Will film ever reach this level again?

Will film ever reach this level again?

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Yes,Mel is making a passion sequel



Mel is the next clint eastwood, the man just knows how to make a movie

Leets be honest here,Clint only directed one movie at this level,the unforgiven

Passion II: The Redeemer

>watch Hawksaw Ridge


how did the woman and child survive in the hole the whole time?

Watch it for Hugo Weaving.
Totally underrated performance.


I really liked gran torino & million dollar baby, also mystic river was pretty dam good as well


le 56%

Kind of weird how historical epics (Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, Troy, etc) of the early 2000s just kinda stopped being a thing

Jesus Mel was that necessary?

i forgot he was in the movie

And I'm fucking pissed about it


Passion II: Vindication

It's not weird. Retards would rather watch capeshit. Studios can make capeshit for less than the cost of historical epics. When people say, "Why do you hate capeshit? Just don't watch it, it has no affect on you" they don't understand that it's killing other potential tentpole movies.

Mel, if you're reading this, please make a big budget historical epic about the Battle of Lepanto

History is problematic and makes people feel uncomfortable because inconsistencies will piss of history dorks, while being consistent will make the average American feel dumb.


Berserker is still on Mel's IMDb page. Maybe it'll eventually happen.

>no one will ever use thousands upon thousands of extras again for depicting line infantry and because they can just CGI it
and for that, hammy acting aside, waterloo will always have a special place in my heart


One can hope

please God

it was only a couple of days

Welcome to job island

Alexander was a mistake

SJW's ruined them. now virtually everything thats ever happened in history triggers them in some form

letters from iwo jima as well. Its better than hacksaw ridge


I'm still waiting for his alleged Viking kino.

History is too white.

The kikes would never allow such catholickino

>The Patriot
>Viking movie
Why does Mel hate the English so much?

I meant that I watched it hoping for more Gibson Kinographie but, while it wasn't terrible or anything, it wasn't up there with Passion or Apocalypto. So my hopes of seeing more kino like Apocalypto have taken a dive

Stones loves his history, unfortunately Al the Great was not a good match for him, it had its moments, but fails.

I would literally shit myself with joy. Like a stupid, overly eager puppy. We need to get some viking kino back on the menu, boys.

Question is more if the english can ever be hated enough.

>tfw you have to wait for a drunk crazy dude in order to have a viking masterpiece

>There will never be an Apocalypto sequel

Kill me


>you live in a timeline where soulless capeshit flicks are churned out every couple of months instead of history based kinos

its simple: young people, women and minorities by in large wont see historical movies

It's good but it was never finished, it supposed to be a series depicting Napoleon's entire life, only the first one was made. It's a shame, really. That scene with ghosts of revolution was phenomenal.

>excluding your color from this decadence of hollywood film

last time I checked Joss Whedon is old and white
not jewish white
white as snow

He isn't even good. Americans make shitty historical movies. Watch historical movies from Europe or Asia.


when will this board realize that: less white people = drop of quality in movies and tv. proof: history of audio-visual entertainment.

War and Peace even now looks fucking gorgeous.

it's a shame since nearly all historicals are incredible, it's pretty sickening to think that in our so called culture the art form we spent the most capital on namely films are dedicated to fiction rather than actual history.

When it went full retard. The best movies were made by Asians or by Slavs (they are white but retarded Americans consider them inferior to Western Europeans).

Yes slavs being distinct from western europeans is a concept invented by Americans

Now we get (((culturally enriched))) garbage.

Pic related is new Troy -series by BBC.

I really miss epics

Mystic River. Million Dollar Baby.

no thanks weeb

Film is an extension of storytelling. You need to wrap up the history within a narrative framework, and that can make it difficult to balance historical accuracy and proper story structure.

tfw your mom has to dip you in river styxx because you can't swim.

>tfw absent father
Well, now that explains it

Steven Segal as Jesus pls

Fucking kek

never watched apocalypto
how good is it really

Now say that in Mayan.

They didn't, they just became garbage.
They remade Ben fucking Hur, did you know that?

I just want my Siege of Malta 1565 ;_;

valhalla rising


Quality film
Visceral, atmospheric. Even if the protagonist is a dirt worshipping savage, you root for him because of the odds against him.
Depiction of the mayans or whoever those goofballs were is some of the best visual storytelling in modern movies

The Merest mention of it makes me want to rewatch

When are we getting another production like this?Please I cant take capeshit anymore


very exciting well made adventure movie (and the last half hour is a long foot chase)



one od the best films of all time to be frank

hello frank

I don't really like historical epics but I loved Mel's. Probably because he uses appropriate language in his kino, makes the movies look more engrossing. Most just scream LARPing with their American actors using British accents.

fpbp late again by 1 post get a fucking watch man.


Because he's Australian.

>no blu ray on amazon
>no streaming on amazon
>no streaming on netflix
>no rental on netlix

Why did they make it impossible to see this movie? Was it the jews?

who else? It does not fit their diversity agenda

Still waiting for my Cortes historical adventure. God, Glory, and Gold! DEUS VULT!

We'll never get Mel Gibson's Berserker movie in Old Norse ;_;

apocalypto was also fairly creepy:
>eerie winds that looked like the jungle came to life
>the raid stealth
>the girl prophet
>the eclipse scene; the despot ruler was badass; the fat kid was disgusting
>the fucking jaguar chewing off the face of that poor prick
>the ominous shot of the spaniards arriving

Yes, and it's horrible. We will never see the siege of Constantinople and Constantine XIs last valiant stand

>look mom, another edgy Sup Forumstard thread full of incels, retards from /his/ and maybe some robots.

is not for sale


the rise of social media, identity politics and feminism. mentally ill people got their platforms and all went to hell.


did some research, it was the fucking kikes at Disney. Putting it out of print is one thing, but not even a NETFLIX or AMAZON stream? I bet they'll keep it off their independent streaming as well.

Gladiator was really good and started the trend.

Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, Alexander, The New World, etc. were all underperformers and killed it.

there's a perfectly fine 1080p rip on torrents. and no, im not talking about yify.

I met the main character at a casino.
Hes literally a drunk obnoxious loud indian.

Miles better

>being a byzaboo