Now, i gonna post some reasons for you stoping hating Miles and start to like him

Other urls found in this thread:

1# Miles has amazing friends

sam, kamala or ganke
every friends of miles is awesome

2# Mentor relationship

one of the best things about miles, is he relationship with Peter


Two Spider-Mans are definitely better than one. It’s double the action and the mid-fight banter. This moment was repeated in Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man, which brought the two together on the small screen, where Donald Glover, who fans have wanted to play the character for years, voiced Miles


Miles’ father fell deep on the conservative side of things. His name also happens to be Jefferson Davis, the same as the president of the Confederacy. He often went as far as to criticize heroes in front of his son, who he had no idea was Spider-Man. It put a strain on their relationship but everything began to make sense when Jefferson filled Miles in on his darker past.

So I should like him because of the people that associate with him and not because of anything about Miles himself?

Noone is able to tell you anything about miles himself

>Jefferson Davis

Why does he take his moms last name?

Jefferson is a cuck and don't have balls.

what relationship they barely interact,when Miles was ostracized by the superhero community for the mission that he would kill cap and panicking,PETER WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND


Ben,Kaine and all the other spider heroes have done it better

On the bright side, "Champions" has confirmed that Miles has lost the Kamala Bowl to Sam.

Not that it makes him worth liking, of course. I just wanted to gloat.

Sooooo noghing about his personality and motives make him interesting

Reason 4
I want to do lewd things with his mother.

Whats miles defining moment or story outside of his origin,whats his "if this be my destiny'

That was weird,Peter was carols advisor in his tie in yet we never saw him conflict with her wanting to detain miles or comfort him,was this Slotts doing or did bendis forget Peter was involved in the conflict a bit

If Bendis had his way he'd have Miles replace Peter, period. So using Peter to boost interest with unnecessary teamups and light hearted advice is one thing but actually having Miles in NEED of his council or friendship as a more experienced (better) hero with insight to a real problem is just something he doesn't do.

Rio is not for sexual.

>the reasons to like him are to see other characters

Let's also not forget that Bendis writes Peter as a straight up retard anytime Miles is around. And that Miles was able to Venom Blast him (despite, you know like 20 years of super hero experience and spider sense) through a web line and one shot Peter.

Characters you can read about in other books.

Champions shipping is 100% b8. Bruno is endgame for Kamala, although last time I checked Bendis was doing some half-assed Kamiles, which honestly I'd prefer to see over Samala. Champions Kamala is going to make anyone she gets with her bitch, and Miles fits that role better. Sam doesn't deserve that.

Oh this gonna be fun

Miles can survive without being paired with Kamala.
Marvel is now aware Sam can't last on his own, and is probably hoping Kamala can somehow boost his popularity

Fuck off Benis

>tfw marvel acknowledges your ship only to spit in your face



Robbie would be better with Andi anyway.

I want Andi with Sam.I feel like she'd tease him and he's get flustered which would only make her tease more

>I feel like she'd tease him and he's get flustered which would only make her tease more

That sounds cute. Any drawfags here willing to draw some Andi on Sam teasing?

On a related note, I honestly think the idea of Miles and Mania becoming rivals could be fun and there's parallels in them both being sort of spider-proteges. On the other hand that would probably lead to Bendis writing Mania even if the rivalry started in a book he didn't write. And I really do not want that Bendis to touch Mania. Because as one user told me on here, once Bendis writes a character a certain way, they tend to stay that way.

what is interesting for you?

Sam is barely his friend.

They've barely interacted with one another. The closest mentor Mile's had so far since being in Earth-616 was with Tony.