Why did this movie trigger Jews so much?
Why did this movie trigger Jews so much?
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Because it is as it was.
Because it was honest.
cant say it didnt happen
>muh false profit
Oy vey, it's a cinematic holocaust!
Because jews killed jesus
Because Mel's production company made an enormous profit from a film about how evil Jews were (and still are), that they were neither allowed to have a hand in making, nor reap some of that profit. Mel is the saviour that humanity so desperately needs right now.
>inb4 JIDF enters the thread because their bot caught a "keyword"
Because they refuse to believe Christ as the messiah.
It showed that when Jews were in control they're just as evil as anyone else. They need their victim narrative.
Me, if I were Jewish, I would have promoted the film showing Israel is rightful Jewish land.
cause the Jews were shown as they truly are
that is hook nosed bloodthirsty liars who killed the son of God
>spent new year's talking to a couple who just got back from living in Israel for the year
>friend's dad overhears me shit talk the state of Israel a bit while the couple and I have a genuine and fun conversation
>talk to the dad a bit later just shooting the shit and having a good talk
>wake up yo texts from my friend saying his dad is "furious" and I need to "learn to shut my mouth"
>on top of that the Jews don't even like Christ-kino
I hate kikes so much.
I remember when this came out my atheist high school English teacher could help but spill her spaghetti on how terrible it was in front of the entire class like nothing else.
I've never seen the movie but I enjoy it's reputation. Too bad Mel only made this one.
>talk to the dad a bit later just shooting the shit and having a good talk
>wake up yo texts from my friend saying his dad is "furious" and I need to "learn to shut my mouth"
>piss off some cowardly Jew so much that no only can he not tell it to yourself he has to pretend everything is fine but ALSO he has to get his son to insult you the next day over TEXT
why are people so triggered by religious movies? i'm a catholic but i have no problem watching buddhist, moslem, protestant or jewish movies.
>confirmed by the bible (as stated in the article you linked)
>confirmed by the fucking talmud ( as stated in the article you linked)
>somehow claim no responsibility
modern day jews bear no responsibility. same logic as white people and slavery
The Jews literally proclaimed to Pilate that his blood would be on their hands and the hands of their generations to follow
Because it strips Judaism, even for a second, of victim narration. It points out the Jewish people haven’t been some oppressed and forsaken people since the start of time, and as it turns out are just as cruel, deceitful, and wicked as everyone else when given power.
As a catholicfag i should clarify there’s no bitterness against Jews in particulal (it’s all our faults after all), and I understand why they’d be mad, but as the Pharisees point out, they put it on the blood of their people. But hey, through the blood of the lamb it’s all washed away
Obviously, that goes without saying. But people were annoyed that Passion portarayed the ruling class as Jews as the reason Jesus died which is canon in both Christian and Jewish teaching