Why does Reddit get so butthurt if you suggest Deckard was a replicant?

Why does Reddit get so butthurt if you suggest Deckard was a replicant?

Because ultra plebs think he's a human and it ruins the story if he's a replicant, plebs think he's a replicant and it's a better story that way, and patricians think that the ambiguity is the point.

If he isn't a human then there's no real protagonist in BR2049, it's just a movie about machines, it has no life


although I think it works better for 2049 if he IS a replicant (also it's pretty much implied)

>although I think it works better for 2049 if he IS a replicant (also it's pretty much implied)
I agree but the ambiguity is a big part of Deckard's own perception of himself in the sequel.

The irrelevance of the ambiguity is the point, you infra pleb.
Humans are machines.

Because it's a "twist" that Ripley pushed after the fact
Because having him be a replicant completely undermines the whole narrative of the story. Not only does it make no sense within the context of the plot itself, but it completely destroys the themes of the movie (on what it is to be human, etc) when the human-replicant juxtaposition turns out to just be comparing replicants with other replicants.

t. soyboy

Get out of here with your unicorn bullshit Ripley

Fuck off reddit letter media