Canon edition.
Canon edition.
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She did m8.
I have a question for /who/ posters : now the whole franchise is over, what's the point of still making generals ? Endlessly talking about who's the better companion ? Pointlessly try to rank all doctors ? Shitpost about Moffat being awful at his job ? Does it really need an eternal thread ?
Not canon
You can see Meta Crisis Doctor holding the piece of TARDIS in the final episode.
Reminder that if you don't watch series 11, Dr. Who will kill herself.
Still not canon
It was a written, filmed and RTD himself said that he believes it still happened.
I think the key word here is "DELETED".
I know this is probably bait, but I'm not sure what you mean by the whole franchise being over.
How does this make it canon exactly
There's a quote pretty much exactly about that in "Words from Nine Divinities". Pulled up my copy and found it remarkably quickly, around 19:00 :
>WAR KING: Now, I believe it's become necessary for us to recognize Faction Paradox - House Paradox - as part of this assembly. To allow Faction Paradox its rightful seat on this council. The representative is already on her way. Many of you will protest, I'm sure, that she wasn't born of this Homeworld: she is not, by bloodright, one of our own. Yet House Paradox adopted her and gave her our adherent advantages. She must therefore be considered our equal.
idk why Sup Forums dotcom is making it look all desaturated
RTD himself said that he believes it still happened.
But it didn't happen, doesn't matter what RTD thinks
See, now we're getting into TARDIS Data Core levels of canon scrutiny.
>I'm not sure what you mean by the whole franchise being over.
As in no more episodes ?
Stop dude you we're already called out
dr poo
I really don't care what RTD thinks. RTD thought The End of Time was a good idea, so I'm not too keen on his judgment skills.
There is an upcoming Series 11 (or Season 37) airing in Autumn of this year, not to mention countless novels, audio plays, comics, etc.
fuck off french faggot
Don't respond to the bait.
I know, I know. I was just bamboozled by the wording.
>not to mention countless novels, audio plays, comics, etc.
Not canon !
Technically, the only thing that's officially canon is the Adventure Games
Wrong. Doctor Who Fights Master Plan 'Q' is the only canon piece of Doctor Who ever produced.
> You will never see 13 and Missy clam wrestle.
>you will never see 13 and Missy scissoring.
>implying anything after The Time Monster, Episode 3 is canon
>you will never see 13 and Missy ass to ass.
>mfw the Doctor/Master ship has transformed from yaoi to het to yuri
I mean, it's not part of an episode. It's called "deleted scene" for a reason. It literally didn't happen, it was cut! You can imagine it, but you can't use this scene as a legit argument in conversation about things in the show, because it's not in the show!
I'm obviously not serious when I use word "canon" but it's too much, it's like if omitted scene from hell bent screenplay was a part of the actual episode
What if instead they called it a DVD-exclusive minisode?
Quick, design the trendiest possible new logo for Chibnall's era.
There is nothing wrong with Sleep No More.
It attempts to be scary and fails.
If they marketed it as an episode then maybe it could be taken seriously
Eight had the best opening titles. The music is perfect. You can't fight this.
Saying something does or does not "count" is just another shitty version of the overdone canon meme
But it's already a scene that belongs to an episode. Just not one that was in the aired version.
Why is the Doctor a woman now? I don't watch Christmas specials.
just is
>not the first post from this IP
Forget the TARDIS coral scene - all of the S4 finale doesn't count, since that was swallowed by the cracks and not restored when the old universe was rebooted in "The Big Bang". Hence Bill not knowing what Daleks are in "Friend from the Future"
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Almond joy has nuts, mounds don't.
Doctor Who is dead.
The Doctor got his dick bit off by Bill
I don't know if it's intentional, but at least in new Who, each Doctor seemed to be based on what the previous one wanted at the time of death.
>Nine wanted Rose so he became Ten, a prettyboy who Rose swooned over.
>Ten didn't want to go so he became Eleven, a kind of cranked up, bizarro version of Ten with a dash of the previous Doctors
>Eleven was finally able to accept that he was old, far older than Clara, and not right for her, so he became Twelve
>Twelve was content with how he'd lived, and ready to go, so he became something radically different
>Twelve had grandma hair, so he became a woman
Don't respond to bait.
>he says that while responding to bait
Don't respond to bait.
Okay. What do you think of that interpretation, though? I've always liked it, and so far it holds up.
I love how Twelve was ready to die and completely tired of living, but then Thirteen is enthusiastic and eager as soon as she sees her reflection post-regeneration. It's a nice touch.
>he says that while responding to bait
Why do I have the very real gut feeling and fear the Tenth Doctor is going to appear sometime during Jodies run.
Aired version is the final version that BBC wanted us to watch, whether it was filmed or not makes no difference because it could just as well be cut in the writing phase
You can imagine that it was real, but you can just as easily imagine that it wasn't
My point is: don't use this as a point in a serious conversation because it is just as connected to doctor who as fanfics from shit trips
As long as it's just for an episode, and as long as she isn't just a knockoff Ten with different genitals, why is that a fear rather than a chance for a nice moment like any other crossover?
Nah, it'll be Nine.
The Wars of the Roses Doctors.
TheOncomingStorm for worst trip
That's literally impossible when Judy exists.
Judy's been gone for two days, I'm hoping he's dead
TheOncomingStorm for second worst trip
I don't hate romance in shows by any stretch, but I have yet to see a romance between the Doctor and another character that I enjoyed.
I did tear up when Rose got trapped in a parallel dimension, but more because I felt for the characters than because I was going to miss seeing her and the Doctor.
I actively disliked River in the majority of her appearances.
What gives? Why does every attempt to give the Doctor a grillfriend kind of suck, even though stuff like the relationship between Rory and Amy (mostly) worked?
Wasn't Judy's whole spree of ban evading and coming back with different trips only yesterday?
What about her?
Could a 4th part have made the monk arc work in s10?
I've only watched bits and pieces of classic Who. Was speaking solely of the current show. Should have specified.
The flaw in this logic is that if this is the case, then Rusty kamikazied himself at the end of ITD. So how do you explain his appearance in TUAT?
Honestly, I just didn't feel like Alex Kingston really had a very good rapport with Matt, at least in-character. But I think Husbands worked perfectly and believably.
That wasn't officially released in any form, though, only existing on a workprint that the public was never supposed to see. Had they not been leaked, we might have never even known that scene existed in the first place.
The biggest problem with the Monks is that we knew and still know NOTHING about them, their motivations, or their abilities. They had plenty of screentime, it was just squandered on inconsequential shit.
Completely unnecessary. It could have worked perfectly well in three episodes if there had been an actual solid plan and a story arc running through all three parts, rather than three separate episodes sloppily stitched together (and ending on a huge fart from Whithouse).
>She questions things that haven’t been questioned in a really long time, which is fun.” Bill will also be openly gay. “It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st century. It’s about time, isn’t it?”
>She maintains a vigorous Twitter account which doesn’t shy away from tweets of a political bent, referencing Black Lives Matter and talking about both Trump and Brexit.
>“I just think you can’t not have an opinion about the current state of the world and if I’ve got a slight platform to raise awareness about things, then that’s a great thing to use it for.”
Powerful stuff.
>That wasn't officially released in any form, though, only existing on a workprint that the public was never supposed to see. Had they not been leaked, we might have never even known that scene existed in the first place.
So, this, dare I say, "doesn't count"? :^)
What classic show episodes should I watch if I want the most badass moments? I want to see the "holy shit" stuff that Eleven sometimes mentions in his boasts. I know about the destruction of Skaro. What else?
Also, how is the epic "Trial of a Time Lord" story? Does it have the payoff to justify its length?
There was a slightly similar arc, the Jasmine arc in Angel about mind control, distortion of reality & down at heel heroes trying to bring back the truth, and that took about 5 episodes to fully tell. (Would also be a pretty good storyline for Doctor Who, actually)
But you can say the same for that scene! Had Russell decided not to include that scene on the set, we'd have never known about it.
kek, there was a pronounced global spike in Google searches for "Yorkshire accent" on Christmas Day. I can imagine it catching a lot of people off guard if they weren't familiar with Jodie's pretty strong accent.
I've said this before but I know people working on the production here in Britain, Chibnall is literally copying Mike Mignola's Hellboy story about the Irish faeries having a civil war over their fate as series 11's main plot. War spills over into Britain and the paranormal creatures of Britain get involved and Doctor works with unit to put a stop to the violence. It's so gay and Chibnall is a plagiarizing thief.
Except the Journey's End scene was officially released on home media, and the workprint wasn't, which was the point I was making.
That's literally impossible when Darth Snoke exists.
Shit you're right. How on Earth could Doctor Who ever compensate such an unprecedentedly blatant contradiction as a character dying and then reappearing in a later episode?!?
What difference does this make anyway?
>It's so gay
As in a lame story, or one with a lot of literal gayness?
Caves of Androzani
Also to take a few of 11's lines from the Akhaten speech
>I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man.
The Three Doctors
>I've watched universes freeze and creations burn.
Inferno, sort of.
>how is the epic "Trial of a Time Lord" story?
Not very.
The classic series isn't actually all about holy shit moments so you might come up a bit short. But if you want epic or badass feeling classic stories, look into:
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Curse of Fenric
The Caves of Androzani
The Three Doctors
The Deadly Assassin
The Enemy of the World
This is an incomplete list.
Imagine literally making shit up in order to make a point against a writer you don't like.
MY point is the entire concept of "this part DID happen and this part DIDN'T" is moot; there is no such thing as canon, so this user arguing about it is moot. Rusty both died AND survived. Rose does and doesn't have a TARDIS. But saying one version is superior to another is pointless. It all has to do with personal preference.
Actually, come to think of it, is Chibnall gay like RTD?
Everyone who likes Doctor Who is gay.
I can't recall: Has there been a story where the Doctor and the Master have to team up to take on a greater threat?
If not, why the fuck not?
Wiki says he's married to a woman, although that's not exactly proof.
That'd be weird, given that the Doctor himself is pretty clearly bisexual.
Logopolis, although in that case the "greater threat" was the Master's own fuckup. Also The Claws of Axos I think.