Did Kubrick fake the moon landing?


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Yeah but still it was K I N O

Every conspiracy is easily shut down by the fact that so many would people would have to be involved, at least one of them would have had a guilty conscience and spoke out by now.

history does not prove this to be true user.
even the many conspiracies that do come to light dont do so until years or decades after

Watch Operation Avalanche for the true story.

Neil Armstrong always looked guilty. Bad liar, they needed more like Buzz.

NASA asked him guidance on how to film it once they were there. How do people still not know this?

So if they faked the moon landing why did they go back 5 times?
Were those subsequent landings fake too or were those real?

Front screen projection doesn't make any sense when the mirror is front of the "character", because the projected image is still covering the character too. I think whoever made that 3d image got it wrong, the mirror should be behind the caracter that's standng in front of the screen where the image is projected so that you can do post editing with shadows and lights, easier that way..just saying.

Why the fuck would you take a worldwide famous director to make a movie that must be, in a way, a total secret ?

Because eyes wide shut is a documentary, and "they" had some serious shit on kubrick.

They specifically did a fake documentary on fake documentaries, featuring Buzz Aldrin, Christiane Kubrick, motherfucking Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, and various CIA spooks, with the only purpose of making this conspiracy theory seem nuts (Dark Side of the Moon).

That's how you know it's true.

They used 2001: a space odyssey as cover

while filming he space scene it didnt arouse suspicion

the film had apparently unlimited budget
why do you think it still looks so good?

Assuming it wasn't faked, who was holding the camera to film the 1st steps if it would have taken the first steps to set up the camera?

>"we are going back to the moon in the next years"
>"yeah but we never actually been there the first time but we killed the communism cancer, so it was al for good don't be mad at us"


Ja & nee

Almost 50 years now. Tight lips indeed.

Where would the people who want to expose a hoax share what they know? The New York Times? The Washington Post? CNN?

This movie was also made to sell the idea that a hoax would be exposed by the independent (lol) media.

If they haven't been killed already, they would choose a subtle way to tell the masses that the government and the CIA have their tendrils in all their daily lives and that anyone who dares to speak against it would be killed.
Oh wait they are already doing it.

Kubrick was dedicated to his craft, and didn't care how many takes it took to get every frame of a scene exactly how he wanted it.

But he forgot there's no wind in space, so he set up a fan to make the flag flutter, and none of NASA's top astronomers spotted this mistake until after the film was released.

Nice theory, OP.

I remember reading that the initial problem with the first mission was that the onboard computer couldn't calculates fast enough that it would eventually crash the lander during descent, so they 'probably' had to faked the surface operation portion. The later missions were real since they got better computers onboard.

>why do you think it still looks so good?

Uh, it doesn't? It looks okay but we make way better looking movies now

>Unlimited budget
>Using a flashlight for the sun

The shadows make it impossible. It wasn't faked but it's a fun idea.

This. Take the conspiracy that the CIA/FBI/whatever datamines you online and listens to all your calls, sounds like a schizo Sup Forums spergout right? Turns out that there are several such people who came out and actually exposed it - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_the_United_States

If something of the magnitude of the fucking moon landing was faked then the entire NASA and everything around them would be involved, and it's physically impossible for all of them to remain quiet and to keep lying to other scientists, especially internationally



Go find a better looking film then a 70mm print of 2001: a space odyssey

this but ironically

Even if he did so what? We've been there plenty of times since.

why do you think the conspiracy theory exist in the first place?

He was hired to do it but insisted that he had to film on location

Just a single involved scientist going on a vacation in Europe and claiming that it's faked would be enough to start the domino of doubt. If the CIA couldn't stop the surveillance stuff from leaking then they *certainly* can't stop such information from leaking

i don't know if it was faked or not. but it would make a lot of sense for the gov to fake footage incase something went wrong

There is a mirror left by astronauts on the moon that astonomers have been bouncing lasers off of since 1969. With a powerful enough optical telescope, you can see the lander and even footprints. Frankly, believing it was faked makes you both a moron and shows a total lack of respect for the ACTUAL scientists and people who made it happen.


None of the moon landings were faked. However, the filmed footage from the first moon landing was fake. At the time they didn't have the technology worked out to relay video from space. This was fixed in subsequent missions but the first moon landing footage was filmed on Kubrick's soundstage in england.

Wait, so then why did the flag really move with the "wind" then?

>Man never landed on da Moon!

>Man landed on the Moon, an awe inspiring feat of science and the human spirit.

>Man has been on the Moon since the 50s.

>That's no Moon. It's a space station.

The moon landings being real dosen't mean all the footage is.

>it's an eddie's mind becomes so rotted away from paranoid conspiracy theories that he argues with joe about stupid shit like the sky not being real, and his only evidence is "dude look it up on youtube" episode

Because astronauts accidentally shook the flagpole a little while placing it. Ironically it's the lack of air that allowed it to "wave" for a littl while, since there was no air friction to dampen the oscillations.

The flag was motionless in every other shot after they planted it.

David Icke says it's a interdiemensional virtual reality projector used to impersonate us by reptilians from 5th dimension.
They harvest our emotions

Except that everyone ignores them when they do. Hundreds of dudes have come out and claimed to have been in on the conspiracy

Why cant NASA go back now?

Why wouldn't it move?

Mythbusters tested it and it moved pretty wildly due to lack of atmosphere to interfere with its movement.

This the controllers know it doesn't matter what a minority, say 20% of the population thinks. They will be ignored by the majority, which is all that matters for their purposes.

The fact that we still don't have a single fucking cuckshed on the moon proves without a doubt that not everything went as smooth and successful as they want you to believe.
Humans did land there, but the footage was too important to fuck up, so it was faked.

A single trip to the moon with modern UHD cameras would be enough to rekindle mankid's desire to discover, yet no one can be bothered. A small automatic research station, some kind of first building on another planet would blow everyone's minds. But fuck that, why bother.

Because money bullshit excuse

We can go in 60s

But not today with modern technology


So you're saying somehow they knew what the surface of the moon looked like on the landing site (which changed during the actual mission), and also had the actors and astronauts coordinate the exact footsteps they took over several days? Because you can see that shit with a telescope and it matches the videos.

A mirror being there only means we hit the moon with a mirror, not that we did a manned return mission.


>But fuck that, why bother.
Because we're going to Mars, nigga.

Who gives a shit about the Moon anymore.

>we went, but the video is faked
This is the best NASA apologists can do.

There really isn't a reason to.

>no reason to explore
user, I...

>Unlimited budget to beat the commies and pre welfare state
>Post USSR NASA going over budget constantly so Congress gives shit to SpaceX

Keep in mind this stuff was before the full implementation of LBJs Great Society. It's hard to fund regular moon shots when 60% of your budget goes to welfare and entitlements.

Personally we should shove all poor people on a generation ship to Jupiter to make a Space Australia

That's not true at all. No amateur teleacopes can even come close to resolving footsteps on the moon.

The most powerful telescope NASA has, Hubble, can only blurrily make out the rover

Explore what? More rocks?

We're now infinitely more interested in Mars, Jovian Moons, etc.

You cant see their footprints with a teleacope. You are fucking retarded.

By that logic no secret military tech can exist because surely SOMEBODY must've talked about it in public. SURELY
If you talk about secret CIA shit in public, you're tried for treason user. No joke

If you genuinely believe that the moon landing was fake just watch this. It explains how it would have actually been harder to fake the footage than just going to the moon


I'm not saying we shouldn't explore, just that there's nothing more of interest on the moon. Those resources are better used on getting to other planets.

>we had the technology to go but not to fake it

50 years later, does it even mater if it was faked?

Do you know what does matter? you getting on with your life and doing something constructive.

Or, you could spend your life like you have been for years, on masturbation and Sup Forums

All it explains is that it was hard to fake it. But this guy doesn't saying anything about whether or not it was possible to go there in real life, he doesn't know does he. He's not a flipping astronaut

>says guy on Sup Forums
Haha great story user

(((They))) give him unlimited power to do whatever they want but Kubrick went too confident with Eyes Wide Shut, so they need to SHUT HIM DOWN.

Never bite the hand who gives you food

nigga, its a little bit of fun posting memes, youre the one discussing some horseshit that no one but you even remembers.

even cunny posting makes more sense than this.

I agree 50%.
If it comes to ideology or guilt, such conspirancy dont get leaked.
If the group thinks they do it for their country or to protect lifes, it will not leak.
If you think by outing that conspirancy you will be humilated or prosecuted, you will not leak such things.
This here is right many conspirancies come to light, because the ones involved get interrogated or someone see some weird things, dig for evidences and find some believable clues.

>some kind of first building on another planet

The moon's not a planet. It's a moon. That's why we call it "The Moon".

I don't buy it. If it was possible to go there in the first place, it seems likely that there would be continuing research missions over the years. Why are people in Antarctica, it's just a bunch of snow and ice, right?

>By that logic no secret military tech can exist

What secret military technology do you know about?

Nah he faked your imaginary girlfriend's orgasm.

It's bo longer possible to go there.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Whites were 30% of the world population and welfare was a small part of the budget.

In 2010s, Whites are only 9% of the world population and welfare comprises most of the budget. The world's average IQ has dropped accordingly.

Maybe the Chinese will go back to the Moon. The West will watch as it collapses into civil war and anarchy.

Maybe altruism is the Great Filter after all.

With a powerful enough optical telescope, you can see the lander and even footprints.

why are you lying on the internet user

Most of America's budget is pensions and healthcare for old white people though. Same for Europe.

>60% of your budget goes to welfare and entitlement

>mfw moon landing conspiracy theorists still have no explanation whatsoever for the pattern that dust in the footage makes when kicked up by the rovers or the astronauts themselves that would be impossible on earth

>secret military technology

This has to be the most reddit post i've seen all day

Hundreds of people have spoken up but they have been silenced

At no point did the Soviets ever try to imply that the Moon Landing was faked, nor any of the subsequent ones, and they had the most vested interest in trying to sow that particular doubt in peoples minds.

Every time there's a huge "you'll remember where you were when" moment, there's ALWAYS a conspiracy theory around it, and they always come from people trying to throw up "discrepancies" and saying "well explain that then", and people take those "discrepancies" at face value, not realising that there's 9 times out of 10 either a perfectly reasonable explanation for what they're talking about, or it was utter bollocks to begin with. They then start telling their friends and people they meet to "explain this then" again, without either knowing or providing said reasonable explanations, and so the cycle continues.

We landed on the moon. Anyone who genuinely thinks we didn't is either gullible, scientifically illiterate, or a complete fucking moron.

Because it was such a big bluff that even the Soviets bought it

how retarded does someone have to be to think the fucking moon landing was fake and that there are clues to it hidden in films enjoyed by edgy 16 year old boys? Is this what virginity does to people?

>how retarded does someone have to be to think the fucking moon landing was fake and that there are clues to it hidden in films enjoyed by edgy 16 year old boys? Is this what virginity does to people?

>Why are people in Antarctica, it's just a bunch of snow and ice, right?
Cause there's an abundance of wildlife, climate research, and shit buried under glaciers that can give us more information about our planet's history. Plus all you need to get there is take a plane or boat which is infinitely cheaper than a fucking rocketship. Oh, and even installations like McMurdo are pennies compared to the cost of sending people to the Moon to collect more literal rocks.

Mars is the next goal, user. And we'll get there before the century is out, and I'm sure when we do there will be conspiracy theorists saying we faked the Mars landings too.

This but unironically

Yeah, but some nutters who re-watched the footage found all these "discrepancies" that the Soviets couldn't? Are you aware of how fucking adept the Soviets were at propaganda? There's no way that they wouldn't be able to pick holes in faked footage with utter ease.

It's what happens when someones healthy suspicion of the government goes off the rails and becomes unhealthy.

Nearly all Kubrick films are connected and taking place in the samenuniverse.

Maybe there are things on the moon worth exploring and researching, you don't know, all you're doing is accepting what authority figures have told you.

>what is controlled opposition

Just like accepting what the doctor says is right because he's the authority on medicine.

>If you think by outing that conspirancy you will be humilated or prosecuted, you will not leak such things.
folks get terminal diseases or just suicidal with old age. someone would have run out of fucks to give and talked.

Mfw people are arguing about the moon landing not realizing the earth is actually a flat disk.

>it's easier going to the moon than fooling a bunch of retards that couldn't possibly know the difference between a dusty room from the moon


Oh piss off mate. If the Soviets had come right out and publicly picked the holes that any hick with a webcamera on YouTube can, then doubting the Moon Landings would even be seen as that crazy a notion. Leftists the world over would openly doubt it, and it'd be one of the jewels in the crown of Moon Landing Hoaxers everywhere.

The Soviets didn't question it, because NASA put a man on the moon. They never gave it huge coverage, but they never denied it, even to their own people.

Nice abs bro, How long did that take?