What's she excited for

What's she excited for

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high impact sexual violence

I don't know why I love this pic so much

Food. Specifically pizza rolls.

Star asked if she can watch Marco lose his virginity

Damn she thicc



Surely going to Mewni with Marco and not being left behind like the boring, useless, bland plot device she is

Getting written out of the show


>user, what do you mean by that?

Gets to fuck Marco while Star watches.

Getting Marco's Diaz

>Yeah, that's right

Top tier


Yeah! She has a pretty big ass.

Finally taking Marco's v-card.

Just kidding! She did that the first night they had alone.

>Trying to write an origin story fanfic for this character
>So unmotivated probably won't finish till new content comes out and invalidates my head canon
Such is life

What kind of origin story could she have? She's a hot girl in Cali who was probably always oblivious to just how many boys had a crush on her/wanted to plow her and also probably gets creep-shotted on the reg.

star just reassured jackie that she's totally not going to kill her if she does matco

tingly giney

I'm working off the mermaid theory. She was orphaned by the Mewman/Merman war and raised by a borderline beach bum (think Lords of Dogtown but not as greasy). Her name is Jackie Lynn because her dad didn't know how to spell Jacqueline.

She's successfully got rid of Star's body, so now she can finally fuck her man without pesky bugs flying around.

I mean if she's conscious of it that's actually pretty sad

Plus even if she isn't a mermaid she may be homeless and live at the Los Angeles river and/or the Venice beach boardwalk

Are there any girls in Cali like her who aren't airheaded or vain?

Genuinely curious, I will be over there for quite a while pretty soon

Or do girls like Jackie just not exist

I think this is a fantastic time for young boys going through their formative years. This is one quality first cartoon crush and first cartoon boner.

Honestly, I sort of have a crush on her now, which sucks because I'm 18. I kinda wish this show was older just for that reason

But yeah, top tier cartoon crush. A lot of girls voiced by Grey Delisle are like that

Jackie is a plot device. They probably won't even bother fleshing her out with benign stuff, and a "homeless skater girl" angle would demand too much attention to be worth it. Unless they paint homelessness as just a cool thing she does because she's so cool and homes are for losers.

they are becoming rarer but they do exist. San Diego and Huntington Beach are good areas for that.

>I sort of have a crush on her now
Same. I'm old though. Or at least probably too old for Sup Forums.

It doesn't demand an arc. A brief explanation maybe in one episode could show where Jackie is and why she'd feel betrayed, might open up the door for a new role for her, and allow her to be on good terms with the main cast ultimately (and maybe date Tom or something, I don't know)

Why is developing Jackie any less important than developing Tom, who already got over star, Janna, who is just as undeveloped even if she is quirky, Pony Head, who had her own but is still unlikable, or Kelly, who is a complete wild card?

In the grand scheme of things, none of them relate to toffee or the main plot. This show does have other smaller storylines you know.

That's cool, I'll be in coastal LA and San Diego for a while, let's see where that goes

The homelessness of one of the characters isn't going to be used as a half-assed catalyst for brief teen drama and then glossed over. It's a little too serious.

Then it'll take 2 episodes idk

We don't even know if she is homeless, just that she's a venice beach girl who may have lived by the river and only shops at salvation thrift shops.

That depends, are you going to a liberal part of California?

>We don't even know if she is homeless
We know she's not. We don't even need it confirmed. It's not happening.

Well coastal LA and San Diego, so... yes

Better than San Francisco though, right?

Best of luck friend.


LA sucks donkey dicks, go to Universal Studios if you must.
Best beach in San Diego area is La Jolla shore, just get there early because parking tends to be nuts.

I can't explain what doesn't exist.

Idk, I kinda like the vibe of most of the city apart from downtown Hollywood.

Then again I've only been there once before this and I'm from New York so you'd know more than I would.
It just seems like a nice change of scenery.

>Don't downplay my situation, user!


>these fucking thighs
How can Star even compete?

By spiking Marco's drinking water with bug pheromones. She's gotta use her natural advantages.

By being from another dimension and also being royalty?

Her dad is getting out of jail.


I just finished the first season and got spoiled that she and Marco get together, does that mean she becomes less of a shallow character or does she stay boring?

Here's the thing. She definitely feels more like a person in season 2. What she admires in Marco is explored, and she is incredibly supportive. I think she has a lot of potential, but the show artificially restricts how much time she has in order to show just how much closer Marco is to Star than Jackie, despite how much Jackie tries to do for him. Whether she is boring or not in season 2 varies from person to person, but she is pretty important. She feels more like a person with feelings now, but still lacks a certain amount of agency which I hope they give her at least some of in season 3.

>the show artificially restricts
user the whole show is artificial. Her screentime isn't guaranteed or something. The writers have a story that they're trying to tell and they are telling it. It's just that even as Marco's girlfriend, she just isn't important to the plot beyond causing Star to suffer.

It's the Star show but that doesn't mean other character's lives or ambitions aren't important if they tie back in some way. Buff Frog got episodes to himself without Star for corn's sake.

I say "artificially" because Marco still appears on screen a lot, and his girlfriend is hardly an afterthought in his mind at any point. Though I suppose this makes sense considering very little of 2B even had Marco as a main character. It's largely the Star show; even Marco takes a backseat to that.

I refuse to watch season 1 again, but as far as I remember she barely spoke and was mostly seen not heard. The foundation of her characterization doesn't change, but it gets a little more fleshed out as she and the main characters start interacting more. The show hasn't gone too in depth with her yet but there are a couple of moments when she ventures outside her "chill sk8er girl" shallow character archetype from season 1.

Pretty much this. I wouldn't say that the people arguing "little character development" are wrong, but that's because she had absolutely nothing to develop in season 1. Back then, she was literally a background character/pawn that many think she is right now. What the show did do is give her some needed characterization when relevant, while leaving many details omitted because Marco still doesn't know all that much about her. But now that she has a decent presence in his immediate life, we can now know some of her quirks and feelings.

Season 3 is the time to develop the character that has now been established, especially now that Jackie actually has her first conflict of her own. Whether or not they do it remains to be seen.

Ok I guess this just became a general Jackie thread

Have some cute Jackies in alternative outfits!


Has she had any funny moments

She sure has a lot of flattering fan art

post jackie weight gain fics

This is true. As in, actually happened. At least by the Livestream Q&A canon

I believe you but I'm gonna need some saucerino.

This is when she found that Star and Marco are just friends

I hate how they denied all of Marco's adventure and growth on that episode.

>Jackie is a plot device
No she isn't, stop using the word "plot device" incorrectly.

I'm a Jackiefag but I think he's right

What, you mean retconned it?
The implications were a bit too serious for a Disney cartoon I guess

Post the gif

Getting fat when she's older.

Did the one user from the high-level degeneracy threads ever finish the story he was talking about, the one where Star starts to fatten up Jackie to peel her away from Marco?

>homeless Jackie
I'm gonna need some art and fics for this, I crave the suffering

Im kinda compelled to make some

What if Jackie was addicted to heroin

Who's to say she isn't now

Do it user, this thread needs you lack of OC is what killed the Jaccie/Degeneracy threads, people would bring up cool ideas but people were too inexperienced/lazy to make them. I'm grateful to the creators we did have, and I put a lot of blame on myself for not contributing more stories/greens, but I want the good times to come back

I mean she could be, but her relaxed demeanor suggests she's probably more into weed or another depressant. I'd totally like to see junkie Jackie though.

Jackie is a fatty

And that's the way she likes it

Does anyone have that cheesecake Jackie greentext saved by some miracle? That was one of the best.

The one where she eats the whole thing? Yeah, that was hot, sadly I don't have it though.

Found it, let's turn this thread around

>It's been a couple days since Star did that weird dance whose very motions seemed to speak to some sort of forbidden nature, her wand pulsing with a virulent emerald beauty
>Jackie, never one to fret over the trivial things, much less Star's antics, paid it no mind.
>The effects were subtle, even to Jackie herself. A few extra bites here, an extra sip there.
>But as she rode her trusty skateboard home on that cloudy Friday afternoon, something was definitely different.
>With each sidewalk seam her board's wheels bounced over, a shiver seemed to pulse through her midsection. The closer she got to home, the more these shudders began to associate.
>Jackie had taken an extra bag of chips at lunch, something she had done numerous times in the past. But it had always meant that, even by dinnertime, she wasn't exactly famished.
>As she rolled up to her front door, fished her set of housekeys out of her helmet, and opened the door, she shouted and announced her presence.
>Silence. Mr. Thomas would be out of town until Sunday night, and the hardworking Mrs. Thomas was prone to staying a while after work to shore up some unfinished business.
>Jackie leaned her skateboard against the entryway wall and trotted briskly to the kitchen, eager to find something to tide over her protesting stomach until dinner.
>Throwing open the fridge, as is customary for teens her age, her survey stopped midway down the racks.
>A cheesecake, adorned in strawberries certainly fresh from the neighbor's garden, sat immaculately in the very center of the fridge. Its flowing surface sat nearly a foot wide; Mrs. Thomas had used her special 11 inch pan usually reserved for special occasions.
>Her gaze breaking from the lightly moist cream, Jackie quickly fetched a plate, a fork, and a knife from the kitchen drawers.
>She cut herself a modest piece, and carefully lifted it from its glass throne, being careful not to let it break apart.

>Carrying the plate up to her room, she set it on her desk while she fished in her backpack for her chemistry homework.
>Usually Marco was good for the answers, but Jackie liked to at least make a little headway before dejectedly texting her red-hoodied amigo for some much needed assistance.
>Setting her notebook next to her school-loaned laptop, Jackie set to work eating her slice of cheesecake.
>It was simply divine; the chilly and goopy cream cheese sat in stark contrast to the crispness of the crushed graham cracker crust.
>With every swallow, Jackie felt her stomach's protests quiet, just a bit. Before she knew it, she was shoveling the last bite into her mouth.
>Setting her plate and silverware aside, Jackie swiveled her chair back to face her task at hand
>Before she could even open the well-doodled notebook, he felt a rumble and a light gurgle from a belly that by all rights should be satisfied
>Jackie pushed the feeling aside and set to work. But with every few words she tried to parse, her mind would dart back to that cheesecake. Its supple mass interjected every sentence about covalent bonding rules.
>Jackie unconsciously bit her lip with one side of her mouth, her focus deteriorating with every mental image of those juicy strawberries perched atop the thick, moist, sweet...
>She stood up suddenly, grabbing her place settings, and marched back out to the shimmering refrigerator. She grabbed the chilly pan out of the fridge, and moved to cut herself a thin slice to take the last of the edge off.
>Instead of a knife, however, her distraction had caused her to grab a fork instead. Its 4-pronged body now sat protruding from the rest of the supple cheesecake.
>Jackie's hand began to shake, her eyes going glossy as she pivoted the fork and broke off a piece directly from the pan.

>Before the nugget was even fully in her mouth, she found herself rushing back to her bedroom cradling her mother's prized pan in one arm. The knife, still clinging to a few stray crumbs, sat laying alone on the kitchen counter.
>Bite after bite, Jackie shoveled pieces of the cheesecake one after another into her seemingly limitless maw. Her heart was beating heavily in her slim but endowed chest, and her breathing became ragged.
>The cream was unbearably saccharine, and Jackie could feel her stomach filling with every bite of the dense, sweet filling. Every once in a while, she would feel a brief twinge surge from her nethers. Jackie paid this no mind.
>When nearly three quarters of the pan lay empty save for some lingering crumbs and dollops of cream cheese, Jackie's trembling hands and great haste sent her trust fork flying deep under her desk.
>There was no pause to consider what to do next. Her stomach protesting, Jackie's glazed eyes watched as one of her manicured hands plunged fingers-first into the remaining cheesecake. Its surface seemed to part as they approached, inviting those quivering digits to come in.
>The first handful of cream and cracker met Jackie's lips with tense glee, and her dirtied hand mindlessly returned to the pan to receive yet another treasure.
>As the final ragged piece of cheesecake emerged from the pan, Jackie felt her heartbeat in her overextended stomach. While certainly not a world class feast, it was far more than she had eaten in a long time, much less in one sitting. The sweet, heavy cream sat inert in her slightly bloated stomach, and her already slim-fitting shirt rode up ever so slightly to expose a hint of belly button.

>After slowly licking her new handy tool clean of its pale creamy coating, Jackie let out a great sigh. Her heart and breathing had not slowed one bit, and her eyes darted back and forth between the empty pan and her painfully tense belly. Her undirtied hand found itself slowly but deliberately rubbing her abused tummy.
>Just as the reality of what Jackie had done set in, she heard a door open downstairs and her mother's trademark announcement that she was home.
>Jackie sat up quickly, sending a jolt through he well-packed mass of her stomach. In one athletic motion, she slid the pan into her closet, opened her laptop, and grabbed a blanket from her bed to hide the faintly pulsating mass resting beneath her breasts.
>Mrs. Thomas knocked at her door a couple minutes later, and without waiting for an answer she opened it to the sight of her wonderful daughter "working" diligently on her schoolwork.
>Mrs. Thomas' pleazed gaze turned taciturn as she remembered the reason for her visit.
>"Jackie, dear, do you know what happened to my cheesecake that was in the fridge?" Jackie's mind began to race, albeit sluggishly from a mix of exhaustion and....arousal?
>Jackie sputtered out an answer, stuttering a few times as she quickly explained how her friends had all come over after school famished and she had selflessly offered them a piece of her mother's expert dessertcraft. Jackie had always had a skill for defusing situations, particularly with her own parents.
>Jackie's mom considered this for a second, and then perked up. "Oh, wonderful!" she exclaimed, turning around and walking out.
>As she went back down the hallway, Mrs. Thomas singsongily declared "I guess I'll just make another!" Jackie's heart fluttered.

That was surprisingly hot, wtf


Retconned's not the right word, but he remembers very little of it. He's almost definitely kept the skills he gained though.

Right, and that's what will be exploited later on. I doubt they have plans to bring up the ramifications of being away for 16 years without telling anyone/worrying again, unless they're trying to provide cases as to why Jackie should break up with Marco.

I support this theory
>used to live by the river
>only shops at thrift stores
>likes to eat marco's nuggers
>is relaxed to hide her stress

Someone post the gif of Gustav forcefeeding Angie cake, it always gives me a boner

No, this is a Jackie thread

This is a good thread



It's talked about in the episode that, while he experienced 16 years, he was only gone for around eight minutes iirc in real time. Time travels much faster in Hekapoo's dimension.

Jesus, Jackie seriously wants Marco.
Like it's weird how badly she's fallen for him now.
This breakup's gonna hurt her more than Marco, will it

Yes, but Marco didn't know that till it was over. Not once in 16 years did he consider his life back on Earth, with his family, his friends, Jackie, or even Star herself.