Can we at least agree that his death scene, with the binary suns, was pottery kino?
Can we at least agree that his death scene, with the binary suns, was pottery kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
>sidequest storyline in the middle of a trilogy
>its been a month
>you faggots are STILL posting capeshit
Fuck off Mouse
>context of the scene, and the architecture of the scene itself, is building to The Return of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master
>after composing himself from his exertion projecting his mind across the galaxy, Luke is calm, resolved, determined
>he understands his role in the story again, he understands that he still has a part to play in the Force
>pops like a soap bubble
Was it Rian's call or Kennedy's?
No. Why would Luke look back fondly at a time when he fucking hated the desert planet he was on and wanted nothing more than to escape? Wouldn't seeing twin suns again make him realize how he'd wasted his adult life the same way he'd wasted his youth: hiding on a desolate planet? Wouldn't that be a horrible feeling to have when dying?
wasn't it kind of convenient that that planet also just happened to have two suns?
Did the planet have two suns or was he imagining it?
Wasn't it kind of convenient that Luke had a previously unknown power that allowed him to project a younger image of himself across the galaxy to make it easier for the production team to kill him without telling anyone?