>wake up
>turn on tv
>see this
Wake up
I guess the "Russia Hacked the Election" story didn't work, so now they're going to try the "He's Insane" angle.
Good luck.
Wolff is a known liar, I'm disgusted anyone took his tabloid nonsense for truth
serious question, what the heck is wrong with jews?
Do you actually understand the difference between a news article and an opinion piece?
or is everything you don't agree with just fake news because a burger munching manchild told you so?
>"you can't make this shit up"
>by a journalist with very little credibility
>who based the book on unconfirmed rumors
Trump probably eats cheeseburgers in bed and acts childish towards his cabinet, but the source is too shitty for any of this stuff to be proven partially true
I thought that was powder toast man by the thumbnail
Which television & film is this?
>Trump probably eats cheeseburgers in bed
If it's not true then why did he want to block the books release instead of just sueing for libel?
t. reddit
As someone who's not into politics at all. Is it normal for people to still be this butt frustrated because someone they didn't like won? I know so many people who act like trump winning is the end of the world and lose their minds about him. Yet I haven't seen him really do anything. Is it my political ignorance? Or are the losers just that mad that he won?
>CNN reportedly shown to fake news and interviews
>Spent the last year talking about bad trump even hiring fake actors.
you have your tongue up cnn's butthole as much as nu /pol does for trump.
They used the "stanford psychiatrist claims president fits criteria to be declared legally insane" angle a month after his election. I just overhead them bring it up again a few days ago.
Are you being serious right now? That's just one example. Google search "CNN Russia hacked election" and a ton of non-opinion pieces come up. CNN pushed that false narrative for an entire fucking year.
A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.
What do you expect from a demographic that watches shows like real housewives of x, reads gawker everyday, is obsessed with rupaul, and whose daily perception of reality is mired in social media gossip.
Would you guys watch this channel? Asking for a friend.
Liberals have been conditioned to hate white people since the moment they are born.
Haha! this
You guys do know that Steve Bannon was the source for a lot of this material right? Who's ya golden boy now? Which piece of shit are you gonna listen to? Haha get fucked trump faggots