David Letterman on Netflix

Couldn't he just do an hour and fifteen of genuine stand-up? What does 'this' need to be left-wing circle jerk series? Fuck off.


Like we really need to hear an Malalala WhatsHerFace interview

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Stick to Bing Bang Theory, kid.

malala is a savage towelhead

Remember when Letterman was fucking his really young female interns that worked on his show and had to apologize on national television because he was being extorted for large sums of money. In case you forgot:


Wow such "interesting" guests.

looking forward to the obama stern and jay z ones muchly, letterman was and is my favorite late show host, was the only watchable one besides leno and occasionally kimmel

Why is he trying to ruin his legacy?

>listening to a 20 year old muslim bitch

Surprised he didnt get #metoo'd. Must be a legit nice guy

>left-wing circle jerk
Insufferable white trash detected.

He spent years being both apolitical and unfunny, being a kind of metaphor that reflected a developed worlds desire to stick its fingers in its ears and ignore everything and tune out.
Then someone comes along whos cool to hate and didnt start wars killing millions and this guy who only used his platform prior to shill hollywood dross decides to bravely join the chorus.
I hope you get rectal cancer letterman you nothing stooge.

>it’s a late night comedian that hasn’t been on network tv for a while is now growing facial hair episode

David Letterman is great. He was a very real late night host that didn't put on some unfunny persona: he was genuinely just funny.

I'll watch this.

He is and forever will be an insufferable smug cunt and I'm glad he got BTFO out by Leno.

I'm a pajeet and I also hate Netflix injecting leftist identity politics into everything. Fight me, commie

I don't watch late night anymore, everyone tries to be Jon Stewart these days. I've been watching Letterman's old Late Night episodes from the 80s on YouTube though. They brilliant and haven't aged a bit. I always liked Letterman and watched his CBS show growing up but it's pretty clear he stopped putting effort into it somewhere down the line.

Anyway, I'll probably check his Netflix show out. It beats Colbert.

same. i don't watch aziz ansari or any of that because i am just a few years younger and also went ot NYU and coul dhabve easily been in his position.

you can really take advantage of this race-baiting liberal shit as a minority. no wonder fucks like ajit pai and bobby jindal come from?

Amazing how easily upset the right wing tards get. Just ANNOUNCING a show with a liberal host upsets you faggots

>David Letterman on Netflix

Good one

Go watch some e-celebs kid.

Pretty based.

Letterman is probably the biggest loser cuck in history. The guy is pathetic.

>No Norm