>Vader claimed that the force is more powerful than Deathstar
Then why he just didn't choke Alderaan?
>Vader claimed that the force is more powerful than Deathstar
Then why he just didn't choke Alderaan?
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he did but he blew up the planet to hide the evidence and his true power.
why does he wear the mask?
Well the force is everywhere and binds everything together so sure it is. Just no one is strong enough with the force to destroy a planet.
Well then the power to destroy a planet is not "insignificant next to the power of the force" then.
> no one is strong enough with the force to destroy a planet.
Vader was just being a bitch
he said, replying to some faggot who said the station was the ultimate power of the universe:
>the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force
nice way to misrepresent his statement
Can the Death Star bring a dead person back to life?
Didn't think so.
>Can the Death Star bring a dead person back to life?
Can the force?
Sheev used the force to play two sides off of each other and control a whole galaxy.
the death star destroyed one planet
its like nukes, the power to glass a city is insignificant next to the power of big data and managing the habits and movements of an entire country.
The force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
>Just no one is strong enough with the force to destroy a planet.
It's his life support. Fight with Obi-Wan left him severly damaged for the rest of his life. He can't survive for long without it.
I think that there were niggas in the EU that could indeed force choke entire planets, or even systems
The Force is what literally destroyed the Death Star, since Luke used it to guide his torpedos into that vent.
It's actually pottery.
Darth Vader isn't the Force.
>Sadow could also focus his gift of alchemy and magic into greater displays of Force power, including causing supernovas[19] and solar flares to cover his retreat at the end of the Great Hyperspace War.
Thank the heavens the EU is gone.
This guy ATE planets using the force, so Vader wasn't wrong.
Inb4 "not canon"
not canon and thank fucking god disney hasnt got their claws on Old republic yet
I'm not even a Star Wars fan, and yeah, some things were really over the top. Capeshit is even worse, with ever increasing power creep. At this point it's not good enough for a character to be omnipotent, to be the strongest it has to be omnipotent in EVERY POSSIBLE REALITY. Bollocks.
Not only not canon, never canon.
Listen man, you need to stay quiet about The Old Republic until Disney sells the franchise. They've ruined enough.
Old Republic is shit but still better that nuWars
They can, but you have to collect all 7 to summon the Eternal Sarlaac to grant your wish.
Im not goong to disagree, its EU cancer. Its just much much better numale wars
A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.
not from a jedi
>le silly fedoratippig reddit marlel atheist quip xD
Fuck off. What Vader said is similar to someone religious saying "The ability of a nuclear strike to destroy a country is insignificant next to the power of God"
May or may not be true (depending on your point of view of whether God exists or not) its still makes sense to a religiousfag like Vader
Fucking plebs!
Sheev was using the force to make all that happen, think about it nigga
Why did he call it an ancient religion when it was prevalent around 20 years ago?
> no one is strong enough with the force to destroy a planet.
>literally attacking a coworker during a meeting
Why didn’t Vader get fired?
The Death Star can’t predict the future, create near-immortality nor turn people into mind-controlled slave
The death star blew up one planet. The Emperor used the force to conquer and entire galaxy.
Vader was such an autismo here
>all the generals are discussing strategy for dealing with the rebels
Nihilus in EU could “eat” the life force of entire systems
Can we talk about why the hell was Tarkin ordering around Vader for the entirety of ANH as if Vader was his lapdog? Who was the 2nd in command of the Empire, Tarkin or Vader
Aww yeah my nigga, I love Darth Noncanonius!
we call every religion besides Mormonism and Scientology ancient religions despite being prevalent now.
It's about when they were established, not when they're defunct.
It wasn't vast majority of people never met a Jedi or Sith in person.
Vader is a sith apprentice with no official rank
Tarkin is a martial governor with command on the Death star. Vader was visiting tarkins death star to report to the emperor on its progress. Tarkin is also critical to the early stages of the empire so they were more or less equals. But it was Tarkins ship/station
Shut the fuck up already
He couldn't handle the banter
b-but the force! He should have used it to heal his body!
fuck starwars.
It's all fictional user.
The difference being that we can't literally use God to do things like Vader can. In that context it's a retarded comment.
the force allowed some farmboy to blow up the deathstar with his eyes closed so he's got a point there
even then he "only" killed the inhabitants of the planet, he didn't blow it up
>caring if you lose infleunce whit Edgreia
lmao, you're ded grandma
Your confidence is drastically delusional, and disproportionate. A clear indication of someone lacking self control with neither an accurate sense of self awareness. Someone prone to imitate others, and depend on others to feel gratification no matter how dishonest, or false.
is that real
Yes... Yes...
he's also not a sith lord or even human. he's just a force event horizon
>why he just didn't choke Alderaan?
he had tiny hands
Starship troopers made an homage to this scene with its own can't press a button if you disable the enemy's hand.
C'mon you're smarter than this. You know full well what he meant. It's rather obvious. Have a (You) anyway.
is a duck in your mouth bitch
I'd like to gain some influence with her
Young Kreia was a thot. A THOT!
Don't call grandma that!
>Vader, release him!
Can someone explain what Tarkin is talking about? Why the fuck would vader renew a lease for a guy he's choking? I wookipedia'd this Conan Antonio Motti, it doesn't even say what he leased from Vader.
evil look fights big look and big looks like yo look why you look like that look and evil look is like uncle owen uncle own and big look like you cant even fathom my power evil look if you strike down uncle owen you dont even know what the force gonna look like evil look and evil look crawls like a spider down the tree to have a better look at big look and big look wasnt even afrais since he seen evil before on look skywalkers dad papa look and they both look at each other and big look was like you cant strike me down evil look and evil look considered it and then left and the movie was over and we have to wait 5 years to have another look at the next episode to see what happens to look
>atton telling you how he'd smash that old woman with the big saggy tiddies
sheev used the force to create the empire, and therefore create the deathstar
can the deathstar create the force?
Jesus only a certified fag would try to fight her. I would immediately surrender and try to breed with her.
lot of loyalty for a hired gun!
Space feminism wasn't invented yet
*glasses your server room*
>god emperor of mankind psyker punched a star to make it explode
The force is insignificant next to the warp.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?
it was already retarded. Vaders a massive edgy chucklefuck with his subordinates. A big theme on the movie is scale and he's joking from his pov the force can murder his singular smarty ass.
So Nihilus was even more effective than a Death Star because he could wipe out all life AND take the planet's resources. Based.
Yea right, mary sue rey cracked a big boulder, I bet she can blow up a planet, she's all powerful WOMAN!
>needing to rely on clones to cheat death
oh dear
>ywn plunge your burning hot ignited lightsaber in Visas wound in the force
>Vader warns of the power of the force
>Force sensitive rebel destroys the death star
Vader did nothing wrong.
>muh masked dude with red lightsaber
wow the EU sure is creative. The prequels arent either though so it gets a pass.
If the force is so strong, why didn't he recognize his own daughter?