Films that are so long they are unwatchable

>Films that are so long they are unwatchable

Once Upon a Time in America

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I've watched it all because I loved Once Upon A Time In The West, what a letdown



>ugh, this film's over two hours long? *takes out smartphone and writes this thread*

that jan troell movie before the emigrants, even though its shorter

no movie is bad because of its length



Gone With The Wind is almost as bad.

t. the guy who keeps getting avoided at parties

That movie was my most watched movie when I was fucking 13 years old. Found it in a pile of VHS and watched it 5 or 6 times in two years because I liked it so much.

>Lord of the rings
Haven't watched a single film yet, sue me.

Dances with Wolves

It's too long for me. I tried watching and almost always fell asleep. It doesn't help that it's mostly hiking.

Except it wasn't you tard. The "it was all a dream" meme for this film only comes because people didn't understand the movie.

The extended directors cut with the extra scene between Old Max & Jimmy Conway makes it clear it's not a dream it's a bastardisation of America by organised crime. In the end you see Noodles toking up an opium pipe because the happy ending he's created for himself where he has the money and is going to pretend that Max didn't betray him and Deborah wasn't a whore in the end and that he didn't waste 30 years of his life, pretending all of that shit hasn't happened is just as much of pipe dream

It is a disaster of a movie. Fuck Sergio Leone and his cuck lib student retarded fans.


Lotta bait in this thread

what the fuck

This is the worst thread ever, wtf happened to this place? Sup Forums was never actually good, but it has never been this pleb before. I guess I finally have good reasons to leave this dump.

Half are being sarcastic, the other half are legitimate brainlets.

>Half are being sarcastic, the other half are legitimate brainlets.
This describes all of Sup Forums now.

I really hope that this is just irony.

Was this movie really that long? i watched it last year and it was entertaining as fuck, it made me fell things.

Nothing happens: the movie

that wasnt the 4 hour version was it

so youve never been in that situation where you want to watch some cinema but you dont want to watch one for 5 hours?

There is any other version?

Then just watch any other movie and wait until you have a lot of free time and nothing better to do to watch this movie.
I had the same problem that OP but i ended loving when i watch it.
Saying that a movie is "unwatchable" because your attention span is shit is disrespecting the director.

the studio thought it was too long so they released a much much shorter butchered version that got a very negative response. They later released restored version that ran for 4 hours

I hope they are just being ironic

I saw the long one, i really don't think that you can cut anything in this movie.

I thought VHS tapes only did 2 hours?

They used to do double sets, you had to put in tape 2.

Double sets.

The last one is definitely way too long. There’s about 45 minutes of faggy singing and you just keep waiting for it to end.

Ahh, right, I don't know why but I figured the user meant he used only one tape.

It's weird that they were a hit. I love them but 3 hours movies isn't something that the general audience generally likes.

>damn nature you in 4k

das boot miniseries version is absolutely worth watching. the only shit parts are the weird dancing naked guy and the dumb "meaningful" ending and only one of those is unique to the miniseries

Dont ever shit on the comfiest movie of all time or else..

This is why all the other boards consider Sup Forums a laughing stock, myself included.

the original blade runner is a piece of shit

Redeem this thread by posting nudes of the THICC redhead he fucks!

anyone else keep mistaking this film's cover for the green mile?

he looks like tom hanks if you're standing a meter back

>one of the BEST films ever! a must watch
>its about jews
yeaaah no thanks i think i'll pass

Once upon a time fucking sucks but not mainly because of the length, rather it sucks cuz its a jewish wet dream

why does max jump into the garbage truck though?

I'm gonna get you OP

Fuck you for posting this.


I really love this film, but it's length makes it hard for me to watch all at once because I'm kind of busy. I have to schedule ahead of time to watch something this long.

In the butt

>its a jewish wet dream
Didn't the MC had a really shitty life?

I remember liking this when I watched it a long time ago. Should I watch it again or will it suck now?

It’s cool for the first few hours, but eventually it just becomes small scale desert battles. Did the directors know they didn’t have to show every part of Mo’s life?

There's even a fucking intermission in the movie so you can break.

Doesnt matter, jews are explictly protagonists and theyre cool and tough. Enough for them to fawn over and enough for any normal person to dislike it.

Saw this in a theater. Bunch of lispy brits riding horses in the fog or something.
Finally make it out to the lobby. "Damn that was pretty long."

mfw it was only the intermission

>each shot could be a painting
Yeah right
It was all just fucking smog and the plot was boring

Break from being bored

The cinematography is amazing but fuuuuuuuuck me 5 1/2 hours is ridiculous,

I keep getting it mixed up with this