Other urls found in this thread:ƨƚɒɿwɒɿƨtʜɘɒƨƚⴑɘbi2017hccamxvidetrg_143gb/

No thanks, once was enough.

ill pass

was it really that bad? i already know luke dies so go ahead and give me your worst, Sup Forums.

It is not worth my time to watch it twice.
I say that as a person who spends around 10 hours or more on Sup Forums a day.

why would you lie on the internet? you know we can easily tell when the VOD release is in korea right?
shame on you for getting the one fatty on this board who wants to see this hopes up

>was it really that bad?
oh yes. it is NOT even worth the bandwidth
But hey if you're into having your childhood truly raped be our guest and make your own opinion userƨƚɒɿwɒɿƨtʜɘɒƨƚⴑɘbi2017hccamxvidetrg_143gb/

it's a (watchable) cam. not a webrip yet.

aside from mischaracterizing luke

>all that buildup for snoke was for nothing
>all that buildup for phasma was for nothing, again
>vice admiral gender studies
>super leia
>the entire casino planet section
>rose and finn's awkwardly forced romance
>rey being a mary sue as per usual

kylo is probably the only reason to bother seeing this movie
