anyone else dropped this shit show after the last episode
Anyone else dropped this shit show after the last episode
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The Last Kingdom is way better.
I hate it at this point but I probably wont stop. It's Sons of Anarchy all over again.
What in the last episode pissed you off? I dropped it once they left England. Can’t be bothered to watch another “muh sheildmaidens” moment. Watch them change history by killing of Harald for the agenda
They take waaaaay too long getting their episodes out. But yes I like it better
>What in the last episode pissed you off?
complete filler
it's a literally an erotic show now. Every episode this season has had 1-2 sex scenes, and in the last episode Bjorn gets femdomed by a sami princess. Second femdom scene this season.
also niggers on iceland, i kid you not
only saw 3 episodes, watching the rest will be a chore I'm sure. it's not very interesting without ragnar, I'm actually rooting for the english now. fuck ivar.