Pitch the next episode

Pitch the next episode.

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alri lads wot if big ben right was an mp3 alri livestreamed from prince harrys bellend that went off each time he did a wank see, because them royals is just having a wank over all of us innit


>Upload actual memories into my cell phone.
>The cloud gets hacked. All of my memories are posted online.
>Literally hours of me getting fucked by big burly men all over the internet.
>I break my phone in shame then shoot myself in head.
>Wake up the next day in hospital bed with amnesia. Oh no. If only I had a device with literally all my memories on it.

In the fairly distance future (100-150 years), humanity finds itself in a post-capitalist corporate dystopia under 3 major megacorps that are constantly at war with each other over meaningless territory in a weird state of equilibrium. The citizens live a banal existence of consuming corporate propaganda and material goods. The endless media stream of the wars have slowly degraded into something of a spectator sport, and the best soldiers fight in genetically and mechanically augmented "battle bodies", accessed via a remote neural link. These "soldiers" achieve celebrity status, gaining sponsorships and having "feuds" with rival soldiers. "Recruiters" are glorified talent scouts, looking for soldiers that will have extravagant personalities, asking about the "signature moves" and their "combat style". The plot is about the protagonist becoming one of these soldiers.

It is an observation of the rise of e-sports (particularly first person shooters) as an entertainment medium and spectator sports, but on a deeper level a critique of runaway capitalism and media consumption, coupled with obsession with and desensitization to brutal bloodsport as entertainment.


sounds bad


oi lads, amazon for human traffickers. Hav a scene where da mad cunt is pissed he has to wait cause he dont hav prime.