What's her best role?
Carrie Fisher general
Six Feet Under
my dick
Her body looked great back then. Look at that tummy, I just want to lick it, yummy!
coke whore
>she would have actually let you ejaculate on it if you gave her just a pinch of coke
me in the back ground
I bet Harrison Ford sucked those tittes.
everyone looks great when they are 22 user
>tfw you never had coke fueled sex marathon with prime Carrie Fisher
Her butt role.
Mein Gott, das tetten....
>she never took a huge load of nude pics in her prime
>or there's some dude hoarding it all
It's not fair. It's just not fucking fair lads.
Wife from The 'Burbs
harrison ford was out of crackie shitter's league
>"If I lay like this” — she arches her back flat — “and it doesn’t adhere, it is like plastic, so that is a problem here” — she points to you-know-where — “because if I lay down, it doesn’t go with me. I didn’t inform him, but I always thought that if Boba Fett were of a mind, he could see all the way to Florida.”
Except fatty neck- and legbeards.
And deformed people. And pockmarked lepers. And progeria children.
Is this from a movie or what?
They fucked when making Star Wars, it's documented.
I wish I could suck her dead titties.
Shampoo. It's terrible, but I dislike warren beatty
why doe he have the hair braids on his shoulder?
They're from all of the wookies he's killed.
Scalps I assume. But now I look carefully, is that not the trademarked Fender "f"?
Did she fuck Marky?
Is this from a movie or what?
Is this from a movie or what?
Is this from a movie or what?
probably because warren beatty fucked all the women in hollywood and is an insufferable piece of shit champagne liberal
Yeah Beatty is a fag.
I read Shampoo was supposed to be decent but I've had no desire to watch it so what the fuck do I know?
Not terrible. Won a couple of oscars.
It's a comedy based on some Hollywood people that used to hang around Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate, before the murders of course
He and half Hollywood
He, half hollywood EXCEPT for Mark Hamill. He never sucked those titties.
Died a virgin on film and real life.
>"we're reaching uncharted levels of newness here captain!"
It's from a film.
She fucked everyone EXCEPT Marky.
Even George?
I thought there was 'no underwear in space' but apparently there is none in any of her other movies, either?
That one AND Costanza. She was out of control.
It was the 70's.
Even George.