Happy Ramadan Sup Forums

Happy Ramadan Sup Forums

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Ramadan Kareem

you too user

Thanks user, now I'm hearing Elmo screaming "Allahu Akbar" in my head

>it's real

I'd better see an image in about two weeks wishing me a fucking Happy Pentecost, then.

Thanks bud, same to you

>can't include religious holidays in kids' shows
>but only if they're Christian though

what every show has a christmas episode



Sesame Street is federally funded. Are they allowed to do that? It kind of seems like establishment of religion.

This is a strange story but one time I was on a boy scout trip to a museam 7 ish years ago and they had a display about life in modern Egypt. A little village with actors and shit.
One room has Arabic Sesame street on, Arabic guy telling us about children's shows in the Middle east.
Guy finishes and looks really happy, Friend asks in fake mocking accent "so when do puppets go boom"
Our whole troop had to leave.

Yeah, but they usually don't call it Christmas.

Thanks, gonna be having a nice plate of ribs to celebrate!

Bert and Ernie, I assume, were chucked off the roof before they took the picture.

ramadan kareem, OP

Wait, are ribs even appropriate for Ramadan?

Would you still say that if they said, 'Merry Christmas'?

السلام عليكم

Bert and Ernie aren't gay, they're practically brothers.


Kull senna we entum tayibeen.

Who is this girl? Does she just do meme poses?

Seeing stars through the moon in that image.

This will sure lead to an explosive reaction.

>The Flintstones had multiple Christmas specials
>Takes place well before the birth of our Lord and Savior, Mr Jesus Christ
This always bugged me, and what led me to believe that The Flintstones actually took place far in the future after the world had ended and man was beginning to rebuild everything.

But that's just a theory-

Do they stop chucking gays out of buildings in Ramadan?

Yeah they do, the fuck you on about.

They're were originally brothers, but were just made friends in order to be open for more plots

I just looked it up, and they do. I supppose if miltiple religions are represented, they can make an argument that itms not establishment of a single religion, but really, it would be better if they just left all of that out.

holy kek

your friend is a dick and needs a dog shit shoved down his throat

Shut up user you're only allowed to point out the worst practitioners as representative of the entire religion you're not allowed to have any other form of dialogue.

What, do you think you're not on Sup Forums all of a sudden?

shhh who said you could contradict the christian victim complex

Rugrats was jewish as fuck and featured Hanukkah episodes.

Proud Family is the only kids show I know that had a ramadan episode and this was two years after 9/11 so I'm surprised it got made.

>4 seconds apart
Wow, I guess people are really getting sick of that shit.

There's a Muzzie Muppet now?

Allahu ackbar Sup Forums!

Not that you'd see it posted on Sup Forums.

Nû lebe ich mir alrêrst werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge sihet
daz hêre lant und ouch die erde,
der man vil der êren gihet.
Nû ist geschehen, des ich ie bat:
ich bin komen an die stat,
dâ got mennischlîchen trat.

Why would they make an image about something nobody including them know about
The fuck's a Pentecost, is it a Wiccan thing?

>Muslim worships moon

So accurate.

You better be trolling.

Holy shit, Sesame Street is being progressive and inclusive?! This is unprecedented, this is an utter outrage.

The fuck out of here, you Anglican heretic!

Kek, that's pretty good.

I'm not him and I agree. I have never heard of that before in my life.

Apparently it's Catholic or something? I was raised Baptist so I guess that's why.

Can someone explain to me about this picture? From what I learn, this has something to do with Muslim's celebration. Why is it important?

maybe if you're fifteen

Not anymore, it's HBO money now

>Baptist never learned about Pentecost
God Bless American Protestantism

Everytime I see the word chuck I immediately think of Pyukumuku


>It's real.

Holy shit, I thought I was actually looking at some form of Bertstrip.


Ok. Since everyone is talking religion,

What Religion your in? Christian, Jewish, Atheists, etc.

mussies beleve that on the 9th month when a cresent moon was out the quran apeared so on that day they fast
or somthin

Yeah the only thing we did before Easter is Palm Sunday. I don't know what to tell you.


>caring what vegetarians think or do
you are literally fucking livestock

Or I guess I should say "around Easter" since this thing is apparently after it.

Specifically a bureaucratic apatheist.
That means any divine entities who want worship are to take a number and file an application.

Pentecost is s fucking holiday, not a refence to Pentecostals



Who else thinks religion is fucking creepy?

Ramadan Mubarak, Sup Forums :)


Well I was like 13 so yea.

Post more bertstrips

Atheism isn't a religion.

To be fair we have a shit ton of 'holy days', feast days, and saints celebrations that most people, Catholics included, never hear/care about.

A lot of it also has to do with what part of the world you're in. Many countries and parts of countries like specific towns and cities are more likely to celebrate some feast days more than others.

So is there an actual episode from them about ramadan or is it just a greetings card?

I think its weird a federally funded program refrences itnat all. Christmas gets wrapped up with hanukkah because they kind of sort of wind up in the same year and midwinter celebrations are ingrained within western culture. Ramadan is just some weird shit a minority do and a minority that tends to kill a bunch of people too.

its ok, some people like it.
its when it pushed on kids is when it gets creepy


Doing Kek's work user

that friend deserves a medal.
you on the other hand deserve the dog shit.

Tell me I'm not the only one who instantly saw a dick between the angel wings


Dude, I'm a Pagan and I've heard of Pentecost...it's one of the bigger Christian things.

holy kek



>a minority that tends to kill a bunch of people too


praise kek!


Friendly reminder that Islam is a religion of violence and has multiple surahs dedicated to conduct during war.



I love when people get to butthurt by the truth they can't even form a proper argument.

>Muppet Family Christmas
>Muppet Christmas Carol
>It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
>John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together
>A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa
>Christmas Eve on Sesame Street
>Once Upon a Sesame Street Christmas
>Elmo's Christmas Countdown
>Elmo Saves Christmas
But one Ramadan picture is too far.


you're right user, he is retarded. I mean, it's only 208+ Million Muslims who think the bomb is the right option. Stupid really. Completely retarded to even worry about it. I mean, it's not like there's terrorist attacks bimonthly now or anything. Needs to totally deal with that irrational fear.


well shit, i don't see you bitching about terrorist attacks done by white supremacists.

lets make a character that's whole character is their religion. When will this shit end

>a minority that tends to kill a bunch of people too.

A small percentage out of a religion with billions of acolytes? Well, now I feel a whole lot better about things.

>John Denver in a Christmas Special


>But one Ramadan picture is too far.
Yeah, there should be none

Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."

>the truth
