>Achilles is black
wtf is this shit? Where is 'muh cultural appropriations' crowd now?
>Achilles is black
wtf is this shit? Where is 'muh cultural appropriations' crowd now?
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Fuck trump and fuck white people
ye this is racism towards mediterranean people!
The truth is that both, liberals crying whitewashing and Sup Forumstards calling blackwashing, are retards
>still thinking historical accuracy matters
it's time biihhhhh
>im invincible whyte boi
>das rite helen bout to get this bbc
>they lynch him over the walls of troy
interesting rewrite of a classic desu
hahaha, are you triggered by this direct insult you fragile snowflake? A real man should learn to take this kind of stuff up the ass.
Achilles wasn't a real person so it literally doesn't matter
>inb4 "Hercules is still real to me" manchildren replies
>redhead aphrodite
what did bbc mean by this?
hmmmm..... something seems..... off....
I hope you don't blame him for accepting the role.
What the fuck I’m Greek and that looks just like me.
>portray a story with Ethiopian characters
>cast the black dude as one of the Greek characters
>troilos is killed by achilles
>troilos is played by a white guy
really makes you think
>the Trojan war wasn't real
Why don't they hire a black woman?
Why are they obsessed with BMWF?
He was clearly described as blonde and white, and he was Greek. While there may have been black people in ancient Greece they would never have positions of power or be in the army.
Also, with the same logic, everyone in the LOTR universe is a fictional character. Why not make them black?
it was real in my mind
you know (((why)))
Did they straight wash him too?
>Why are they obsessed with BMWF?
Stop being triggered, faggot.
Doesn't WMBF accomplish the same goal?
The only good part about their progressive shit is seeing hot ethnic sluts. Now we can't even have that.
Yeah nah its propaganda and you know it fagget
No it doesn't, the goal is to destroy white men.
No because the white man is more dangerous than the white woman. Therefore emasculating him is better for (((them)))
>Doesn't WMBF accomplish the same goal?
No. The attack is against white men. Foreign women don't portray the same sense of threat as foreign men, since the latter can be seen as invaders or in a militant sense.
How are white men destroyed by making a movie about Greek mythology with two negroes in it?
One piece of a much larger (((plan)))
We may never know
That's not an explanation.
Okay, keep believing it's all just ((((((coincidences)))))
Still not an explanation, but cool Sup Forums memes.
It's like a Blacked.com cast.
its called subliminal propaganda
>portray white men as weak and evil
>blacks as poor victims and heroes
>make people more welcoming to (((diversity))) and allowing in third worlders
Have you actually read Homer? Achilles is an absolute shit head, a brutal, murderous madman. He acts as close to chimpout as possible without being an actual nigger.
Not him, but do you see the huge number of movies/tv shows where white men are relegated to the background and replaced by black men who are depicted as more attractive and just as civilized? When it happens here and there, it's fine, when it happens on a large scale, it is no longer a coincidence.
It doesn't "destroy" white males like that user said, but it's mean to lessen their importance. Movie after movie, tv episode after tv episode, year after year, these things stick.
No, but this applies more to (((American))) television and media, I don't know why jews would want to portray ancient civilizations as black, I haven't thought about it much, but my first post makes sense if you ask me
>he think BBC is going to stay faithful to homer
>he think Achilles wont be portrayed as heroic
I don't think you understand what BBC is all about.
It's mythology, not history.
Why are you Sup Forumstards so butthurt?
I honestly don't notice a whole lot of those, no, except on fucking Sup Forums. Most movies are still pretty white with white protagonists and love interests, as it should be as long as burgers dare call themselves "white".
The turth is they're both racial advocacy groups that can have an effect and you are a gaylord
mythology reflects the people who created it, greeks put themselves when they wrote and created art, they just made themselves more godly, same with all their statues, they look like handsome buff white body builders
Where's the asians?
We're not pol we're the majority.
Achilles is a Myrmidon (King of the Myrmidons in fact) from Thessaly. That isn't a fictional place.
>The blacksmith is actually black
I've said this in many threads now, but as an actual Greek user, I don't even give a shit.
Hollywood next to never casts actors that even look Greek, Gal Gadot is one of the few that could pass as Mediterranean and they still populated that movie with a mustached british cunt. If you were cool with Gerald Butler, Kirk Douglas, Brad Pitt or Liam Neeson and offended by this, you are a hypocrite and need to go fuck yourself with a cactus.
This is what you faggots get for cancelling Atlantis
Something tells me your tactical nihilism would disappear the instant an African god/hero/whatever was portrayed as European.
I went to see Macbeth at the Globe Theatre (London) a couple of years ago and of course Macbeth and Banquo were both black. I didn't think much of it at the time apart from "heh, that's an interesting take, I guess" but then I saw the BBC Teach documentary about Roman Britain (that was posted above), the inafmous Dr Who webm, all of the big brand Christmas adverts (5 big supermarkets out of 5 used a BMWF couple) and even the train advert (pic related) at my gym. It adds up and it is not coincidental.
>If you were cool with Gerald Butler, Kirk Douglas, Brad Pitt or Liam Neeson and offended by this, you are a hypocrite and need to go fuck yourself with a cactus.
They were all shit but this one goes the extra mile
Steven Moffat is on public record saying it is not an artistic choice, not just the best actor for the role, but to attempt to present the audience a better, improved version of the world. That is, less Europeans makes something inherently superior. This is no different than Pure, thus better, Classless, thus better. Different shade of the same socialist propaganda.
>historical accuracy
>for a made up story that never happened
>for a made up story that never happened
It may have happened. Even if it didn't,
Its about time biiiiih
Imagine if someone said the exact same thing but instead of white they said jewish, which is actually more accurate.
Let's make Wakanda a multi-cultural nation with lots of white people and see how SJWs take it.
The BBC has literal diversity quotas, even on historical content where there would only be white people. Really makes you wonder how they would make a documentary about the Third Reich...
>An epic tale of mortals and gods gets the big-budget treatment in Troy: Fall of a City (BBC One/Netflix), starring David Threlfall, Frances O’Connor and Chloe Pirrie. The Night Manager writer David Farr’s sweeping narrative is told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege: the judgement of Paris and his scandalous love affair with Helen, which plunges Greece and Troy into war and threatens to bring both empires to their knees.
its like a fucking turkposting copy pasta
everyone up until yesterday was black, including you
>The Greek population, reacting to the Latin conquest, believed that the Byzantine civilization that revolved around the Orthodox faith would be more secure under Ottoman Islamic rule.
Your country willingly gave itself (and most imporantly, it's children, which the Ottoman Turks were fond of) to Islam. Why am I mentioning this? Oh, that's right, you have no right at all to talk about what an Ancient Greek looks like, Turk. Now fuck off and stop larping that you are European or White.
But you are not really Greek. You are a Turk rape-baby that has almost nothing to do with the people that lived in Ancient Greece.
Of course the only girl has to be pale white
>B-But we wuz greekz an shieet
No, you weren't, Johansson. Man are wh*te cucks desperate these days.
$100 says they make Ajax the lesser white so the raping of Cassandra isn't "problematic"
Ethiopians have Caucasian admixture. They aren't the same as sub-saharans.
because it’s hot
Diversity just means more niggers and less whites.
Not a few more blacks and a few more asians, just more niggers and less whites. OOGA BOOGA my friends.
Nice strawman. I'm not saying I'm Ancient Greek and I know I certainly am nothing close to a modern Greek. Albania, outnumbered 1000 to 1 held off the Ottomans for 25 years. The Greeks rolled over instantly to their superiors, the roaches.
What I am trying to say is that Greeks are not real humans, just pieces of shit with mouths and eyes.
Because modern-day greeks look like modern-day turks but nothing like the greeks of ancient times.
>Sup Forumsbabbys virtue signaling for my culture
>get called out
>y-you're not r-real greek, these scotish people were
I know for a fact you are not only "not Greek" but also "not human". You are just history's detritus, a small and inoffensive globule of fecal matter. Your country is annex bait that countries have been conquering for 2000 years as they head off to real victories and places worth conquering.
Like Gods of Egypt?
I don't care about their history, my point is that you can't make fun of the greek ethnicity without mocking ancient greek ethnicity as well. That said, catholics were and still are subhumans that would rather kiss nigger feet than uphold their faith, you shouldn't be making excuses for them.
>moving goalposts this hard
Let me guess: butt mad FYROMer?
I'm not Sup Forums either and am all for equality but making a distinctly white character from Greek mythology is just the most blatant shoehorning in of leftist values I can imagine.
Yeah, didn't shitlibs have an aneurysm over that?
Modern """Greek""" ethnicity is Turkish. They are worse than roaches because at least roaches won land and fights.
>it's a basement dweller pretends they know the world episode
Your meme picture argument sure has beat the wikipedia sources of recorded history and convinced me my friend.
Funny thing is Hercules in the Greek myths is part nigger
You tend to base your preconceived notions on poorly constructed jpegs and inforwar images, so I don't see why not.
Especially when there are already Ethiopian characters in the story as pointed out.
There is literally no evidence of Greek genes changing much since Minoan times.
"In recent anthropological studies, both ancient and modern Greek osteological samples were analyzed demonstrating a bio-genetic affinity and continuity shared between both groups.[153][154]"
Im just saying that your cherry picked picture of blacks isnt as good an argument as history
Ethiopians in Greek myths meant Sub-Saharans
Ethiops literally means "burnt-face"
>"In recent anthropological studies, both ancient and modern Greek osteological samples were analyzed demonstrating a bio-genetic affinity and continuity shared between both groups.[153][154]"
Go to source [153] and [154]. Those results are nowhere near reliable.
Zeus was a god Alcmene was Greek.
Dude I've actually seen, talked to and worked with Greeks.
Fuck, I've been in Greece and Cyprus for vacation a few times. Maybe 0.0001% of Greeks look like in your pic.
>my anecdote is worth more than two academic papers
This has to be a false flag. Fuck off Sup Forums
ebin bait haha
What anecdote?