Will the shove everything we've had mentioned about Han Solo's past into one film?
Will the shove everything we've had mentioned about Han Solo's past into one film?
Yes. He will do the Kessel Run, and the Emilia Clarke's character will tell Han to never tell her the odds. She will also instruct him to "shoot first, shoot often".
who wants to bet money a shady exchange will be brokered between two characters, and one of them will eventually say "this deal is getting worse all the time"?
i will provide my paypal address
>Emilia Clarke's character will tell Han to never tell her the odds
Thandie Newton is probably the main villain in the movie. I liked her in Chronicles or Riddick, but here she will probably play an Admiral Holdo equivalent. Thanks but no thanks motherfuckers
We will get half a film focused on those golden dice in TLJ.
>Emilia Clarke's character saves Han Solo from a shootout
>"always shoots first, kid"
I just hope they have some cool worldbuilding that can save the movie and maybe some clones at Kashyyyk
Will they show Han’s black wife?
I would have thought they go the opposite route. Like everything from the OT, in the Solo movie they’d say the opposite of and something in the movie will make them change their stance to be like the OT.
Like Han always wants to know the odds at the start of the movie but by the end never wants to know them.