fuck off weirdo
Looks really bad
So its literally WH40k Epic Battles the movie, right down to the text fonts and visual style? Why not shed out some shekels to GW so they could've just used their shitty lore instead of this new garbage with women and niggers.
What ps4 game is this?
Dishonest advertising, Jackson isnt the director.
I'm 12 and what is this?
Also its another female protagonist movie, when will companies again learn that people don't want to watch a woman as protagonist.
um sweetie, niggers and women are in 40k too
They are literally just some random imperial citizens waiting to die a meaningless death though, or simple exists to produce more citizens.
um sweetie, an entire chapter of marines is niggers
Who's the main character in the book?
can someone please explain to a brainlet what the fuck this book/movie is about
are you new to the internet, you can literally read the synopsis on wiki.
Imagine cumming on Hester's face. Watching sperm trickle along her scar like water down a stream until it reaches her torn lips and falls into her mouth.
Cities on wheels bombing around a barren post-apocalyptic wasteland eating each other
There's a lad and his ugly girlfriend and they have a reluctant adventure, there's also robot zombies and an asian lady in a blimp
Spielberg has been doing that for decades.
No, they're just coal black regular people due to a mutation. Some retard made up that they were niggers.
>its literally [something literally nobody has ever heard of] the movie
That's not how it works
Looks like apocalypse kino is back on the menu
mortal engines were one of my favourite book series when I was a lad
shame to see even they cannot resist being butchered by hollywood
basically this mad max but on city-scale and with terminators and floating cities thrown in
>something literally nobody has ever heard of
I've done some research and it appears to be a 40K board game
Can you explain why you feel it's similar?
>The book has won a Nestlé Smarties Book Prize
It's shite for children, nevermind then, moving on to the next thread.
has a "young adult" vibe i dont like
Ooh looks like we have a highly sophisticated person in our midst here.
I feel the need to post that one anons observation as to why she needs binoculars to spot something that huge.
Mind you when she homes in on it it's bigger than the field of view already...
This is the level of writing you can expect.
It's not about seeing it's there, it's about getting a closer look
Like a pirate using a telescope to look at another ship, he obviously can see it's there already
>assblasted 15 year old thinking shitty books written for his demographic are the most important stuff in the world.
Don't worry, you'll survive puberty.
Where do they find good roads? The Earth is bumpy as fuck.
this is a post apocalyptic an cap future, nobody builds roads
I loved this book when I was a young adult
I hope this movie is not like other adaptions of Young Adult novels
Where they're going, they don't need roads.
Its a board game made from the 80s and 90 and Mortal Engines blatantly rips off it, which is ok since GW made a living of ripping of other peoples creative work anyway.
based ancap
Give me the lore reason why there's fucking cities on wheels.
you're allowed paint the toys any colour you wish
Yes but how does it rip it off
Like I've read the wikia page and I just don't see how it relates at all
What particular thing did she try to spot? Its flag?
So it's Eragon again. A Hollywood cashgrab that will bomb and be shit.
At least this time I'm old enough to not feel disappointment that one of my childhood books has been butchered.
Major earthquakes happen all the time but they're detectable ahead of time, all the cities are mobile now to move out of the way.
Jesus fucking christ on a stick, it's not that hard to use the internet to find stuff. But no, instead you prefer to display to the whole world to see how utterly inept you are at finding shit out for yourself. Fucking hell manm do you need a map to wipe after taking a shit?
>The book is set in a post-apocalyptic world, ravaged by a "Sixty Minute War", which caused massive geological upheaval. To escape the earthquakes, volcanoes, and other instabilities, a Nomad leader called Nikola Quercus (known as god Nicholas Quirke by the time of the book) installed huge engines and wheels on London, and enabled it to dismantle (or eat) other cities for resources. The technology rapidly spread, and evolved into what is known as "Municipal Darwinism". Although the planet has since become stable, Municipal Darwinism has spread to most of the world except for Asia and parts of Africa. Much technological and scientific knowledge was lost during the war. Because scientific progress has almost completely halted, "Old Tech" is highly prized and recovered by scavengers and archaeologists. Europe, some of Asia, North Africa, Antarctica, and the Arctic are dominated by Traction Cities, whereas North America was so ravaged by the war that it is often identified as "the dead continent", and the rest of the world is the stronghold of the Anti-Traction League, which seeks to keep cities from moving and thus stop the intense consumption of the planet's remaining resources.
Eragon was a horrible LOTR ripoff that wasn't remotely creative, at least ME tries something creative.
In a post apocalyptic future that was still nonetheless in the past of Mortal Engines' present the city of London was taken over by a society of northerners whose culture was nomadic stemming back from a time when the nature of the apocalypse had made constant movement necessary. They already rolled around in huge caravans of large building-scale wagons so making the city move was the next logical step.
>Eragon was a horrible LOTR ripoff
With a story resembling Star Wars too. That shit was fucking horrendous.
Just getting a look, see what was going on
You're probably not wrong. I was a child when I read it so hardly in a critical mind
So it's easier to build cities on wheels that need to withstand when they drop into the fucking grand canon than building buildings that don't fail when the ground shakes?
>trailer reuses same shots multiple times
>dramatic zoom to woman masked hero 8 times
yeah, it will be shit
or was it already released and it is shit?
It's fucking shite, it's what it is.
We'd long dig ourselves in caves or underground bunker before we started putting wheels on our houses, let alone on entire fucking cities.
This stuff is for kids, nothing more.
Nah you're just a joyless cunt
Speak for yourself shitty-journalist. I don't hate female protagonists. I hate -bad- and shoehorned female protagonists.
I read the first book and liked it. I was going to continue on with the series because I thought it'd just be Tom and Hester on adventures but apparently there's a massive timeskip after book 2 and a change in protagonists. That really turned me off it.
Should I read the rest of the series or what?
Nah I find joy in stuff. Just not retarded shit that would only impress inbred kids.
>hurr durr let's put towns on wheels
It's stupid, and only stupid people would think this shit is fun.
And I've thought Japs were the weird ones.
Yeah man
And Fever Crumb
That movie is an adaptation of a western book though
Why are the cities driving around?
Based on a British book, like OP's film.
Landmarks. She's trying to identify the city. She recognizes one apparently. That's how she knows it's London.
The plot demands it.
To prey on other cities
Is there Berlin or Moscow in the books?
Like a paedophile?
Thanks for the spoonfeed that sounds pretty fun actually
Yes. Vatican City drives around raping younger cities.
so they dont get eaten by other cities
Nah like a fat man looking for a sandwich
But wait..
It wouldn't take long for London to eat all of the cities on the British Isle. How does it get to continental europe?
The oceans have dried up
>there is Omsk
I'm not even surprised
these books were very popular amongst british kids back in the day. i absolutely loved them
So why do they need to eat other cities, wouldn't it be more feasible to just mine raw materials if even the oceans have dried up?
>Whacky Races: The Movie
>Europe, some of Asia, North Africa, Antarctica, and the Arctic are dominated by Traction Cities, whereas North America was so ravaged by the war that it is often identified as "the dead continent", and the rest of the world is the stronghold of the Anti-Traction League,
Oh yeah so white people bad guys vs non-white good guys again, and with the heroic individual white leader of the good guys, AGAIN.
Like Venice, it can also function as a boat
Looks rad, will probably suck tho
>white people bad guys vs. non-white good guys
no, Tom and Hester are both white, their daughter is white, the bad guys are these guys
who are mainly Asian
There's one black guy who's good but he's a reformed suicide bomber so he's not really the best example
It occurs in the very distant future when obtainable resources have been exhausted.
Will the london robot be a cobbled together frankenstein robot of costa coffes, paki fried chicken stores and polski skleps
The salamanders aren't niggers you idiot they're just irradiated from Nocturns harsh environment.
The Celestial Lions however are legit bongos.
>no, Tom and Hester are both white, their daughter is white, the bad guys are these guys
See the very next part of my sentence.
Liberal whites always insert themselves as the leaders of the coloured hordes.
The British are allowed to take inspiration from eachother, from LotR to Warhammer to Mortal Engines. How this American film handles things who knows.
there are like no black people in the whole book series
stop injecting your american race politics fucking EVERYWHERE
>London assorbing towns in it's path
so slough and dartford in the next 5 years
Based celestial lions poster
>no black people in the whole book series
Did you even watch the trailer, all it had were niggers and women.
>book series
As always my cultural and intellectually inferior peers are unable to appreciate or gasp the quality of the material before their unworthy eyes.
it was litreally one extra while there was at least 3 white male extras