Do we now like these because of the sjws?

do we now like these because of the sjws?

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I liked them when I saw them in theaters and have yet to change my opinion.

I like them because they were good movies. You can like them for whatever you want



Jokes on you, I've always liked them.

>they were good movies
O-oh yeah! I forgot that they are suddenly good movies now.

I've never not liked them.

Now that I'm older and jaded, they're pretty fun and help me get the feeling of being a kid again



We always liked them. It's the internet fags who don't know what to like until they go online and find out what to like and hate. They go where the internet wind blows. Problem is, you're basing your tastes off teenagers who don't know jack shit.

the plinkett meme helped me articulate what made me as a kid not love the prequels, but plinkett also didn't understand why a kid watching these would enjoy them and watch attack of the clones every week on vhs for 6 months.

Its the RLM brainlets that cant formulate their own opinion that hate them

It's the brainlets who forget only little kids liked the prequels when they came out. The Plinkett reviews are just so comprehensive that you rarely see an argument that RLM didn't also address in their 4+ hour dissertation.

yh it has nothing to do with one of the new characters having pink hair that i detest in the the new ones and now like the prequals MAGA

Theres nothing wrong with enjoying bad movies, as long as you are aware of why they are bad. Prequel revisionism is just plain embarrassing

>they're pretty fun and help me get the feeling of being a kid again

oh yeah

It's because of brainlet Prequel haters that the sequels are utter shit and a carbon copy of the Original Trilogy

>do we like eating shit now, now that there's Disney-themed shit being offered?

If one is to understand the great success of Star Wars one must look at all its aspects. Not just the dogmatic narrow view of the OT

What're you talking about? TLJ felt very much like a prequel movie, to the point that it was surprising.