/who/ - Doctor Who General

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Reminder that Judy is actually musician Stefan Burnett posting anonymously in an elaborate shitposting/gaslighting scheme.

What fucking color is her jacket.

It's light blue.

Is The Tomb of the Cybermen the best non-crossover story prior to Tom Baker's entrance?

Mild Purple

jodie's outfit is a clear blue/yellow palette, with yellow-tinted rainbow accents. It's a pretty simple and functional color scheme, I don't know how people are so confused

There's tons of pre-Tom kino, of which a good chunk are as good or better than Tomb.

dis her?

Here's the concept art.

Tomb isn't even the best Troughton story. What exactly do you mean by 'non-crossover', I'm struggling to think of what that excludes apart from The Mind Robber (which technically crosses over with other works of fiction). Or did you mean crossover as in regeneration story?

I'm assuming he means The Three Doctors or something?

I'd heard Tomb listed as Two's best, and Two described as the best Doctor before Tom so I wondered if it happened to also be the best.

Can you list some of the best pre-Tom stories then?

I meant The Three Doctors, and any other similar ones if they happen to be slipping my mind.

To be fair the lighting on the reveal picture is shit so it washes out the blue in her jacket leading to some confusion

she somehow looks cool as hell

glittergun had a nice dick for a cutfag

Fuck no. There are so many 60's/Early 70's stories that outdo Tomb of the Cybermen by a wide margin. Just off the top of my head: An Unearthly Child, The Edge of Destruction, The Aztecs, The Time Meddler, The Tenth Planet, The Power of the Daleks, The Web of Fear, The Enemy of the World, The Mind Robber, The War Games, literally every story in Season 7, Carnival of Monsters, just to name a few.
>Non crossover
Are you suggesting that The Three Doctors is the best pre-Tom story? Because that was the single example of a crossover that occurred.

t. Cats

>the lighting on the reveal picture is shit so it washes out the blue in her jacket
fuck me it's that fucking dress all over again

I tried toning down the warm light a bit but it's not really that easy given the strong yellow rim light on the left side of her

Who told you Tomb is Two's best? There was a time before the tapes of the episode were found when it was considered a lost masterpiece, but fan opinion on it has dropped considerably since it was found. It still has its fans though. It's not a bad story by any means, just not exactly a pillar of classic Who.

She look good. Who she kissing in the show?

>mfw Jodie wears that in a formal-wear episode
>the lighting is terrible and the entire episode consists of people arguing whether the dress is white and gold or blue and black

Fuck off

For my money The War Games is the best pre-Tom episode, and I'd also rank it above every single Tom episode bar City of Death.

it's also a pretty desaturated photo so the light blue with yellow light just looks silver

Two is usually described as the best Doctor purely on the basis of how brilliant Troughton was in the part, not necessarily because he had the best run of stories.
Tomb is nice, but had a period (now mostly ended, I think) of being severely overrated by fandom, possibly for its iconic "cybermen emerging from tomb sequence". It has plenty of flaws as well. The Mind Robber, The Enemy of the World, and The War Games are all superior Trout stories off the top of my head.

I would still say that Tomb is a classic Trout story, but there are so many that are as good or better.
>The Power of the Daleks
>The Macra Terror
>The Evil of the Daleks
>The Enemy of the World
>Fury from the Deep
>The Mind Robber
>The Invasion
>The War Games

That's just off the top of my head. Like I said, I still love Tomb. It's top 10 Trout material for me, but these ones are just as worth checking out, even if some of them don't fully exist.


>She questions things that haven’t been questioned in a really long time, which is fun.” Bill will also be openly gay. “It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st century. It’s about time, isn’t it?”

>She maintains a vigorous Twitter account which doesn’t shy away from tweets of a political bent, referencing Black Lives Matter and talking about both Trump and Brexit.

>“I just think you can’t not have an opinion about the current state of the world and if I’ve got a slight platform to raise awareness about things, then that’s a great thing to use it for.”

Powerful stuff.

Not even sure if this is the same coat from the original costume reveal pic, I guess the lighting is just fucked to hell making it look brown. But anyway, it looks much better blue.


Fuck off

You know I messing with yall
You know dat

English people they good people. I like them
Its all good

You mustn't die, /who/.

Who do you think the best and worst actors to play the Doctor are /who/? Not your favourites, but who you think had the most and least skill as actors. Ranking would be neat!

The War Games is the best serial, period, imo.

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name. Also, if you write in Shit Trips 2.5, Doctor Who will crash her TARDIS into you house, and sing you a Yorkshire lullaby.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

>tfw missy didn't appear in 12's last moments like the rest of his companions

This is a great question and I also have a slightly entertaining answer.
Sylvester McCoy is without a doubt in my mind the least talented actor to play the Doctor. He's also my single favourite Doctor.
Conversely, I think Peter Davison and David Tennant are among the most technically skilled actors to play the Doctor, but they're both among my least favourites.
I wouldn't be able to fully accurately rank all the Doctors in terms of skill, because I associate them with only one performance, but based purely on the talent they show in playing the Doctor:

Peter Capaldi
David Tennant
Patrick Troughton
Matt Smith
Christopher Eccleston
Peter Davison
Paul McGann
Colin Baker
Tom Baker
William Hartnell
Jon Pertwee
Sylvester McCoy

This list seems wrong to me desu, and it's hard because it's so based on what each Doctor was given to do by the scripts and direction.

Oh yeah forgot to ask, what do you think on the subject?

>This list seems wrong to me desu
it's because you put tennant above smith, eccleston and mcgann

I say that because I don't think any of those actors could carry something like Human Nature / The Family of Blood as well as Tennant. I also don't think they could carry an accent for their entire runs as well as Tennant did. But yeah, I like every one of those Doctors you listed more than I like Ten.

McCoy's a tricky one, some scripts he's deployed super well, others...hm...he's not like Troughton or Smith who'll always bring baseline competence and try to make the script work.

I'd say NewWho pushes actors more than Classic Who so it's natural to rank some of the Classic Doctors lower even though in their other work they might outpace some of the newer Doctors. And someone like Tennant I think is magnificent out of Doctor Who, but he rarely blew me away on Who. Capaldi and Eccleston were probably the most consistently strong actors on the show imo. Hurt too, if you wanted to count that.

Ahem. *lowers voice* You ahhhh, seem to have forgotten Hurt. *looks worryingly at Neo* *adjusts tie*

I'm hurt you forgot Hurt

1. Troughton
2. Hurt
3. Capaldi
4. Eccleston
5. Smith
6. Tennant
7. McGann
8 .Davison
9. T. Baker (let's be honest, he mostly just played himself and bullshitted it with sheer charisma)
10. Pertwee
11. Hartnell
12. C. Baker
13. McCoy


He's obviously number one, which is part of why I didn't include him in my ranking.

This is better than my list, but I'd still but Hurt and Capaldi above Troughton.

Oh, companion question, who do you think are the most and least skilled actors to play companions?

I actually think there's a pretty intuitive answer for number #1, but am interested in other people's thoughts first

>I actually think there's a pretty intuitive answer for number #1
jenna right?

Yep, I think she's unparalleled.
As for worst...take your pick!

They're all so bad...

...Lis Sladen? She was utterly convincing in everything she did, be it Doctor Who or SJA. But I also thought Jacqueline Hill, Katy Manning, Billie Piper, Catherine Tate and ESPECIALLY Jenna Coleman were all really impressive. Nic Courtney was an absolute juggernaut as well, if you're counting him.

Post yfw you remember that the next Doctor is a chick

Classic: Lis Sladen
New: Jenna Coleman

Classic: Too many to fucking choose.
New: Freema Agyeman


Good thoughts!


>Freema Agyeman
It can't be!
In all seriousness, while she's by no means unwatchable, I thought some of the kids on SJA were better actors than her.

Freema's good in other stuff too, but just outclassed by Tate, Coleman, etc, so she falls down in the lists.

Clara > Donna > Amy > Bill > Martha > Rose

Everybody except Luke and Maria are over 20

Everyone younger than me is a kid.

>the next Doctor is a chick

The Cloisters are older than everyone here

I know more than a few anons that are older than me, and think TheOther might be too? I'm 23 (well, 25 in Korean age!).

umm excuse me could you please not degrade women by using a misogynistic slur like "chick"?

Never said they weren't.

Korean age is different? wat

>25 in Korean age

Are you fucking retarded? chick isn't a fucking slur m8

In Korea, when you're born you're counted as 1 years old already, not "0".
Then, instead of turning your next age on your birthday, everyone clocks over to the age they will turn that year on New Year's Day.

So although I'm 23 in western age, I would have been 24 last week (since I would have been 1 when I was 0, so 2 when I was 1, etc), then 25 when New Year's Day happened, since I will turn 24 in western years this year, but the added +1 from being a baby stacks onto that.

Basically you're always at least 1 or 2 years older here than you would be anywhere else. I don't know why they do it, but they do!

Fuck off Cats

"chick" is a degrading term for a female, used by sexist pigs that think women are objects

ur cute when you act all welltravelled like that :p


Oh God.

slut and whore are are degrading, chick is fucking fine

u can call me a slut if you want :p

Please stop mansplaining to me you fucking pig. I think I know what's degrading to my own gender.

post nudez

Dippy broad.

This horrific trip OC autism has its moments

think you can handle them? :p

jesus christ


glittergun pls

tfw no glittergun twink companion
yfw this is just an elaborate scheme for user to justify posting his own nudes on /who/

G-guys, can we just talk about how comfy City of Death is?


which doctors do you ship together, jikan?

dumb bitch

GOAT score.

2 and 3, 2 and 4, 5 and 6.

>it's a autism oc trip thread

I don't care if one of them is my ideal qt japanese, Key to Time loving woman. This is just too autistic for me.

Do you really find this standard of posting adequate? "GOAT score"; are you even capable of communicating like an adult, or not in bastardized "trendy" online colloquialisms?