People say this is a heroic and memorable moment. Why? He did nothing brave...

People say this is a heroic and memorable moment. Why? He did nothing brave. He died alone on a deserted island due to being a hologram for too long. I fail to see the bravery of his actions and see Luke as an scared and frail man now.

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It’s retarded when you think about it because all he did was slightly delay the FO

People say this is a worthy and thought-out post. Why? He said nothing intelligent. He shitposted alone in a deserted basement due to being a NEET failure for too long. I fail to see the point of his actions and see OP as a lonely and sad manchild now.

>become force hologram and die
>didn't just go there in person and potentially not die


>$0.05 has been deposited.

>subverts your expectations

Why didn’t he stop projecting a few seconds earlier to save his strength so he would survive? Not like they the NewRebels needed those precious last few seconds to escape. Luke would have known he’d be better use to them alive. It’s not like the situation absolutely called for him to exhaust himself to death.

Is that how much you mcfuckin make? Hahaha see you around you burger.

The script says "and then Luke dies", it's obvious Disney execs decided Luke will not survive 8 for some arbitrary reasons.

>$0.05 has been taken from your checkings.

Go clean your vagina

It was heroic in the sense he overcame his apathy and fear. He was able to find faith in the force and in himself to do the right thing and give his all for a cause that mattered. For all intents and purposes he might as well have been there because the results were the same. He fought Kylo, kept them occupied for long enough for his friends to escape and kept the resistance alive. And he did so with optimism. He may not have been there physically but he sacrificed himself for those ideals all the same.

In the end, he found hope.

Is that not heroic?

Just because he didn't get on a ship (which he didn't have) and do the same stuff face to face, only to get the same result....doesn't diminish the heroism of his sacrifice.

lol he pretty much told kylo (who hes responsible for pushing over the edge to the dark side in the first place) to go fuck himself, then commit sudoku, so that he could save some bitch he knew for 1 day. what a heroíc act by luke skywalker.

so instead of going there as a human, he literally commit suicide by using too much forceghost holograms. and somehow this is brave? nothing was at risk for luke once he got there because he was partially invincible.

The Disney shills don’t get paid. They get discounted tickets to movies and theme parks

The risk was that he was killing himself by doing it. Like...he did something that would kill him for his friends.

Pretty clear cut heroism to me. Especially seeing as there was no other way for him to be there at that point.

So..... exactly what Obi Wan did? Rocks up and smack talks Vader, commits suicide via dressing gown to save a band of five or so people hed only really met that week?

>as there was no other way for him to be there at that point.
he could have taken his x wing out easily with the force. yoda did this before.

They wanted Leia to be the central character and the TRUE skywalker in the third and final film.

Think about it, Leia flies messianically back into the ship while Luke drinks blue testicle milk. She was to be the hero of the series in Kathleen’s eyes, never luke.

Perhaps. Assuming he could lift it out, inspect it and repair any damages done to it, find where the rebels and the first order were going and get there within the allotted amount of time then I suppose he could have.

But what would the point have been? If he WAS there he would have died when Kylo ordered all the AT-AT's to open fire, if not during the preceding duel.

So even assuming he COULD get there, what's the point?

And I only wish I could watch you in your dying moments OP.
Probably die as you lived, a scared little bitch with his pants around his ankles.

And then Leia would’ve said something like, “Luke was great, but he was always a bit in over his head. He should have listened to me more. Well,.. he was a heart filled flyboy at the end of the day. Finally got to him.” And she wouldn’t even cry about it.

Remember how Kylo Ren in VII stopped the blaster bolt in mid air? Imagine that taken to the next level with Luke stopping all of the huge At-At bolts and walking past them. It would build on something we’ve seen before and we’d see where Kylo learned that from. Then hey could have a proper duel. Where Luke shits all over Kylo but ultimately lets himself get killed still because he’s trying to get Kylo to wake up from his delusion. Leaving Kylo further conflicted st he end of the film.

>he didn't have a ship
>forgets the x-wing was there underwater all along

Luke is not the space flying skywalker to get there without a ship

>find where the rebels and the first order were going

Just like he did to force project?

It's plot hole oblivious people like you the reason we can't have nice things anymore

Great counter argu...oh wait

Touche. That's a fair point.
The actual point you made rather, not the little dig there. The reason we can't have nice things is that this place generally is where people come to celebrate nice things, so much as shit on popular things.

But yeah, I'll give you that one.

I'm kinda glad that didn't happen desu, because it would have become MUH POWER LEVELS and silly, like "remember that time Kylo stopped one blaster? Well Luke stopped 349 canon shots from a line up of walkers!"

Kylo has never been about power, he wants status and recognition. He wants to be the next Vader as a symbol of fear. Not just as powerful as him.

Humbling Kylo by taunting him as an untouchable ghost made him look weak of character. Where as Luke being killed by Kylo would be nothing short of a victory in his mind. As it stands now Kylo can never kill Skywalker. He lost. And that's more important.