Why do people love this movie so much?
We litterally left the theater halfway through it. I cannot comprehend how the AFI named it one of the best movies of the year.
Why do people love this movie so much?
We litterally left the theater halfway through it. I cannot comprehend how the AFI named it one of the best movies of the year.
Maybe you can't comprehend it because you didn't see the movie
>leaving the theatre before the movie ends
Do people really do this?
tfw still not out in my country
>i don't like plot
>don't care about other things that make movie
>movie sucks
is that you? if so, plot is just optional thing and isn't technically required in a movie
maybe try explaining what was there to "comprehend" about that steaming pile of shit, ye?
In fact, not only the plot was bad, but so was the editing, the pacing, pretty much everything except maybe photo direction was horrible.
>horrible cuts and transitions through the movie
>bland, sappy and unlikeable protagonists (except maybe Zelda)
>ridiculously caricaturable "bad guy" (dislikes black people, requires silence from his wife when he fucks her dryly in the missionary position, etc.)
>unexplainable extra scenes far longer that they need to be ( "look how we're progressive, we're going to spend five whole minutes showing the storyteller flirting with some dude who sells pies for no apparent reason!")
>pacing weird as fuck
Most liked pleb film of the year
its the ultimate cuck movie for amerimutts
>root for the poor white girl to get blacked and escape the evil racist white man
Guillermo the most overrated hipster slash foreigner, not disgusting white male, he speaks exotic Spanish, therefore his movies are awesome.
fair enough