According to official sources, the Star Wars galaxy contains about 400 billion stars...

According to official sources, the Star Wars galaxy contains about 400 billion stars. How could a galaxy-wide government (the Galactic Republic) have formed within only a few thousand years even with the ability to travel at the speed of light?

How would you take over 400 billion systems with a few dozen ships?

>400 billion systems

You are assuming that each of those 400 billion systems has at least one planet in it, but there might be billions of planetless systems.

The intention of this thread was not to criticize the structure of the new movies, but rather to call attention to some of the issues inherent in the Star Wars setting itself. This is why Disney needs to make the changes that they have made.

>Implying every planet is inhabitable or even has life on it

I agree with Disney's decisions, death to all straight white males and death to the cis heteronormative patriarchy!

Because they travel faster than light, idiot.

They don't travel AT the speed of light. It would take a few weeks to travel between systems, but it take them, at most, an hour for close systems.

almost all stars should have planets according to current models

Foundation is the only scifi series that does galactic scale correctly

399.99999999999 billion systems are basically nuclear gas balls with sometimes some smaller gas balls and the odd spherical rock. Rarely does life, let alone intelligent life, let alone...

Fuck it, its a fantasy for young teenagers and small children.

Great Hyperspace war was 18,000 years before republic
presumably like WW1 after that massive war several of the combatants got together and wanted to form the republic to prevent war from happening
it took 2,000 more years for the republic to be what it was at the beginning of prequel trilogy
makes sense to me.


This was the moment I wanted to leave the theater.

>They don't travel AT the speed of light.
>It would take a few weeks to travel between systems
You don't know why distances between stars are measured in light YEARS, do you?

Read the EU. First off, hyperspace is faster than lightspeed, secondly major conflicts polarized and united large swaths of the galaxy, and thirdly you have only pointed out how stupid it is that the First Order seems to control the entire galaxy within a few days of blowing up 3 planets.

not from the perspective of the traveler
t. knower

>hurrr a system might not have planets therefore its uninhabited durrr

Have you heard of this thing called.. space colonies *gasp*

current models are wrong

Maybe it's because it's a fantasy movie

it doesnt really, it just focuses on specific planets, characters, and events like any story. the plot has consequences for the galaxy of course but the galaxy itself isn't really an important part of the story in a direct way.

theres nothing really 'galactic' about foundation except they mention there are 25 million inhabited planets a few times. the story only takes you to maybe..10 of them, if that.

yes, but they seem to be mostly predictive

they havent verified any predictions for a long time. most new evidence destroys predictions in fact

In the Star Wars universe, people can travel at something like a million times the speed of light.

Bringing up time dilation here is pointless since for all other characters eons would have passed.

Think ofg the government as the EU.

It does not include third world systems on the outer rims(US, Africa) or systems where the inhabitants are downright retarded(UK)

a million times the speed of light is still the speed of light dumbass, thats like says a million times infinity.. its still infinity

No, it is not similar at all.

i'm talking about exoplanet observations

space is actually huge. An empire requires billions of bureaucrats. Remote systems have no idea what's going on in the center because travel takes years and years, etc

basically each represented in the senate is more or less the president of his systems very own senate, which contains several hundreds of planets

star wars has practically instant galactic communications. failing that, the force.

how is that correct? interstellar travel is possible at all, so it's not particularly scientific

the hyperelay in foundation is superluminal. even hidden planets like solaria get news from the empire/foundation. travel to distant systems does takes years until they invent a computer capable of calculating hyperspace routes in minutes instead of days.

400 Billion Stars doesn’t mean 400 billion inhabited planets

>400 billion stars
>one galactic government
Fucking hell that's the most retarded thinking, even with the size of the Empire there's zero chance of policing even a tenth of that space.


It's not the entire galaxy. Mostly inner and middle core. The outer rim weren't really apart of its. Plus, there is the unknown regions which is a huge part of the galaxy.

This, plus there are still neutral systems by the time of the Clone Wars.

>400 billion stars
>Implying those all have habitable planets
>Implying those all have sentient beings
>Implying those all have intelligent beings
Also FTL in star wars (before Disney canon) was "discovered" 25.000 years ago, and it wasn't "discovered" was a gift left by an ancient race that pretty much enslaved the whole galaxy, so the FTL predates that by far

The Culture

But you're wrong, Galactic Republic isn't the only government, there're countless planets that have their own rules and governments, Republic is just the biggest one (that we know) that's it.

You're basically saying "How the US senate is the only government in the Solar system?", easy, it isn't.

They're pretty close to each other

>But you're wrong, Galactic Republic isn't the only government, there're countless planets that have their own rules and governments,

OP here and yes, there are countless planets that have their own rules and governments, but many (if not most) of those planets are also members of the Galactic Republic. It's kind of like how Spain is a monarchy and Italy is a republic, but both Spain and Italy are members of the United Nations and adhere to international law. The Galactic Republic is like the United Nations and Galactic Republic law is like international law.

Hutt Space is a huge territory that isn't under republic/imperial jurisdiction as well. Not too mention the unknown regions which aren't even mapped. That's at least a fifth of the galaxy there.

Isn't the vast, overwhelming majority of the galaxy still unexplored, uninhabited, or simply not in contact with the Republic?

This picture looked like my carpet two months ago when my retarded dog dragged it's ass over it

>are also members of the Galactic Republic
No really, see CIS for example, or the Hutts, or others


They've probably claimed numerous empty/uninhabitable sectors.

>400 billion systems
How many of those have planets? How many have planets that are home to life? How many of those planets home to life have sentient beings? How many of those have intelligent beings? How many of those intelligent beings are space faring in their own capacity?

The CIS were part of the Republic until they wanted to leave with the whole getting fucking played by Dooku thing.

Hutts are technically in the Republic, or they have a representative in the Senate, but "Hutt Space" is basically a law unto itself.

>but many (if not most) of those planets
nice quote, retard