And they made us think it was dead..

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>you will live to see 10 more cozy Fargo livethreads
>some user wont make it to season 4

More Varga kino?

What's the V.M. stand for?


No one knows but I've heard it could be something computer related called VM since he is good with computers

If it's as bad as season 3, then you should reverse those feels.


Season 1>season 3>season 2

About Yuri Gurka

Who was a better wolf? Malvo, or Yuri?

Lorne Malvo

Virtual machine? I guess that theory is good enough as any.

Too bad Lorne Malvo got killes, I really hopes he would survive and get away with it. He had too many bodycounts to die.

How do you think it will be?

I think somebody is gonna find the money that greek dude buried again in season 1

plot armor ruined his character.

S3 was garbage. Who even cares anymore.

Yuri got taken by the devil himself, which is pretty badass, but also the only memorable thing about him.

It wasn't garbage, but you could figure out what they meant by it reallly quickly and watch through Varga's bullshit by episode 5

I think Ray wise was Yaweh, and Varga was Lucifer.

how can I get teeth like that?


Am I a nu-male if I really, really like Fargo?

Ray Wise is the Wandering Jew. His character's name is one of the Wandering Jew's names. Yuri was just a guy that got too high on his family ancestry

Not at all. It's one of the least nu-male shows out there

>Use a file/rasp to sharpen them.
>Pierce your gingiva with sharp objects.
>Have bulimia to give them that rotten, corroded colour.

Season 2 was the best, pleb



Season 2 > Season 1 >= Season 3

Varga was the best villain though, and Ewan McGregor was also quite enjoyable to watch in both his roles

>be born in england

season 2 is one of the only things in my life i've ever called a masterpiece

s2>s3=s1 (with slight inclination towards s3)

Season 1 and 2 are both great but maybe 2 really is on another level. I didn't particularly like Mike Milligan though. The actor wasn't the best fit with those lines, I could see someone else doing that stuff better. Everyone else was really good, especially Patrick Wilson and Kirsten Dunst. She had great chemistry with Meth Damon.

Season 3 was a let down for me. Varga was worse than Milligan. It had some great moments though, like the hunt in the forest.

>Varga was the best villain
No, you could see really quickly that he was a fraud, although that is what the writers intended

S3 sucked so much dick.

I dont think they ever will top S2 if they dont go back in time again. The whole season was great especially Gerhardt vs Kansas

50s would be great
S3 had its lows and highs, many highs around episode 8 and 9, then it shat the bed with the last 40 minutes, it was weird

can't wait to see who the waifus will be

The redeeming factor of S3 was the team up of MEW and Mr Wrench. When they were taking the fight to Varga it was really good.


Season three was complete shit.

Which season has the aliens?


Cool thanks!

always barf up everything you eat


Dont @ me

Don't tell me what to do

@ Disgusting. 1st season was best without a doubt retard

>Been Waiting for S3 Blu Ray Rip
>They apparently have no plans to release it

And now they're making a S4, what.

Best character per season:
>Mike Milligan
>VM Varga


I'm glad, need more comfy weird television

season 3 was the worst television I've seen, I am actually impressed

you don't watch much television then. Even if it was the worst thing FX has ever produced it's still better than almost anything on network TV

Overrated show.

Just overhigh bodycount because noreason.
Less and less likable characters, every gratuitous murder is another more treason of the movie.

As long as season 2 is at the top I don't really care. I prefer 3 over 1 though

I watched the first 2 episodes of s3 and didn't like it. Does it get better? What's Sup Forums's consensus on it?

it gets superbly interesting halfway through, or earlier, but then letdowns after letdowns happen, and most plotpoints are tied up in the last episodes which gives it a rushed feel

s1 is the best overal, s2 is decent but also sucks at concluding itself

*last episode


2>1I can rewatch 2 multiple times. Something very confy about late 70s, early 80s.. Can't quite articulate it, though

>His reaciton with the COOKOO clock

it doesnt get better