How did they have Scotch whisky in BR2049 when whisky requires wooden barrels to make and it's established that there's...

How did they have Scotch whisky in BR2049 when whisky requires wooden barrels to make and it's established that there's no trees?

PLOT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!

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they use old barrels and the Scotch is probably super expensive, even Black Label would set you back 4 figures

i dont know, ask him

isn't the whiskey radioactive?

Barrels and alcohol can last a while

referred to as whiskey not actual whiskey

there's still scotch now that's existed for at least 50 years

The bigger question is why they drink a shitty blend like Johnnie Walker

synthetic wood

Didn't it turn out the place wasn't that radioactive after all, thought it would be explained in the sequel it will never get