie set in shadowrun setting. Jokes are dry, main characters are bland as fuck, and there is will smith playing in it. Maybe critics see more than

when's the last time we got a buddy cop film?
I did wonder if Smith was having flashbacks to bad boys 2 at any point

jews at RT wernt paid off thats why. It was brilliant, the villain was savage, i empathised with will characters and its exactly what i would have done, just the ending could have been a bit more kino but it's definitely 90% for me.

But user are only allowed to like capeshit and star wars by faggots like this nigger.

>movie plays off racism and general bullying as a joke
>no one laughs

Visually it looked great but the writing was meh.

You mean you and maybe one other person watching netflix didn't laugh?

r34 the elves

>WIll Smith: How about you shut the fuck up and drive us to work?
>[rock music plays] tone is comedy
>Audience: [silence]

>when's the last time we got a buddy cop film?
Pic related, done right with actually funny scenes and banter in it, inb4 its not buddy cop movie its buddy private detective movie!
Back to WoW autist

Agreed ?

Alien Nation was better.

FBI elf was /fa/ as fuck tho

Because it's really not that great. I can see why people would enjoy it though.

I really wish he got to do more, he was pretty cool. Hell, I didn't even mind his partner.

Nope. The Orcs had elements of a ton of cultures.
They were like Blacks/Latinos + Bikers + Vikings. You could even add Jews in there considering that they're discriminated against based on something their people did 2000 years ago.

Only brainlets think this.

The setting is ripe for SJW propaganda.

Instead of preaching to the audience, they took a left turn and focused on trying to make a fun buddy cop film.

That is what all the reviewers are mad about. That's all. If you don't shoehorn leftist dogma into everything, leftists hate you.

It's a "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality.

It was refreshing. Hopefully Netflix doesn't give the sequel to ideologues who will cram it with bullshit.

They won't. Ayer is writing and directing. You can bet he's gonna keep calling the elf out.

It's very watchable, compared with the garbage that the Hollywood sewage pipe spews out. It has a 80s and 90s action movie feeling to it.

No wonder the (((critics))) hate it, it is a very enjoyable movie without progressive bullshit propaganda that appeals to many, and it bypasses the established (((studio/theater/DvD))) circuit.

If Hollywood continues to produce piles of shit and propaganda disguised as movies, and these other mediums, like Netflix, start pumping decent movies, it's heading into choppy waters

>without progressive bullshit propaganda that appeals to many
First scene after intro is interracial couple of black male + white female and their biracial kid


that doesn't qualify as propaganda

also, will smith is an honorary white man

god polniggers like you are the worst. you just cant enjoy something, you have to grind it through your retarded ideological filter first. you are just right wing sjws at this point

When I saw that I braced myself for a barrage of progressiveness that never came.

For leftist brainwashing to have such a small presence in a modern mainstream film is nothing short of a miracle.

>It's very watchable compared with the garbage that the Hollywood sewage pipe spews out.

Huh? All the evil elf scenes could have fit into any campy teen novel film.

What audience? The movie was never in a theater

I am here defending Bright and I genuinely like it, but that was obvious deliberate race mixing propaganda.

They don't just accidentally pair black men with white women. It's intentional.

The film is nice because that's the only scene that really has the taint of anti-White brainwashing. Nothing is perfect.

they weren't cops by any stretch.
TNG got a 6/10 from me

Boogeyposter please go

His wife wasn't white, she was an elf. You can see her ears a few times.

the audience at home. or did you think it had to be in a theater to have an audience?

It's not meant to be comedic anymore at that point, it's showing us that smiths character is a dick to him and that he ain't dealing with his shit.

Who were the beaners?
Why were the black people still in a ghetto while the orcs lived in an even worse ghetto? Wouldn't the blacks be middle class?

when you see a white woman and a black man in public do you think DA JOOS got them together? some times black people date white people. stop being a spastic

Kill yourself, manchild

Nah I am saying that just because YOU didn't laugh watching it by yourself that doesn't mean that other people didn't.

those are called principles. and if you have them you always have them. not just when it's convenient.

Criminally underrated

Elves= Jews
Brights= Media elites
Wand= Information

>I am not Max Landis.

no one believes you, max

is this board full of twelve year olds? Holy shit

>Landis won't be involved in the sequel

It's fucking over. I feel bad for /our guy/.

i didn't watch it alone though. i watched it with my stoner buddy and i don't think either of us laughed the whole movie. it was still entertaining though.

magic wand was just a generic stand in for the ring of power. They ran out of fantasy tropes to use

>create a good villain
>kill her off in the first movie

Thanks, Netflix.

>Shadowrun comparisons again

This is getting real old. Orcs and elves do not automatically make something Shadowrun. Is Lord of the Rings like Shadowrun too? It has just as much in common with Bright as Shadowrun does, if not more.


considering they showed her magically regenerating in the previous scene they could easily have her come back
it's literally "magic, i ain't gotta explain shit" the setting

>TNG got a 6/10 from me
Then what did you gave Bright 2/10 or did you went straight to 8/10 just for having ORKZ AND ELFZ in it?

Difwent side of same cown!!!! Howshu theowy!!!!

>L.A doesn't have mixed race people

Fuck off Disney

This is sad

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bright. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fantasy tropes most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Will Smith's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Men In Black literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bright truly ARE idiots- I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as David Ayer's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jakoby tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

wait it doesn't have sjw bullshit in it?

why are you tricking me Sup Forums?

Sorry, *antagonist.

She literally isnt you autist, and I just rewatched scenes with her.

The fuck you know about it, it was basically lone star security the movie you idiot.

Why would Sup Forums be so enthusiastic about it if it did?

It's a netflix original movie about race politics in LA, and by some miracle it's not leftist propaganda
That's why every reviewer is shitting on it, because it doesn't toe the line

I'd say it has the bare minimum, no white lead but otherwise its solid

I really liked how these races would be handled in current year. It makes sense that since elves live so long they live an extrememly luxurious rich lifestyle

>beside the scenes where it actually has it in

Yup, heard of it, would watch especially given the parallels with Shadorun, a small problem is though that IT IS ON FUCKING NETFLIX.
I am not paying for a service that otherwise produce nothing else but degenerate progressive garbage.

episode 2: centaur cops boogaloo when??

>a buddy cop Shadowrun

>This is what Sup Forums turned into

it doesnt, unless youre an autistic polnigger and see jews under every bed

I think identity politics vanguards got pissed off that it didn't sanctify the victimhood angle. Characters do their best to shrug racism off, which isn't such a big factor, and move on with their lives.

No wonder (((they))) gave it such a low score.

Yeah. It did address racism but not in the SJW-approved way and was thus a threat to their monetisation of leftist thought - hence they shat all over it.

Nah, I liked that joke. The others were flat up until he said something moderately jarring.

Without Jews such relationships would be illegal.

Jews have worked extremely hard to promote race mixing:

- School integration to increase contact
- Affirmative Action to raise the economic status of Negroids
- Promoting sports which raise the social status of Negroids
- Constant portrayal of happy and respectable BM/WF couples
- Et cetera

Even with herculean effort, Negro males are still the least desirable men on the planet. And yet they just don't stop.

So yes, suffice it to say there would be almost no such pairings without Jewish influence.

Pirate it?

are we ever going to get a fantasy film set in the industrial age?
Or the colonional/post renaissance period?

A key to what the writing did was veil some race issues in abstraction with fantasy characters. This is the one example that different raced human characters is actually useful for that abstraction mechanic.

Why did will smith live in the ghetto? He was a long time cop and his wife was an er nurse so they should have enough money not to live next to a crack house

elves control the real estate business

also >implying there is a middle class in california

>Without Jews such relationships would be illegal.
this is the most retarded thing i have read probably in the last 6 months.

And did his neighbors not know he was a cop? Did they only find out when Jakoby comes to pick him up in the first act?
Why was his wife such a nobody? (I kind of liked this part)

>Lol, fuck having perception and values and shiiit, just turn of your mind and consume!

The real N@ggers in this movie were the fairies who were universally despised. They were the only element that tied the races in the film together.

Genuine complaints:

1. It's a real mess, especially the third act. "We need to go to the safehouse so the movie can end". And the bad guys are unstoppable, but then taken out by two cops without much effort? The final confrontation should have been much bigger deal.

2. The original storyline, which is a more grounded affair with an orc cop, a past incident, letting a kid go, and internal affairs trying to get him, is probably a better story. It veers off that track and turns into a rather predictable buddy cop action film with a macguffin. And this kind of film has been done better.

3. Will Smith. He's bland, and just does quips which take you out of the film.

4. The whole film's direction and acting has a kind of unreality to it. A little too slick, too much slo mo, pop music score. The whole look. Kinda looks like a film. More naturalism could have grounded it a bit more.

5. Those cops sure as hell very quickly decide to murder two fellow police officers. It isn't sufficiently established they're THAT corrupt yet. Unless the wand can influence people like the one Ring, this doesn't make sense.

6. Why didn't Ward and Jacoby just call the magic Feds? This is their specialty. Sheriff Rodriguez had the right idea, but it took them an hour into the film to actually call them.

I'm happy

>And the bad guys are unstoppable, but then taken out by two cops without much effort?
The first 50 goons she obliterates softened her up

>Those cops sure as hell very quickly decide to murder two fellow police officers.
I also had a problem with this. And will smith really acted in a timely manner when he wastes them with zero remorse or doubt. People he had worked with for years just ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP nothing personnel kid

>6. Why didn't Ward and Jacoby just call the magic Feds?
For most of the film being about avoiding this, having it happen anyways was a strange choice.

>the audience at home
so your 'liberal by convenience' hipster friends and yourself

>The whole look. Kinda looks like a film

I'd hope, since they spent 90 million dollars I think that was the end goal

>I also had a problem with this. And will smith really acted in a timely manner when he wastes them with zero remorse or doubt. People he had worked with for years just ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP nothing personnel kid

One way might work is that it's established these cops are actually working for a cartel on the side, and this cartel has been looking for a Wand for decades. Ward then doesn't kill them out of a decision, he is forced to when THEY fire upon him, and he has to return fire. He just reacts without thinking. Only one or two are killed, and the rest remain antagonists for the duration of the film.

its the opposite thow, feminists that are "copy" nazi/commie fascism mentality.
("copy" natural evolution of fanatic ideas)

starting with
>bringing them into the new world

New Star Wars, new Star Trek, new Blade Runner, best scify of the year is Nigger cop and Orc cop buddy flick.

Cant you just post kino frames instead?

A lot of critics hate Max Landis for some reason. Supposedly he's an asshole or whatever, so it was probably a personal thing.