And what movie will win?
What movies will be nominated for best picture 2017?
Andrew Roberts
Gabriel Perry
Some shit American movie about being gay will win.
Liam Gutierrez
get out
baby driver
and the winner is....
NONE! 2017 was fucking shit for films!!!
Levi Adams
>the hollywood dicksuck awards
Who cares
Isaiah Edwards
Gay movies always wins
because the oscars is gay
Leo Turner
The Post triple parentheses
Owen Smith
bladerunenr 2049 will get nominated but it will probably only win some shit like best lighting
Wyatt Thompson
Whatever purveyed the most leftist propaganda.
Evan Flores
Get Out
Three Billboards
Shape of Water
Florida Project
Call Me By Your Name
The Big Sick
that's it more or less
Hunter Jackson
Transformers. Time to appreciate Baykino!