


batman is less heroic than superman


>the alien
Did Luthor draw this?


a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man

WAS more heroic

Hows 11th grade?

There is no such thing. He is fucking Superman.

divinity is superman too but more heroic lol


he's actually working to save the world now though
if only the avengers gave him some time to get rid of his hydra cabinet the 616 would enjoy peace and prosperity

only answer

not Sup Forums but

Explain how Munen Rider is more heroic than superman.

Superman had the same last stand he had, without his powers, just being an average dude against a super being plenty of times, one of the most notable was the finale in the All Star Superman series.

Is not.

No, he was never even close to superman, the fact he joined a war to kill people should be more than enough evidence

batman cant trust people, he is less heroic than superman

munen rider never gave up and never had some bullshit happen to save him. he took that beating regardless of the odds, even if it was only to spare the civilians just a few more seconds.

the major difference is that Munen Rider has never had powers. he's been nothing more than an average joe from birth. he's not expected to stand up to such foes... but he still does.
that is what makes him a true hero.
that is what puts him on this list.


>kills civilians over a shirt

>never had some bullshit happen to save him.

Gonna stop you there. Saitama is literally the most bullshit thing thus far in the setting.


Who is this guy again?

came here to post this.

I'm no martial arts expert but Batman's stance seems awfully weak here.
I'm not partial to either Bats or Supes. Just thought this page would be interesting in this regard.

Hitman was far more touching than it had any right to be.

Reminder that Dogwelder saved the universe, and nobody but the remnants of Section 8 will ever know.

Probably because it's a non-canon comedy book that has purposefully awful characterization of its guest characters.


Mumen Rider is the greatest hero. When others run away, he charges in.

guaranteed (you)s

mai waifu

Only acceptable answer.

>more HEROIC
She's the most villainous hero Ive seen and actually liked. I mean, there's Mifnighter and Frank Castle, sure. But they don't try to justify what they're doing as anything but cleaning up. Skitter's lack of self-reflection, and her hypocrisy make her a more interesting character, though.

>wonder if I can charge the shirt to my expense account
Holy shit, that's fucking ice-cold.
While stepping over the body, no less.



Beta Ray Bro
Beta Ray Best


Skitter is skub. The poster below me is in opposition to skub. rot off their dick

reminder that skitter did literally nothing wrong