I am a director utterly devoid of any imagination, originality, or creativity...

>I am a director utterly devoid of any imagination, originality, or creativity, I need a cinematographer who will at least make my movie "look nice" so people will be tricked into thinking they just watched something deep and meaningful
>Don't worry, Villeneuve, I know just the guy



>thinking they just watched something deep and meaningful

literally no one thinks this

>unironically using the words deep and meaningful

literally no one does this

>I am a complete hack and need a meme cinematographer who will make my flick look like a video game
>no problemo seƱor, tengo el gringo



>I need to make a thread about a filmmaker who is popular but their movies transcend the conventional Hollywood filming techniques and also get critically acclaimed
>How about Nolan?
>No hes old news
>I got just the guy

Lubezki is a Mexican Jew