What's your favorite ?

What's your favorite ?

Podcast, I meant, got cut off

I sure do love watching podcast on my Sup Forums, yes sir I do!

My front facing face ears love them.

Griffin used to be loveable. Then he turned into an annoying bitter pill. Also the epitome of a cuck and soyboy.

My favorite is the one were I don't listen to this faggot podcast because I'm not a cuck.

As a former fan, it is maybe the most faggoty podcast I've listened to

>My podcasts have to be MASCULINE AND STRONK
definitely not gay, I believe you user

>My cuck, my soyboy, and faggot

>t. proud to be a cuck

Caring about how media you consume makes you look is the most insecure, Reddit thing I can imagine. I'll bet you're favorite xmas movie is diehard xdd