Chinese romcom EX-FILE 3 earns 3x as much as THE LAST JEDI on Saturday


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Ex gonna give it to ya

Is that romcom good?


Hollywood better hop on that cinese romcom bandwagon.

taken from another thread before some faggot says "B-BUT A BILLION ISN'T BAD":

>Going by another Disney-owned property that had a huge hit first time around, the difference in budget between Avengers 1 & 2 was approx 36%

>That would be the equivalent of TFA's $306 million budget becoming a $416 million budget for TLJ, which sounds a little high, so let's say the budget is only 18% higher, that would make the budget for TLJ $361 million which sounds more realistic

>With that budget, an average cost of marketing a blockbuster comes to $100 million on top of that, with making merchandise adding another $150 million (bear in mind TLJ toys are pretty lackluster, either exactly the same as TFA toys, or the new characters just don't sell shit), and one more $100 million to distribute worldwide

>That puts the entire movie at a hefty cost of $711 million. Now take away about $200 million AT LEAST for the money they make from merchandising, and that means Disney need $511 million back to make their money back from this movie.

>Disney did the sane (but greedy) think of saying they would take 65% of theatre takings. Accounting for what it's made so far, Disney have made their money back and a profit of $218.3 million

>But compare that to the cost of TFA, along with the profit from merchandise and bigger box office take, TFA made a profit of at least $1 billion

>movie about a Chinese woman being blacked does poorly in China


Thala-Siren is not impressed

I thought it was a Chinese chubby boy getting blacked. Are you saying the film is not nearly as progressive as I thought?

Is EX-FILE 3 kino?