This is the creative process for Nu Wars

This is the creative process for Nu Wars.




There's nothing wrong with anything written here and if you think there is you're incredibly jaded.

not him but fuck off

>Kathleen would take a shit and her lackeys would slurp it up

If she had any talent she would have written or directed her own goddamn shit after 50 fucking movies

sounds like a similar thing is happening right now with her as did with Lucas on the prequels

bunch of yes-nu-men being all ''oh what a great idea, miss Kennedy, of course we will have the force have a feminine minority gender'', etc.

Holy shit, they actually went and created a soy-planet.

Worse because Lucas at least had good ideas as well as terrible ones, unlike Kennedy


I'm pretty sure everyone involved in the prequels genuinely admired George Lucas and respected his ideas. It is obvious that the nu males the work for Kennedy are worried for their job, she fired 4 directors and 12 writers and probably more other employee we'll never know. You can't even start comparing George to the Kunt.

Maybe she thought ''sand'' because Luke's father hated sand. It was course and it got everwhere.

I'm willing to bet that she got this dream Baader-Meinhof'd from EpII and she thought it was ''meaningful'' enough to waste time and effort on. Even the concept artist is half-assing this with how retarded that Mark Hamill photo is put there.

>a Skywalker hates sand
This is actually pottery.


in theory no, but what we saw on screen? that was godawful

>but what we saw on screen?
>implying you're basing your criticism on your actual experience watching the film and not on the early mrme reactions on Sup Forums
I'll be surprised if you even watched it on theaters and not on your laptop.

wtf is this? why did they go there?

I avoided /tv that particular week.
Watched it in theaters with my normie friends. It was the first time in my life i actually regretted being a star wars fan.
Including clone wars and jar.

Compare it to the concept art Lucas commissioned

If Lucas can do it, why can't I? How hard can it be? What do you mean I should read all the books on Monomyth, theology, anthropology that George did? Books are for losers! *thunderclap* What do you mean I should school myself on Hawks, Kurosawa and Ford? These fat nerds will watch anything called Star Wars five times over. In fact, shut the fuck up, you're a man, don't tell me what to do! In fact, get the FUCK out, you're FIRED!


George at least had a hand in the original creative process, and no matter what he came up with it still felt like Star Wars
The creative process with Kennedy reminds me of those leaked Sony emails where Amy Pascal is just rambling for an entire email about things she thinks are trendy and how they could be incorporated into a Spiderman movie, like Instagram and yoga

Based Airbender Luke

wouldn't be surprised if that was the thought process

>those leaked Sony emails where Amy Pascal is just rambling for an entire email about things she thinks are trendy and how they could be incorporated into a Spiderman movie, like Instagram and yoga

jesus christ what is this


>Could've gotten old General Solo with Beard and Duster
>Could've gotten cool trash planet instead of Tatooine 2.0
>Could've gotten an inspirational, wise old Luke
Its not fair. Its just not fair

>old General Solo
Jesus Christ even Ford would've liked that.

Thank God you live in capitalism and there is a chance she will face consequences. Under Communism over here, there was no escape and no matter how shit, if it fit the agenda, the "artists" would get promoted.

I can tell her why: Leia has hidden away and couldnt receive jedi training, on account of them all being killed off.

She has her rebel leader duties, and there wouldn't be a reason for force sensitivity to manifest itself on screen. Luke alludes to it with his piloting, we only see it happen in dire straits where he needs to grab something.

And then they focus on training him to use those abilities, training leia isnt getting because she has bigger things to concern herself with


Anyway, I know you have the rest of these pics, including the one where Finn and Poe are opposite characters and there is a good reason to leave the FIrst Order.


>Thank God you live in capitalism
Lately it's all I've been doing.


post more of this

Trapped Luke >>>more kino>>> Punished Luke

>I can only speculate since I haven't seen the Last Jedi

looks exactly how nuwars is.

Pls post more broken dreams I need it for my friends headcannon

holy fuck at that Ford

fuck this bitch

the art books are way more interesting than the bland trash put on screen

>uncommonly tranquil

What is Naboo and Alderaan?

Kennedy confirmed /ourgal/

>George at least had a hand in the original creative process, and no matter what he came up with it still felt like Star Wars
Ah yes, Dexter's 50s diner sure felt like Star Wars


this reads as tumblr fan fiction

we call her admiral tumblr for a reason

>no matter what he came up with it still felt like Star Wars
It really didn't though, you fucking shill. Is this Lucas's grassroot efforts to get himself back involved with Star Wars again?

Fuck you motherfucker how fyuckign fuck dare you you triple fuck fucker.

Han Solo should have resembled an old Jim Raynor in TFA

The concept is fine, but executing the scene by having her literally fly through the vacuum of space is horrible writing and cringe worthy film making.

Luke's character arc is managed masterfully, allowing him to have significant failures early in the trilogy so that when his final gamble to redeem Vader in RoTJ pays off, it carries actual weight

because it literally is

somebody post the image, shit was gold

exactly my first thought. no creativity in these things

can't believe they actually fucked it up so badly
mark fucking hamill telling you that the luke skywalker they're creating is wrong should have been a fuck huge red flag for them
instead they just double down on the retardedness

dexter jester was more in tone with star wars and had more plot relevance than literally anything that happened in TLJ

>Actually my OC is the exception to the rule
>Also its strictly Lawful Good
Is there any more surefire way to classify something as fanfiction?

I was going to post this.

the signal is strong

Didn't Leia show some sensitivity near the end of Empire? It wasn't anything too fancy or visible but that's how the Force is most of the time and I'd say it's enough to count as more than zero.

>Hi, I'm the guy that Disney chose to kick off the new Expanded Universe, I hope you like my novel :)

wasn't he responsible for those godawful star wars books? My friend was complaining about how some guy named chuck was single handily ruining star wars before TLJ came out.
I didn't really give a damn cause i just watch the movies

>Didn't Leia show some sensitivity near the end of Empire?
Anyone who thinks "Waaahhh Leia having Force abilities makes no sense" is retarded. The issue isn't that she's trained as a Jedi (there are 30 years that we know nothing about between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens and Luke knew that she had Skywalker blood; also somehow Ben Solo is Force-sensitive, which is almost certainly a product of Leia's bloodline), it's that the first time we see her using the Force for anything other than sensing the death of her estranged husband (or hearing Luke's call when he's hanging from the bottom of Cloud City) she does something so ridiculous. Plo Koon's starfighter gets blasted out of the sky during Order 66 but who's to say he couldn't survive the explosion? He didn't even need to worry about space.
The problem with "Leia In Space" is that it destroys the emotional impact of the deaths of Force-users who die in starfighters.

And even during the trench run in ANH: we don't need to worry that someone might shoot Luke's X-Wing because the Force can preserve him.
Yeah, that's him.

just texted her for the answer now i have to hear a lecture about how awful he is

To be honest, Staw Woz is fa too PG-13. Apart from the younglings there was no real malevolence shown. No sex slaves, no enslaving/racketeering/coordination of the space mafias with the government, something to make the audience really identify with the poor and tyranised. We would then feel much more the impact of the Jedi triumph. It was merely machinations.

It's true, all of it

I hope whatever superweapon JJ conjures for IX annihilates this planet like alderaan.

It's gonna be a Death Star that looks like a Star Destroyer

True Girt Han sounds fucking rad. Disney ruined star wars with their shit movies

would you describe what Chuck has done to the lore in terms of a certain pair of verbs related to feeding and seeding as they appear on a billboard on his former place of business?

Kylo Ren finds a Jedi Holocron that can destroy what he desires. It grows to Death Star size out of his control and both the Resistance and First Order must join their fleets to destroy it. But only Ren's sacrifice will allow it to be destroyed.

The best part of it is the complete lack of self awareness. They genuinely don't realise they're talking like parodies of themselves.

>KK would have an idea, something she saw on the internet
THEN IT ISN'T HER IDEA. They literally admitted to plagiarizing fanworks

I don't have more pictures sorry :( i only saved the Han one because it was just perfection. The only other one i have is this one, which was the original temple in which Luke resided, and i know that Luke would still have secluded himself a bit, but would've been found in the mid of Ep 7 and taken Kira (now Rey) as an apprentice.

I'm serious,they should have a torture scene where a sith lord has an interrogation suspect bent over. Nobody else can get him to talk (disney shit like Force reading does not exist) so the SSith lord holds the lightsaber handle right before the anus of the suspect. The suspect spits it all out and then the Sith drops a vicious line and all the audience hears is the lightsaber activating.

The idea isn't bad at all, but the execution could've been A LOT better.


WHAT THE FUCK, where is this from?

Also the knights of Ren originally came from George, which were then only known as the Jedi Killers

Oh oh and i just found this one (Guess i still had some left) of what Jakku originally looked like
Way better than Tatooine 2.0

>True Grit [2010]
2010? Two thousand and fucking ten?
Where IS the time going
>In this time, George got cold feet and sold out to Disney and they came up with this new golem and vomited it into the box office for billions
What a cruel world this is

These are awesome, thanks friendo

>Impatient dude
>The edgy loner
>The pugnacious fighter
>The straight man leader who has to deal with the psychos
>The laid back relaxed stoner dude
>The big guy
>Muh honor

The seven samurai. Which is Rogue One too of course.

You're welcome.
I wish i had more, and i know there are some more cool ones, but like i said these are the only ones i saved from a thread some time ago. I mean this would've been infinitely better than what we got :(

what do you guys think was worse - Indy surviving a nuclear explosion in a fridge in The Crystal Skull, or Super Leia?

>I mean this would've been infinitely better than what we got :(

this is worst part. it could have been so good instead of the garbage we got

>the first order designs a giant penis to shoot white phosphorus onto the planet burning it with pure unadulterated patriarchal hate

this would save the series imo


>All these original nice ideas
>Nah let's just remake ANH with current year politics instead :^)

That's why it was one of the few interesting things in TFA.
And that's why they threw it out in TLJ




>Being this new

poor redditor.

That is a creative process for a lot of things. You see a glimpse of something but don't yet know what or if that can be used. That glimpse might be used or left unused, depending on where the story goes.


>we could have had space vietnam

>and crying openly was considered a virtue and proof of a caring heart