What movies do girls watch?

What movies do girls watch?

Transformers and Michael Bay KINOs

Movies about relationships or caring for someone weak.


Early Brad Pitt and Daniel-Day Lewis movies, movies about vampires, pirates, werewolves and millionaires, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Pretty Woman, Titanic and Gone with the Wind, and movies about weddings.

Disney movies and Pulp Fiction.


>What movies do girls watch?
Bad ones

Beauty and the Beast and my hand was on her butt.

animated childrens flicks and glorified porn like 50 shades

Whatever Facebook or some new social media app tells them to watch


my fiancee's fave movies:

Mulholland Dr
The Descent
Tree of Life

>movies I made her watch while she was on her phone most of the time

shes only pretending to like those, except for the descent

none of those are even overly artsy you absolute plebs

I like those movies too but none of them are among my faves except Mulholland Dr maybe

There's nothing bad about Mulholland drive.

i feel bad for the girl outside of the car on the left

i wasnt calling them overly artsy or bad

your view that no women can like good movies is equal parts funny and then very sad

The Last Jedi

where's the lie tho

Wes Anderson

Master and Commander

>capable of appreciation for any art not superficially
Pick one

I truly feel pity for you. You've never been in a good relationship and that must suck.

Not everyone is gay.

Ann likes love actually but makoto likes john woo stuff

No attractive traps in my city