What is some kino about daily life in American cities?

What is some kino about daily life in American cities?

Why are Germanics and Scandinavians societies immune to these type of things?


rolly shit mane

Mexicans were a mistake..


not for long



What are you on about? There are weekly grenade attacks between gang members in Sweden

>"What if all races fused into one entity?"
>"This summer..."
>*zoom on the creature falling from the truck*
>"Witness the birth of the true face of America"
>*dramatic music while El Abominacion chases the driver*
>*title of the movie zooms in*

what did the police do wrong?

not if shlomo has anything to say about it

have an accuracy rating of about 5% also there's a second cruiser that just drives off

Sure he was firing a gun at other people and then turned toward the police but the officers should have 360 no scoped the gun out of his hand and detained him peacefully. He was on his way to church that night, about to get his life together.

Literally mission successful. wtf is wrong with the police here?

Reminds me the opening of Snyders Dawn of Dead.

Because they don't have any niggers...are you dense?

This is better than porn. Hopefully that original negro got shot as well. The more they kill each other, the merrier. Plus, no funds wasted on the legal process now that nig nog with the gun was put down like the rabid dog he is.

All's well that ends well.

Wait until they endure American-level multiculturalism for the amount of time that America has.

>Nigger shooting openly in public
>starts walking toward police
>mission success

>cruiser drives off
and then brake's the moment the shots go off and the driver becomes aware of things.
>5% percent accuracy
you fucking mall ninja's acting like you'd turn into an unexpected street shootout and have 100 percent lazer accuracy. arn't most of those shoots hitting the floors coming from the dindus anyway?

they should have shot him earlier


>implying multiculturalism is at fault, and it's not the foundation of the United States throughout history to permit and encourage all sorts of crazy, from personalities to ideologies
It's literally the new world, where you could make up your own religion, your own belief and your own truth. Of course it's going to be a breeding ground for nutbags.

What are some lovecraftian movies?


where have you been the last few years?

Goddamn now it must be satisfying to gat a scumbag like that and then have the footage exonerate you.

man these are the types of people BLM gets behind? look at him bait that cop

Time to go pighunting
>their face when they realize their badge means shit