Simpsons drops all pretenses and advocates lynching the current white house staff

>Simpsons drops all pretenses and advocates lynching the current white house staff

What do you make of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

They also forgot how to animate (see the books)

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Careful, this stuff triggers the janitors.

>This is from the same year.

To be fair, this sort of attitude is the same thing that Trump represents.

Self centered lack of reflection while pushing ill thought out agendas. For liberal college students, it's constant circle jerks over social issues and such while demonizing their opponents.

For Trump it's constant pats on the back and demonizing their opponents. The political beliefs are different, but the outlook is remarkably similar outside of how much they claim to rely on empathy.

Either way though, this is a dumb thread and will probably be deleted shortly.

>how to lose friends and piss off Israel
Guessing this book left there by Obama. Israel loves Trump and were rooting for him, he's way more pro-Israel than pretty much any President ever has been.

His numbers are tanking with them as time goes on and he makes mistakes (intelligence sharing, just bumbling, etc.).

In Jan he had like, 79% of the Israeli population that felt he would help them more than Palestine. Now that number is in the low 50s.

Israeli gov still loves him because he's recognising Jerusalem as the capital by moving the embassy and giving them carte blanche for new settlements.

wow, the number of the simpson episodes I skip on sight keep growing and growing, at this rate I will be skipping entire seasons in no time

Or... maybe they committed suicide? As in their actions are political/career suicides? I hate to sound all CSI, but there's no evidence of violence on those morons, so presumably they did it to themselves.

>You're worse than Hitler!
>It's too late for flattery!
Heh. They still have their moments. Not many, but the odd one.

Reminder that race is more of a cultural thing than a biological thing.

No one can define it in discreet biological terms.

How is the shape of my skull effected by my upbringing?

phrenology is not a real science

What does that have to do with anything being discussed here? There's nothing about race in the Simpsons clip.

Please don't rehash the same fucking race discussion from the last thread, literally just go to Sup Forums or /sci/.

Depends how frequently you're dropped on your head.

>trump isn't actually yellow
>he's people colored but spray-tans himself yellow

what is this shit

Well they target both ends of the political spectrum so it's not all bad. If they just targeted only conservatives or only liberals then it's just pandering. It's comedy if they hit both.

>two scoops

then why'd you bring it up?

Go back to Sup Forums.

I love how assblasted you are over that and how you project that asspain onto Colbert.

Trump supporters wished the MSM REEEEE over the two scoops as opposed to the leaking of code word information and obstruction of justice.

All Donald wanted was for people to love him unconditionally as King but his legacy will be tainted. If he even lasts his full term that is.

He lacks the stamina to go the distance. Sad!