could he be a competent filmmaker?
Could he be a competent filmmaker?
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Isn't he already?
No fucking chance
too much of an edgemaster
I don't know, did he go to film school?
videogames are cinema 2.0
he doesn't have to waste his time doing films when he could make videokino
>The Guns of Navarone
>The Great Escape
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>Planet of the Apes (original work)
>The Deer Hunter
>Dawn of the Dead
>Full Metal Jacket
>Die Hard
>Black Hawk Down
>Children of Men
>Bourne Series
>007 Casino Royale
His analysis of The Last Jedi was spot on, and I'm certain he could be very strong on some types of scenes, but god forbid he ever direct anything romantic.
No. He's a genius video game maker who writes terrible dialogue and is a fan of toilet humour.
No. Hes a failure
He did.
I doubt he'll ever direct a movie, but his trailers are certainly kino af, like his latest one for death stranding.
why is he such a westaboo? not a single japanese movie in there? reminds me of the criticism that the MGS 2 translator did about him
>"Why is Mr Kojima writing about a country he's not a part of, and frankly doesn't know that much about? Watching a bunch of Michael Bay movies does not... I mean, it teaches you about America, in that we let a guy like this direct a lot of movies, but why doesn't he write a Japanese game? You know, same kind of action, same kind of stealth. There is darkness in Japan as well, and there's of course the potential for a lot more in the future, in any country which happens to be peaceful. There are a lot Japanese mercenaries. If you remember there was one killed in Iraq a few years ago."
>"But it's still this idea that if you're Japanese, or a game is Japanese, it's not cool, and I have come to loathe that attitude, with a passion. And I can go on a big rant, about how it's a product of internalising cultural imperialism from the West, or a kind of self-loathing, or desire to forget the past. It's not very long ago that a bunch of Japanese people sprayed an Israeli airport with machine-gun fire."
>"I think it's a bad form of playfulness to play at being another country's soldiers. It's inauthentic, and ultimately makes a fool of you, I think. I mean, yeah, it's just a game. But you know, if it's just a game, then why not try something creative?"
>I ask her, does she feel Kojima should work on something closer to home? "Yeah, something he can actually understand. I know that sounds really, really harsh, but I was really disturbed that a lot of the... Some of the earlier scene stuff I got, literally had references to Hollywood blockbusters, in the margins saying: 'Like in this movie!' But none of them were rare films, I mean it wasn't talking about Dr Strangelove, it was all just kind of bone-headed, you know, Bruckheimer kind-of... And I like some bone-headed stuff just fine. If Predator is on, I will always watch it. Same thing with Universal Soldier, believe it or not. But you can't then base your supposedly new fiction on that stuff. It's just a patchwork of Tom Clancy, Frederick Forsythe, Bruckheimer... It's a Frankenbaby, and not a very pretty one, not a very effective one I think."
>"I think that if you're ripping off Tom Clancy, it's...Tom Clancy is Tom Clancy, he deserves all the money and fame. The guy has worked hard. Writing is hard work. So to shoot out a bunch of these kinds of things, that we've been talking about, and then claim yourself as a writer when...And you know, there's good work being done in games. I think Portal is really well written, very beautifully written, but Kojima's stuff is...Fine, be a game creator, and know what you're not very good at, and learn to work with people who are. Stanley Kubrick, famously, the one thing he could not do was write. He could do everything else, but he didn't know how to write, so he worked with good writers, and worked with them in a very sort of relentless partnership. He knew his limits. I don't think Kojima's a writer. The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level. He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room, and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series or The Wire."
Camera "work" and dialogue in MGSV made me want to vomit. He's a hack.
Or anything with dialogue.
She sounds like such a bitter person every time she opens her mouth. "Frankly doesn't know much about" yet MGS2 becomes a more relevant game every year that passes. It wouldn't be wrong to say that it is politically speaking the most important video game in existence.
Im surprised escape from new york aint there
No. He's only good for set piece moments like Michael Bay, but for an actual coherent plot or good dialogue, he's very very bad. Even then most of his work is derivative and blatantly stolen from good movies that already exists, essentially taking away the only thing he's good for.
>this is kino
Go back to your containment board fag
>His analysis of The Last Jedi was spot on
MGS2 is shit and you're retard
the "red-pills" in MGS 2 are ripped straight of Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent. Kojima hasn't a single unique idea of his own. Gamers thinking that MGS 2 is a work of art for the ideas it expresses, expose how uncultured they are and why ultimately games won't be ever thought as serious art
>MGS2 becomes a more relevant game every year that passes. It wouldn't be wrong to say that it is politically speaking the most important video game in existence.
We can always post this aswell
He'd make a decent director on a technical level but he shouldn't be allowed to change the screenplay or make any creative decisions related to the plot. He's a truly, truly awful writer, at least when it come to plotting.
t. soyboy
MGS2 is an ambitious masterpiece that aims high, but doesn't hit on all points. It's messy and all over the place, but still one of the most profound games ever created.
You can be contrarian all you want, but the game is proving itself as the times go by. And yes, Kojima isn't the first person to come up with the ideas and themes of that game, but the way they were communicated, and the fact that they were part of a game is something special.
Name a game more politically relevant.
Deus Ex
Chomsky and SJWkojima are the soyboys though (with Kojima being a literal one, being japanese)
but keep feeling "enlightened" for seeing the same codec snippet posted in Sup Forums
*goes to school on a Saturday*
The cutscenes in his videogames are fucking terrible fuck no. Everything post mgs1 has horrible fucking pacing and generally shit dialogue.
>le 15 minute jeep ride of exposition
It was so bad I woke up the next day thinking it was all a fever dream.
Ground Zeroes and most of Phantom Pain were exquisitely directed and quite contained. MGS 4 was a piece of crap though, but he learned from it.
beware, in 15 years time nu-nu-gamers will love MGS V the same way today's underages love MGS 2
As people get more stupid and decadent, bad works of the past get rescued and revered as hallmarks of the medium
>in 15 years time
It's already happening.
Deus Ex you uncultured swine
MGS2 was gud tho and I'm 40
I agree to an extent that video games writing is retard level, but kojimbo upped the American fetishism for mgs3 and it was a glorious piece of entertainment and imo the best james bond game ever made, on some level only a westaboo could make such a game
>Did you rike it?
MGS 2 was so shit that it impacted significantly the sales of MGS 3 (MGS 3 ultimately ended up being good tho). Stop pretending it was good, most people disliked it, disliked the story (and not because DUDE SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND, it was just badly written with horrible characters all over) and from a gameplay perspective it was obsoleted by Splinter Cell (just like the previous was obsoleted by Thief)
>deus ex is good therefore mgs2 is shit
There’s literally already retards claiming black mirror season 3 was amazing and the new one is somehow much worse. The stupidity and immaturity of this board is frustrating
Hell no. His games have great world building and emotional moments but the narrative and writing in general is awful.
or that prequel Wars was always kino
>uhhh look at me im so contrarian
>Ask for a more politically relevant game than MGS2
>Get your answer by two different anons
>le brainlet wojak meme xd
>people care about writing in a video game
Deus Ex IS more relevant, seeing how that was the original question.
With that said however even if Deus Ex didn't exist MGS2 would still be shit.
MGS 2 fetishism was born by contrarianism though. It was always the black sheep of the series so anons memed into being this work of art and some dumbfucks believe it unironically.
I don't see how 10 minutes of codec exposition at the end of the game can savage what an utter mess of a game it was prior to that. As I say, people will act as if MGS V wasn't a mess not far into the future, just like contrarians are now loving prequel Wars (and will probably love TLJ in the future)
Keep the word "kino" out of your mouth, pleb
rate mgs games in order of greatness
Sounds like XV-kun
The jeep ride is literally MGS3's ladder but better.
reminder video games are toys for children. much like a game of chess or monopoly, the writing is the most inconsequential part of a game and any game that focuses on a story would be better as a book. discussing if a game had "bad writing" is like discussing if a kino had "good graphics."
>a plot point revolves around multiple characters not knowing what the president looks like
MGS2 a shit, Kojima is a hack.
Sam Lake is the superior filmwriter.
>t. Has unironically used the term capekino
>discussing if a kino had "good graphics"
What is photography?
>unironically plays video games
>has the gall to act elitist about taste
MGS 3 is the only one I consider to be a truly great game, as it was the first one to be a competent stealth game instead of a evolved 3D Pac-Man, the story was unpretentious but entertaining and had a good flow of gameplay/story
MGS 1 has alright story and the best characters from the series but gameplay wise is shit specially when compared to Thief
MGS V has good controls and good stealth mechanics but has horrendous level & mission design and the story was horrid
MGS 2 is just plain shit in the gameplay department, awkward controls + shit level design + shitty camera = horrible stealth experience (specially when playing without radar). Story is shit and copying ideas of some books doesn't make it good. Even if you love the story, the fact is that there's barely any gameplay in it. Just constant backtracking through the same tiny levels being harassed by codec calls every minute. It fails at being a game
MGS 4 is a movie, a very bad one. Takes the worse excesses of 2 and amplify them. Haven't played Peace Walker or the originals for the MSX
Sam Lake is a fucking genius and a really nice person.
I had a personal chat with him a few years back at the Alan Wake forum.
>MGS 1
what year did you play it first time?
holy shit Kojimbo was BTFO really fucking hard
And he is a memester
>has only played subsistence
>didn't even play on release
>lacks any sort of context
>thinks he has any authority on quality
He can't even write a competent story for a videogame
Well, he's a big boy.
at release. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it at the time but its clear that it's a case of being the new shiny toy. I played Thief 2 years later and I was stunned by how much better and deeper it was, while conveying more to the player through means of immersion and atmosphere than codec/cinematic exposition
>like discussing if a kino had "good graphics.
fan of ueda's work? what did you think of the last guardian?
not that user but my mgs ranks are from best: mgs3, mgs1, mgs4, mgs2, mgs5.
i fucking hated 5
mgs1 = mgs2 > mgs3 > mg2 > mgs5 > mgspw > mg1 > mgs4
nice assumption you dumbfuck. I played them all in release order because I'm not underage
I never played the subsistence version. Even the bad camera was superior to 2 because it was placed far above to the character, like in MGS 1. 2 was placed too close to the character to be useful in stealth situations.
100% of the people who play other better stealth games know that 3 is a far superior stealth game to 2. In fact I don't know why people still like 1 or 2 for a gameplay perspective after playing Thief, Chaos Theory or even the original Deus Ex with its dumb AI.
Only played ICO which I liked it.
Damn, that was brutal.
Did he commit honorable seppuku after this?
Nope, if anything, the more he focused on the cinematic experience, the more half assed the product became.
is Death Stranding DOA then? will it mark his Molyneux moment and lose all goodwill build until then?
We got 3 long cutscene trailers and we still don't know the genre of the game.
I think he reached the Nolan status with the web2.0 hivemind, in which he cannot do anything wrong. He will probably get called out by a few people here and there, but I can see lots of people defending him just for the sake of the name and memes.
do you have the other caps? the ones with the wet bandits?
This 15mins MGS2 Scene is better than all of TLJ
Kojima is the George Lucas of videogames, gets all the credit for previous titles, but when the talented people are gone and it's just him the result is a mess.
You'd be surprised how many people care. Some people went as far as to make a petition to change the ending of Mass Effect 3.
>and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series
they had me up until the very end. Whoever this is claims to be able to critique someone's artistic merit but then turns around and implies that the dark tower is some kind high bar in literature.
Ive read the series and listened through it a second time and while I like it everything after book 4 is mediocre at best with book 6 in particular being downright bad. Even some of the highly acclaimed earlier books like book 3 has moments so retarded that they cannot be defended like the psychotic talking train
Well, it's a higher bar than anything Metal Gear, and I dislike King and like Metal Gear,