WTF I hate Dunkirk now
WTF I hate Dunkirk now
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What's wrong with anything he said right there
what did government have to with what happened at dunkirk?
They ordered the civilians to give their ships to the Navy so they can save the boys at Dunkirk, which resulted in some of the civilians going there themselves
Government for the greater good.
Corporations lie for their wallet good
Nolan is right. The strength of people is in communities. To destroy a nation is to destroy its unity.
>community = government
laughing my fucking ass off family
OP is American, ignore him.
And if you don't do what we say we'll throw you in a cage. God bless government.
>us little people
>has $100s of millions, dodges tax in the UK and US
Didn't a democratically elected government also carry out the Holocaust?
This is really making me think
*goes to capitalists to make a product for hundreds of millions of dollars*
Capitalism is bad okay!
*sells movie and and insane returns for him and investors while paying the ordinary workers fuck all*
We need to be charitable okay!
*pockets millions from the movie and buys another mansion*
Us little people am I right?!
This is true social conservatism. If you dislike anything he says, you're a brainwashed retard. Americans think they can replace unity with corporations and ultra wealthy people. Have fun with that in your oligopoly! Your corporations own your government.
>Capitalism is bad okay!
He never said capitalism is bad.
>We need to be charitable okay!
Distribution of wealth through taxes has been a thing since the foundation of civilization.
>Us little people am I right?!
You don't have to be a little person to take empathy for the little people.
>Your corporations own your government.
To be fair that is the same in the entire world sans maybe NK.
Hitler wasn't democratically elected you historically illiterate mongoloid. He was made chancellor through backroom deals.
>You don't have to be a little person to take empathy for the little people.
Yeah but neither should to pretend to be one of them, or just idly comment on how bad it is while actively doing nothing for the little people despite your position of power.
Nolan is a NatSoc
He's not pretending anything. He's sharing his opinions on how things should be. And filmmaking is probably his way expressing his beliefs. Of course you can comment on the state of something without actively doing something for it. Very few people are acting for whatever statement they make. Nolan is doing more than the average person just by making a statement like this.
Enjoy your future where a handful of people own 99% of the world.
The movie was boring anyway. Nothing happened.
Nolan is a Keynesian?
Our choices are neo-liberal democracy an Islamic State or North Korea.
There hasn't ever been true alternative to capitalism since the fall of the USSR.
>to us little people
>says the multi-millionaire
How about you distribute your wealth and happiness and security to the little people working on your shitty movies Nolan?
Nazis were a community too, I don't see his point.
t.moving the goalposts
>As far as Kubrick's views on welfare and taxation, according to Ian Watson, Kubrick said of the pre-1997 socialist Labour Party that "If the Labourites ever get in, I’ll leave the country." Watson claims that Kubrick feared being ruined by tax-the-rich policies and was opposed to welfare in general.
>When asked by Michel Ciment in an interview if he was an anarchist, Kubrick replied: "I am certainly not an anarchist, and I don't think of myself as a pessimist. I believe very strongly in parliamentary democracy, and I am of the opinion that the power and authority of the State should be optimized and exercised only to the extent that is required to keep things civilized."
WTF I love Kubrick now
>being this fucking stupid
only if you use the loosest definition of community
>He's not pretending anything.
Except he clearly is when he says he's part of the little people.
>Nolan is doing more than the average person just by making a statement like this.
The generic "rich media person talks about wanting change while not actually doing anything worthwhile and are more than happy to just sit on their money and time while making a few comments every once in a while" isn't what I would call doing a lot.
Like it's fine to be rich and powerful and not care, I sure as fuck would be if I was in his position, but just own up to it and stop pretending to fight for the little guy.
My goalposts have always been that him, and a lot of celebrates are hypocrites. That only exemplifies it.
Corporations rule the world buddy, their next goal is control of the public consciousness (which they almost have)
>Kubrick feared being ruined by tax-the-rich policies and was opposed to welfare in general
BASED greedy kike
His party won democratic elections.
What if making Dunkirk is showing his way of caring? It had a greater moral character than most films of that size these days. I feel like there is a good point made about civilized unity and bonds that form between people that transcend personal interests.
>shitpost thread
>actual communists turn up
Then it's a terribly ineffective way of caring and he should be ashamed for not trying harder.
American education everyone.
The ideal state of man is to live in a community where you can trust your fellow men and women. Where there is a geniune belief that these people care about me as much as I care about them. That we form a unity to withstand hardships that may be inflicted on us. Human beings are by nature social beings and thrive in these conditions.
European leftist governments have completely diluted this with a relentless immigration that has all but destroyed the community bonds and replaced it with mistrust and fear. Meanwhile corporations are replacing culture and tradition with their own inventions, a steady supply of products to be bought to replace the void left. A system formed that from two ways serve to undermine the essential pillars that keeps the man hopeful and happy.
Civilization in general is not a natural state. We either live in civilization being controlled by our rulers in misery, or we live happy and "free" in small tribes being ruled over by nature, until the ruler decides the tribesmen's land is worth something.
>this event reduced the popularity of the KPD, and enabled Hitler to persuade President Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree as an emergency decree according to Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. This emergency law removed many civil liberties and allowed the arrest of Ernst Thälmann and 4,000 leaders and members of the KPD[1]:331 shortly before the election, suppressing the Communist vote and consolidating the position of the Nazis.
>the SPD were also restricted in their actions, as the party's leadership had already fled to Prague and many members were acting only from the underground.
>The resources of big business and the state were thrown behind the Nazis' campaign to achieve saturation coverage all over Germany. Brownshirts and SS patrolled and marched menacingly through the streets of cities and towns. A "combination of terror, repression and propaganda was mobilized in every... community, large and small, across the land.
>To further ensure a Nazi majority in the vote, Nazi organizations "monitored" the vote process. In Prussia 50,000 members of the SS, SA and Stahlhelm were ordered to monitor the votes as so-called deputy sheriffs or auxiliary police (Hilfspolizei) in another decree by acting Interior Minister Hermann Göring
You know, if you were smart you would have brought up the July 1932 election instead but even so you'd still be wrong in assuming he was voted in.
>Didn't a democratically elected government also carry out the Holocaust?
>Income that is irresponsible and gratuitous...
Fuck whoever wrote that. He earned it.