Cast them in a movie, what would be the plot?

Cast them in a movie, what would be the plot?

A movie where they bukkake Justin beiber.

they fight these dudes

soyboys wont understand

Surf Gay Ninjas

they all fuck my virgin white pussy!

them vs pic related

Sup Forums has really a problem, for starters, theire ingesloten obessions with chads and whatnot.

Me in the middle getting bukkake

i want, no, i NEED their cum

Jeff vs Shadow Jeff

I like it

A bunch of homos in this cancer thread.

They share a house with a couple of asian thotties and shenanigans ensue.

I've got the title
Honey, I Shrunk My Nads

What's that gay porn people used to post a webm of here that had a bunch of dirty faggots having an orgy outside?
They poofs can be in a remake of that.

>Soyboys won't understand fake natty physique competitors like Jeff Seid or Lex Fitness that try to con retards like you

Maybe soyboys aren't so bad.

t. soyboy

Le Cookies....

I truly curious, what are the chance of cycling roids and coming out of it more or less unscathed?

Arnies still alive and kickin


What happened to the Jeff meme? I used to see it posted constantly up until 2014 when /fit/ was still internet stalking him, but then the posts went away. What is he up to these days?

a heartfelt drama about coming to terms with repressed homosexuality

I am a shadow, the true self.

Dunno, but if you frequent Sup Forums, people always post gachi memes

hes had like 4 heart bypasses dude

Doing it once, and not in a retarded way? Not very risky at all. No one's dropped dead from trying steroids once as far as I know. Problem is, will you be able to go off when you see the results?

Trenminators: Manletoclypse

Was that the webm with like 30 guys in it?


y'all gay af

Don't reply to me, soyboy.

They're the Knights of Ren.

Not a movie, but a new Ghost Hunters season.

Are there any good physiques that are attainable without roids


>i get trips
>you fail to get quints

stay gay m8

It's a mocumentary focusing on Jeff Seid's assassination of Zyzz to become the king of /fit/.

As he takes Zyzz's empire, /fit/ slowly crumbles around him, as his grasp on his sanity and his newfound kingdom proceeds to JUST his shit up. Eventually, the 3rd act culminates in a final battle between Seid's crew and Chestbrah, who finally manages to snap out of his depressed stupor to stand up and fight to take his place as rightful heir of /fit/.

A story of love, lost, and betrayal, no man will walk from the kinoplex that night with dry eyes. Truly a daring synthesis. A feast for the eyes.

1xF genetics

or try your best at bodyweight

gachimuchi next generation

what happened to jeff
I haven't heard anything about him since 2014

Damn Jeff seid is so fucking sexy

they camp for the night in a spooky forest which turns out to be inhabited by ghosts of dead suicidal gooks

Yeah. Starts off with two faggots talking about how today is gonna be a good day or something. I feel like someone set up a bot with it because it was posted here a lot for a time.

jeff pls go

>cavill with hair
oh no no no

I can beat any one of these soyboys in a fight lol. Maybe if it's 2 against 1 too.

>he calls them quints despite the fact they would obviously be quads
Soyboy genocide when?