Sup Forums completely BTFO by /ourgirl/
Sup Forums completely BTFO by /ourgirl/
>Sup Forums completely BTFO by /ourgirl/
you're not even making sense, and no she was never """"our girl"""", fuck off
Girls get there opinions from men in their lives
Are you 12?
if you change the URL from "youtube" to "hooktube" you can watch the video without giving her or youtube any actual revenue.
stop trying to force your ugly waifu
You need to stop watching '''nerd culture''' youtube reviewers user
Yeah I'm sure to watch that video user, I'm also sure she will have very valid and respectable points by looking at all that 200 bucks worth of merch right behind her.
It would probably be more convincing without the giant porg and the ugly face
how many times are you going to spam this crap?
This is like the fourth thread in an hour.
Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?
>no rebuttals at all.
pretty much what I expected desu
Yeah, you're 12, okay.
To make it seems like they're ''not like the other girls''
She's not. But she is getting paid to shill for the movie. This vid is pretty funny with all it's arguments though. Trying to fold the lameness of the B plot into the movies supposed overall theme of failure is brilliant too.
"They failed because that's the point of the movie, failure."
Oh fetal alcohol syndrome girl, you so silly.
yup, which is why I love filling them with disinfo and bad taste. I got one girl really into Meredith Monk for fun (some horrible composer who screeches and screams like deep feminist art)
>file name
I made it to the second point where the listed reason is something I haven't heard since TFA, and her defense relies on making random assumptions about the people criticizing the movie. I have no idea why I see threads about this retard
The only thing I disagree with is the Canto Bight justification. Sure it falls in line with the theme or failure, but that doesn't mean the segment is any better. It's still boring and distracting from the main plot.
Everything else though is spot on and it's nice to see Sup Forums get btfo
>dyke with FAS
> hurr durr, snoke is liek da emeror guiz
fuck off. EpIV, EpV, EpVI were being built in a universe we didn't know, it makes sense for their to be powerful people that we don't know the background of.
EpVII takes place in a universe with six films of backstory, Snoke is fucking awful because if they can just introduce random sith from fucking nowhere then they can just introduce anything to the plot and he specifically stated he watched the empire rise and fall so i guess he was just under a rock or what.
Basically they want you to watch it because it's star wars, but pretend everything you know about star wars doesn't matter
why do people feel so compelled to defend this film
it reminds me of that time where james rofle made a video saying he wasn't going to go see ghostbusters and people who have never even heard of him just went into complete meltdown, it's absolutely baffling
Fuck off
Because people defend things they like. If you enjoyed the movie, you are probably going to want to stand by your opinions.
OMG can't you just like our shitty feminist movies you white male?
Like, me personally, I can't wait for the sequel to LOTR where there's an even bigger Mordor with an even more powerful Sauron and when people ask "Where the fuck did this come from?!" you can just say "SHUT UP YOU MISOGYNIST PIG!" because this time the female hobbit is the ring bearer!
STOP trying to associate this retard bitch with Sup Forums, faggot fuck.
You said you'd stop. You said you were going to stop spamming this girl. I'm going to give you 48 hours to cease all Jennyposting, and then I'm going to have to make your worst nightmare a reality.
I have no interest in this girl, she's a 6 on her best day, but I will meet her, I will charm her, and I will fuck her on the first date. I won't post any of her nudes or fuck vids, but I will appear one day in a video with her. Your delight will turn to horror as you wonder if the guy in her video is her boyfriend, you'll be able to tell from the embarrassed expressions on her face that they've fucked, and then with a little nudge she'll tell the audience the guy is in fact her boyfriend. I won't make her say anything disgusting, but she will say a few things that make it abundantly clear we fucked. I'll make a few "jokes" implying what she's like in bed, and one or two implying we're thinking about having kids. You'll never see her as pure again, every time you look at her you'll think of me fucking her. It will consume you, but this won't be the worst of it.
The relationship will continue for months after this, and then one day out of the blue I'll dump her. I won't say anything overly harsh to her, I'll continue to be the perfect charmer I have been the entire relationship. I'll start publicly dating another girl within days, and then it'll happen.
Her videos will stop for a while, she'll miss a few updates. Maybe post something on her patreon about feeling a bit down or under the weather. She'll post a new video but she'll be visibly sad. The joy gone from her eyes.
I don't want to have to do it, but I'm willing to hurt her. I'm willing to hurt her to hurt you. Don't force my hand.
Can you post the original version of this copypasta?
Fucking Porg Enthusiast roastie.It's really obvious what her game is, she's trying to be a contrarian hoping it gains her popularity but her game is paper thin.
Except she was already saying she liked it before it saw general release.
damn I never really watched her videos, but she really knows her shit. Sup Forums is so BTFOd.
>why do people feel so compelled to defend this film
Because Disney spend an awful lot of money on this film and this franchise is supposed to last a few decade before starting to decline. Invite the right """influencers""" to your movie premier, give them some swag and they will all of a sudden defend the movie against any criticism because the want to stay in The Mouse's good graces.
if she's suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, she's more likely Sup Forums's girl. that's where all of Sup Forums's retards live.
I don't think Sup Forums will ever be able to recover from getting fucked this badly
Disney is the big bad guy all of a sudden for rebooting one of everyone's favorite series? These movies are really not as bad as the prequels and you really don't have to watch it if you don't want to. Manchildren who will automatically hate these movies no matter what are a) missing out on all the the fun and b) expecting way too much out of these movies. When you popped that first star wars VHS movie into your TV. Were you sitting there just waiting to jump on it and criticize it? No I bet you weren't. I bet you were giddy with excitement to just experience an awesome space movie.
these and the 'ourguy' threads with fat nerds who talk about movies are the saddest threads
Already a thread, faggot
>Disney has deposited 3 Shekels in to your account.
I wanna PORG jenny
This isn't a reboot. A reboot wouldn't have involved legacy cast or characters. This is a craven, backhanded attempt at pandering that intentionally seeks to desecrate the meaning of someone else's work; it's the critical theory screenwritten response to Star Wars rather than an attempt to tell any kind of original or interesting story. It's a political hatchet job to tear down people's positive association of classic stories with pleasant emotional experiences and make every aspect of them instead somber or depressing; it paved over a playground to build a cemetery.
Are YOU 12?
Check and Mate
Her face is disgusting. She looks like a goblin or something.
There’s another thread that’s longer about this exact same video. Check the catalog
Good one.
I think you're looking wayyy too much into what was originally just a fun scifi flick. Let's not forget that the man himself who created the originals went on to create three more movies that were absolutely hated on by everyone. And one other thing that should absolutely not be forgotten is that lucas kept tinkered with the originals by adding in little cgi here and there- so clearly the originals are not as sacred as you make them out to be. A lot of us are absolutely fine with a continuation of the original story.
But you know what. If these movies are sacred to you personally, that's absolutely fine, and you have every right to not watch these movies. That's what I don't get here. There's so many people who want more star wars and a whole generation of kids who now get to grow up with new star wars too, and I think they deserve a series too. No one is forcing you to watch these and nothing really is at stake here, even if you don't like them.
I can understand the complaints that Force Awakens was formulaic and unoriginal, but this new movie is anything but. It's very creative and adds lots of depth in places that the previous movies never explored. I think lots of people this day and age are far too cynical for more star wars.
women were a mistake
That whole list just makes the movie sound terrible mainly because her explanations are trying to make retarded things seem meaningful and important.
amerimutt face
le 56%
Where's the feet?
There is no fucking joy in these sequel movies.
There’s already a thread on this
Having to perform a swathe of mental gymnastics just to like a movie is a surefire sign that it's not as great as it should be.
What mental gymnastics am I performing here? I actually liked The Last Jedi the first time I watched it. I liked how Rian made the whole matter of light versus dark a morally grey matter. I liked how it subverts your expectations and makes you wonder what will happen at every step. I like how Luke as a character isn't perfect like how you would expect him to be- he's still learning things in life just how real people are. I thought it was a risky movie and that's really all I wanted from it after leaving The Force Awakens a bit disappointed.
Now I wouldn't say these two movies and rogue one are classics by any means, but they're enjoyable movies nonetheless if you can manage to unclench your b-hole.
She outright says you're allowed to dislike it if you didn't find it engaging or felt it went on too long
She says that "it sucks because they failed" isnt an argument, and shes right
>"it sucks because they failed" isnt an argument
But it is a fact. Disney failed tremendously.
>she's right
And lets address the most hilarious part of your retarded post:
Nobody needs you or that whore's permission to do anything, sweetie.
TLJ is pure shit and the number one reason is women are terrible at everything.
It sucks because they intentionally tried to make not a movie but a critical deconstruction of Star Wars that mocked every aspect of it and played it for a joke.
A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.