Who are some actors you have lost respect for since 2016 Sup Forums?

Who are some actors you have lost respect for since 2016 Sup Forums?

>Someone dislikes the president

Wow, it's fucking nothing

fuck off, Mark is a great human being

lmao btfo how will donny small hands ever recover?

He may be a good guy, but he’s a shit-for-brains.

>implying I ever had respect for any of those degenerates.

Donald Trump behaves like a petulant child.

>having respect from drumpf in the first place

Lost respect for Eastwood since *pic related*

Mark Hamill stole the crown of JUST from Fraser.


And then I lost even more respect for him after *this propaganda piece

This. People who overreact to every tweet he makes aren't petulant children, however.

Can't get over it

Donald Trump

How many of these men are not white or in power??
I feel worst for Haggis for bankrolling and appearing in Going Clear

All of them, except for james woods

>person dislikes trump


jesus, take his orange cock out of your mouths for a second.


Yes, people do overreact to his tweets, but they're not the president. Maybe the president should hold himself to some kind of standard.

>shills trying to discredit Hamill by appealing to Trumptards
Do you idiots still think it's the Alt-Right sabotaging TLJ? Disney did that the moment they gave SW to women.

when are we finally going to get rid of white men once and for all

>WAAAAH the mean ol' actor pointed out that muh god emperor is acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum!
And you wonder why people bully you...

>wahhhh people exist who don't like Le Based Trump
can someone more articulate make clarify this sub-breed of internet kids who all have sycophantic complexes towards right wing authoritarians, have no hobbies except for videogames, and act like they're mentally disabled as loudly as possible?

Who the fuck cares about political opinions of actors in the first place?

results of single motherhood and welfare state

Because he doesn't suck off your President?

Actors are the most important people in the world, and politics are the most important thing in the world. Hairlines are the second most important thing.

Trump is literally proving Wolff's point, so how is Mark wrong exactly?

The important word here.

>when are we finally going to get rid of liberal white men once and for a

He's not wrong, and I wanted Trump to win, and I voted for Brexit. Trump is an inarticulate idiot.

It's the millennial version of rebelling against the system. Because their parents, their peers (who rejected them) and all media is constantly making fun of him, these kids feel the need to support as a way of being counter-cultural.

What would Britain be like if Farage was somehow PM?

>I wanted Trump to win, and I voted for Brexit
How's that buyer's remorse settling in? Is the noose set up yet? Or have you come to the conclusion that you made a shitty mistake and so can learn from it?

Leftism is fundamentally wrong. It deserves to be fought against


Trumpanzee is a retard but when are these high and mighty people high profilers going to walk the walk instead of talk the talk all the time and run for POTUS and show us all how things can be done better.

Oh wait that's the rub.... they won't

Nietzsche was right, don't trust anybody, not a single soul


>Western world literally built on liberalism during the Enlightenment
Conservatives and loyalists were literally the enemy for close to a century...

Don't lie user. If you don't like Trump now, you never liked him. Stop pretending you were a Trump supporter

Yeah but the history books were written by lying leftists so we can't trust them

>you have to run for President to criticize a clearly bad President
Or you know, some people have self-awareness enough to know they can't do the job?

Phew, that's convenient.

John Bo... the nigger from star wars.
he's just a hypocritic pile of brown steamy shit

>Nietzsche was right, don't trust anybody, not a single soul
Except for Donald right?

The liberals have been on a temper tantrum since 2016, hell that Fire and Fury book is nothing but a temper tantrum by the wormiest looking bastard I've ever seen.


>facts about your President are tantrums
I can't wait for this cult to end. Everyone loves Nixon, r-r-right, MAGA?

There's nothing left of Mark now. He's more machine now than man, twisted and evil.

People who don't want to see that garbage 24/7. Celebrities shouldn't be allowed to hold public views on politics.

>Celebrities shouldn't be allowed to hold public views on politics.
I'm sorry free society spergs you out. You realize that nobody forces you to give a shit about their opinions...right? I'm not the one making threads about Mark Hamil because he doesn't pander to my Sup Forumsnigger bullshit.

I'm glad Robin Williams died before all this. I would have hated to have to lose respect for him because deep down I know he would have been a #resistard.

>ur dumb
>no you!
American discussions.

Maybe those parents, peers and the mainstream in general should stop picking such low hanging fruit? It's the same 5 jokes regarding Trump all the time. The man himself is funny, all comedy mocking him isn't.

>Celebrities shouldn't be allowed to hold public views on politics.

What, because they hold opinions your don't like? Normal people can watch Star Wars and not sit there simmering over something Mark Hamill said on Twitter because only autists get so mad that other people have different opinions.

Funny this is when I started to like him.

>I can't like Robin WIlliams anymore if he doesn't like Trump
Fucking listen to how ridiculous you come off.

Theres very little difference between the church of then and liberalism of now

>Picks and chooses what parts of science to believe to benefit it's cult just like the Church picking and choosing what bits of the Bible it liked

Supposedly it's settled that Climate Change exists via Science

Bring up that Niggers are literal retards as proven as science, suddenly science doesn't count anymore

Get a fucking grip

Luke Skywalker was BASED

Jake Skywalker is a SOYBOY

What's he done so far that can be even classed as "bad"? I mean, other than hurt feelings.

It's time we started to just kill people like you.

>It's the same 5 jokes regarding Trump all the time
Plenty of political comedy out there about his policies, shitty press conferences and bizarre behavior.

>The man himself is funny

No he isn't, every time he makes "joke" it's cringe-worthy deflections. He says the same ten things over and over in a random order.

What's the significance of this chair?
Is it a jab at hilldog?

>are literal retards as proven as science, suddenly science doesn't count anymore

Proven by what? Your pictures of graphs and meme images you got from Sup Forums. Get off the internet kiddo, it will do you well.

Nigger, we all support President Trump here.

..this is why you get laughed at and nobody pays any attention to you, faggot.

>just ignore the slander, bruh, trust me, I know how politics work

Trump became the President by talking smack back at people who deserve it.

Stop being such a pussy, God.

The interviews alone are full to the brim of sheer irony.
>T-Trump is mad! Unstable! Childish!
Yet here he is foaming at the mouth trying to shill what amounts to cheap gossip. Sad!


Lol I love it when soy boys project.

I hate how radicalized both sides of the political spectrum have become. You can't go anywhere without someone being obnoxious about politics.

hairlines are third after height. I bet you're a sub6er

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

You don't know what that word means.

Yeah let me just get a second Earth for a control and then tens of millions of years to observe what happens.

You literally cannot refute his point though


t. libtards every day until january 2025

Hehe you think you're the majority?
We're the ones in the majority, we're the ones who are employed.

You're the ones who can't handle reality.

>Sloppy Steve
I love this guy.
>"a version of events that I believe to be true"
He might as well have put a "work of fiction" disclaimer instead.

>sloppy steve
our guy does it again

>soy boy

Found the cuck

>What's he done so far that can be even classed as "bad"? I mean, other than hurt feelings.
You're baiting me, right?
>hurr durrrr hey Kim, me got da big nukes teeheee FIRE AND FURY
>lemme just tax cut the rich, pshhh MERRY CHRISTMAS middle class ;) I said it, so it must be true
>Let's put a few thousand more boots on the ground in Afghanistan
>Hey, Goldman Sachs members are on my cabinet, I'm "draining the swamp" you see
>hey, blue collar coal miners, want me to take away Obama-era environmental protections to cut your medical funding?
>climate change is a literal chinese hoax, so let's be the only first world country doing fuck all about it
>Press is mean waahhh wahhh, let's make Breitbart and Alex Jones news correspondents with Press access to conferences
>please ignore my rape trial that was settled out of court
>please ignore my Trump University settlement out of court, I dindu nuffin
>time to golf for another 30 days
kill yourself.

Take a step back and look at those tweets. You don't even have to read them. Please, go on and tell me Hamill is the one with shit in his brain.

We know, I didn't vote for Trump because I like the guy, I voted for him because of his policies. I hate the man but I have very satisfied with the agenda.

I voted Trump and I'm happy every day that he won, but there is no question he is impulsive and childish so this tweet doesn't make me mad at all.

Your first claim is false and your second is baseless.

No it's built on freedom and individualism. It's why the authoritarians on the left are a danger to Western Civilization.

>criticism is slander
Are you able to critically look at him at all?
>by talking smack back at people who deserve it.
kek, like cripples, war heroes and whistleblowers?

This nation used to be built on the bantz.

Trump is making them lose their shit

I love it

Luke Skywalker was a shit self insert character that was boring as fuck and Trumps tweets are embarrassing the entire nation.

How can something literally be built on liberalism? Did they use words instead of brick and mortar?