What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s not to grow up

Jesus christ, look at the fuckin jaw on his wife. Ewwwwwwww

>all these women who dye their hair blonde

Grotesque. Being fair in complexion myself I must hope to find an equally fair maiden to procreate with, begetting some real blondes.

i think his wife there was worried he was looking at waifus

opposites attract, m8

fucker has shit taste

What is the female version of manchild? Is there one?

Refn has no chin. He compensated so his kids get a normal one

Notice the guy goes along with his wife (?) when she pulls away. It's cute and endearing. When the guy goes in by himself to spend $400 on toys, or brushes off his wife to keep looking, that's when its a problem.

>Yes, how dare men enjoy things and have fun, fucking assholes. They must work hard to support me after I settle in my 30s
t. Stacy McRoaster

the ones who "read" a lot but all they read are feminist authors. real one sided

>how dare you have any other interests but listening to my mundane bullshit all day

Womenchildren, not even once

fat feminist

Disney fanatic. They're weird.

A woman.

>he looked at something for a moment
HOLY SHIT *cringes* what an embarrassing manchild. I MEAN WOW THE CRINGE Hopefully his wife killed herself out of embarrassment.

nice digits

that pic of those two roasties who had their mouths open in some star wars framed picture that was posted here a while back.

He should have fucking stomped her head in. Who the fuck is she? A no talent piece of shit.

He's a weeb. There's a clip of him talking about how he is at his most calm when he's building Gundam figures. Then like 2 seconds later he's cursing cause he's fucking up.

Refn is a notourious autist. Dude threw a desk at a teacher.

ummmmmmm this?

Seriously though disney girls


Yeah, it's so cute when the primary earner can't do what he wants.

Not looking at "something", looking at toys. If he was looking at power tools or mountain bikes, something a mature adult should take an interest in, there'd be no issue.


Holy shit so fucking gross. Everything about her is gross I can't find a single thing attractive about this bitch.



Millenials had the commercial jingle, "i don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys r us kid" hammered into our heads like 50,000 times in our lives.
So we listened

>Mountain bikes

Yeah fag, try putting that on your health insurance forms and see how much it costs ya in premiums

/r/incel refugee?

But toys are us is going bankrupt

Why don't you bake a cake or knit something?

I hate it. I also hate the word "adulting" for doing basic fucking shit. Some people can't cope with it so they become obsessed with masculinity as in "gotta grow a beard and eat bacon!".

I am not saying a guy needs to have a family at the age of 24,but jesus christ,interest in toys and games should wane by then.

Nothing wrong with that. It's why you can be a man and still have fun in life. And be fun.

>she said no to his proposal and dumped him a few times
>get's his first movies grweenlit
>she comes back and marries him

Fucking women..



She might be nice though user, what if she's really nice?

Sluts who had multiple abortions and still unmarried past 25.

If they have a son he'll be a Chad posterboy

>being pushed

fuck off. so sick of this meme.

>man looks at toy in front of his woman
>woman looks at toy behind her man
what did they mean by this

It's not cute and endearing, it's sickening. She's basically telling him what to like. She wants him to be somebody he's not and obviously doesn't like the man he is. Instead of supporting him in the things he likes, she thinks it's her job to reform him into something she deems acceptable. I'd never look twice at a bitch like that. Fucking cunt.

Bicycles are for little kids; if youre an adult you can afford a fucking motorcycle

Teachers suck. Bitch probably deserved it.

You want someone in a partner to help you grow. You playing games and with dolls isn't growing--it's the opposite. Things worth having and that draw fulfillment are things you have to work towards. Sitting on your ass playing call of duty amongst your toys will not make you happy at age 50.

>on a board about TV/Movies
>saying video games are childish

Pushed and embraced.

The old term is, "spinster".

well i doubt she's trying to attract you


>those muscley shins
Told you it was a man.

no he's right
video games are for fucking faggots

underrated post

he's thinking of his offspring lad. gotta compensate somehow.

Jesus christ, my brother has done just that. Has a stupid goddamn beard, has dozens of stupid star wars books and books about the Witcher. He also is about 40kg overweight and eats bacon every day.

His gf is legit obsessed with all the gay goth shit from the early 90's and late 80's. Like The Nightmare Before Xmas and Edward Scissorhands. She is 31, doesn't drive and lives with her mother.

Lol fucking virgin you understand nothing at women
For what we know maybe he is doing that like fifty times a week, and she's more playful than anything else.
Fucking faggot

It's a coping mechanism. He's still a kid in his heart(into video games and scifi) but he wants to be a man and does all the activities a caricature of a manly man would do (all the easy ones like growing a beard and eating bacon,not the tough ones like going to the gym and actually working on yourself)

Fujoshi, though it doesn't apply to western media..

So...your idea of manhood is imitation. How mature.

>dude just lift!
God you Sup Forums faggots are stupid as fuck. Working out doesn't suddenly make you man, want to drop childish hobbies and start a family.
Get off of the fucking kool aid, its making you fags fucking retarded.

all these people have never been in a relationship and don't understand she was seeing which toy it was so she could buy it for him for christmas

>Look mommy, I'm a real man.

>Sitting on your ass playing call of duty amongst your toys will not make you happy at age 50

But watching tv and playing backgammon does?


Video game addiction is real and is causing many men to fall out of society. Movies/tv, while a definite distraction, usually don't eat up 40 hours a week of your time.

I actually don't watch any television (don't have it in the home by choice) and I rarely watch movies in the theaters. However, I do enjoy the discussions and shit posting on this board.

Weird girls who still like disney princesses and shit. They are as weird as us, but opposite. Instead of being corrupt like us they are super innocent and act like they're still girls.

Imagine having a well-adjusted son who's into tools and cars and sports and then fucking him in his ass and turning him into a cookie-baking faggot. Mmm I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

Do you know what is the saddest part? He is a Registered Nurse and works for a major public hospital and has regular patient interaction.

I was expecting he would find some chick within that environment but no. His gf is a 'teacher' in a child care center. Talk about low expectations.

We have time. You don't. We're holding out til you slags hit the wall,
then we're going after the younger hot birds who reject liberal feels
brainwashing and would never vote for a scrag like Hillary.

We'll die surrounded by still good looking wives and numerous
children and grandchildren in a prosperous, optimistic nation.
While you die surrounded by toxoplasmosis mobility units in
some roastie storage tenement on whatever containment
island we allow you to continuing breathing on.

Mountain bikes are literally for kids unless you ride mountain trails. Get a road bike and go fast.

Calm down with the negativity,I was just making a point that they do the "man" thing half assedly by doing the easy instant stuff (eat bacon and growing a beard) while being too afraid of going to the gym and looking for a job.
Live your own life bro,he chose his path.

imagine how many loads based Refn has busted up on that jaw

>Take care of me with my blown out pussy and my niglet spawn

No thanks

Horsefuckers. Those are the scariest weirdest girls out there

>mountain bikes
lmao kill yourself amerimutt

>the Witcher
is an actual (mediocre) book series before it became games.

hes already rich and famous. what else is going to work towards? Nothing wrong with toys/ video games and some me time

>Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control

>SW is for children but they don't want to admit it. There's a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike

>SW created the big-budget comic book mentality, it ate the heart and the soul of Hollywood

>A 12yo boy told me proudly that he had seen SW over a 100 times? I said 'could you promise never to see it again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his 30s, isn't living in a fantasy world of secondhand childish banalities

>I don't think they are making them an elevated art form, it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core

>I don't want to see films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me

>They have been poison, this cultural genocide. The audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human

>Spandex must cost a lot. I look at them and scratch my head. I’m really baffled by it

>Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire, this religion. It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States

>Superman Vs Spiderman, Iron Man Vs Superman... I can't believe people are still paying to see this shit

>Cold night
>She scoots next to you and grabs your arm
>It's so cold, user
>Heh, yeah...
>She puts her head on your shoulder
>You know, if you want, we could finish the movie in my room, I have a blanket
>She starts touching your leg

Would you say no? Seriously think about it. Would you?

How does a man like that even get a gf?

I am not ignorant of the book series. I just don't like it after reading Elric of Melenborne.

he's rich stupid

the guy that invented Guinness, the actor from breaking bad and Mel Gibson don't like superhero movies. wow big deal. Real compelling argument ya got there you fucking dunce.

I watched the first episode and it made me sick

Liv is a based wife

He has a fetish for really fat women. I used to live with him a few years ago and there were women who had trouble getting through the front door due to their weight.

His current gf would probably be at least 120kg and looooves to wear all those bright colours that other feminist freaks wear. She has never driven a car and my brother has to pick her up from work. He honestly thinks she is a woman worth marrying :/.

the ones who read 'young adult' fiction and watch films based on those books.

Imagine you had a girlfriend who liked Hello Kitty. It's not necessarily a flaw, but it's not something you mutually enjoy. You let her enjoy it though. But one day you go to get a laptop and as you pass a hello kitty stand you already anticipate your wife stopping, so as you pass you kind of drag her along as if to say, "we're not here for that now."

God you sound like you know fucking everything but your just a bitter, jaded faggot.

Back to Sup Forums with you.

Women are just looking for strong, determined, responsible, and committed men. If white man-babies would just stop playing with toys and act like their great grandfathers, women would be satisfied.

No he really is not. He has a significant amount of student debt and spends a lot of money on stupid gifts for his gf. For xmas she had ever made a fucking LIST of gifts she wanted. Such as, and I am not joking, A Nightmare before Xmas themed version of Clue.

No I wouldn't.

Uh, they are.

If he's an RN like you say he is, he's making BANK.
Sorry not all of us make six figures being a chef at Wendy's like you do.

why do you post this thread daily? who hurt you OP?

>toxoplasmosis mobility units
Best insult I've heard since soyboy. Good job.

Back to tumblr with you, no one cares what women want

so hes lame for liking anime shit but youre better than him despite knowing all these random little facts about his life and constantly talking about him?

The truth has been spoken