I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan and Lolita 1997 now what do I watch?

I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan and Lolita 1997 now what do I watch?

the fbi van

have you seen the original lolita? if so which did you like better?

Moonrise Kingdom
To Catch a Predator

El Nido

Train Spotting

the book is better

Not gonna lie fampai, that scene in Orphan was hot





wasn't my question you tryhard faggot
>hey everyone look at me I read

Your own reflection thinking really hard about life and probably coming to the conclusion suicide is all that's left

Many nights I've laid awake imagining how I'd have handled the "date" scene in The Orphan. Truly a haunting film. Anyone else feel like this?

The Lovely Bones
Hannibal Rising
the woodsman
Stir of Echoes

hard candy


Pretty Baby (1978)

I thought the orphan was a horror movie?

thats where she's from man i had a sense i have seen her before watchin boardwalk empire i just couldn't place it. she was so fine

The horror is from a lusty loli trying her best to put you on the registry.

all of them are if you think about it


how to catch a predator

97 > 62
Only plebs disagree


get help

Little Lupe.

LS Lesya
Vlad Zhenya y114



Where 2 cop the original cut of pretty baby?

first time I've seen >2018
where did the time go

Are these like foreign films or what?

this, obviously

looks kinda shitty, and eva ionesco has an old woman face. is it any good?

>tfw you will never kill all pedos before they break little girls hearts

They're kino

Yourself in the mirror getting raped by your well endowed black cellmate

cat goddess kino obviously

You can find this by going to the other secret chan

The address is www.fbi.gov

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Seul contre tous (I Stand Alone)


I miss the days her stuff got posted everywhere. The internet is so boring these days.

North Russia Rodent

woodsman is actual kino



Move now to a Shirley Temple retrospective.

got you covered, op
>list deleted from tumblrboxd

Bastard out of Carolina

Just reported this shitty fucking thread, which is kind of funny, since i am a janitor. that's right ass hole. i don't need to report shit, but i thought i would in this case just so you know how bad you fucked up. As a janitor, a user of elevated privilege, i actually have a special report interface that patches me directly to moot. so he will be here soon to ban your ass. that's right, moot and i are good friends so he regularly bans the fuckheads that i run across on Sup Forums. he also gave me access to the mysql database on the server so i can see every post you've ever made - and man, you posted a lot of fucking shit. i actually am going to report your IP to the feds, no joke, there is some seriously illegal shit in these log files which are currently up on my screen. You picked the wrong board to shitpost on mother fucker. this is the end of you.


Nice work!

Are all these movies old? Do they not get made anymore or are they just not that good?

In the current year, it would be impossible to produce something like Pretty Baby.

2018 Lolita remake with Francesca

That would be absolute Kino. But do you seriously think it could happen?
Unfortunately, I think not.

Who would you cast though?

>>Tfw you realize Hounddog is 11 years ago..

Maybe if they made the movie in France or Italy. The law is more flexible here.

Grasshopper was best character

A lot of those movies are pretty modern, and I don't see how the age of a film would limit your enjoyment of them

>Do they not get made anymore or are they just not that good
what are you trying to imply here? what are you even looking for? if you want a modern movie about cute girls doing cute things, you could try Mustang, Lamb, maybe The Beguiled, the list could go on..

Dafne Keen or Mckenna Grace

Where is Lale now?

Dafne Keen would be ideal in this role.

>look up an image in the archives
>find a post I remember making
>...in 2012

Lol no, Mckenna would be too young, like I said Amiah was a better fit to replace Brooke.

being a max qt somewhere

>tfw every mustang btfos out all of Sup Forumss latest crushes
wish this board had taste still

I think she would be a better Mathilda, but who could be her Leon?


the bad seed (1956)

>wish this board had taste still
>posts a literally and unironically plain "female"
What did you mean by this?

would any actress today go as far as Dakota did? truly a woman dedicated to her craft. who will play her in the inevitable remake?

Such a qt

nigga i ain't readin SHIT

This guy

Ben Affleck

t. Lillis poster

then willy wonka (modern)


I don't think any actress would go as far.
But if this were to happen, Capaldi is in the right age bracket. But they better get into production fast, before she ages out of the role.

To Catch a Predator reruns

Isn't Lewellen supposed to be younger looking than she already is?

I don't know.

any movies with this aesthetic?

>No Logan


I'm checking..

you will never visit moldova and save a blonde qt from poverty

Therabitia. Pic not related.

I'm really enjoying the absolute state of Sup Forums recently. We need more threads like this

>tfw dumbfucks constantly confuse pedo & hebe, act like they're the same thing

Most of the girls in this thread fit in the pedo category

Fpbp, you made me laugh for a full minute at least


Meh, taking a dick is better than poverty; ask 10 million white trophy wives with rich husbands.

>adult woman decisions = child rape

just stop this and post kino

If you asked them if they'd rather take a dick or stay in poverty, most would choose the dick.
Guess it doesn't matter that they'd make the same choice regardless of age, since people want to be assblasted about them deciding to fuck an adult male. I mean, fine if they want to choose to fuck another kid their age, but choosing to fuck an adult means they're incapable of decision.