Did she really love him?

Did she really love him?

As much as anyone else can love another person.

Yes she did. She was programmed to love him.


What do you think human DNA is?
It's organic programming code for humans

Sure, maybe. If love means ‘wishing the good for someone’ it certainty seems she did that, albeit not by choice

A and C and T and feels.

It doesn't matter if the love she expressed for K was sincere or just a result of her program. It was real to K, and that's all that mattered.

Yes she did, she was programmed to, but neither humans nor replicants actually have free will. It's an illusion.

well said

gotta check the line in the code what is the algorithm for "if input(i love you) then print(i love you too)" or some shit like that

this one is better

No. The movie makes it a thematic point that humanity is based around your own agency and ability to make decisions for yourself, and JOI can't do that. Her entire existence was based around telling K what he wanted to hear.

How does a normal relationship differ from a replicant dating a hologram, truly?

No she loved jews

kek at the middle Goose one


Fuck that's pretty deep senpai.

I don't care if she did. I'm convinced he bought her as an expensive cigarette lighter. Anything after was just a bonus

That's what your mom said last night.

Did the giant version of her love him?